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Okay well today's your birthday so...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!13 years ago on this day you made your mom scream her lungs out for your bitchass lmao. YOU BETTER READ ALL OF THIS. Okay so i don't even know where to start off but first your my bestfriend and i love you. we've been through so much shit together and i love you to death. I know i've done stupid shit to you so i'm sorry. We've only known each other since 6th grade but you already mean everything to me. we didn't really talk at first but then you thought i stole your pencil and that's where it all began. in room 328 for Mr. Mujicas science class on 08.28.12. i hate that we only have one class together. Damn dude i miss last year when we had at least two classes together and sat next to each other and we had like almost every lunch together. Anyway i really hope you know im here for you no matter what your going through. even if were fighting or something, i will be there bc i fucking love you. Nothing is going to change that, I promise. through out the past year and 7 months that ive known you you've been an amazing guy. your perfect in so many different ways Nicolas. im glad I met such an amazing person like you. I love you. okay well your like the most perfect bestfriend in the universe. I honestly cant imagine my life going on without you. last week when you told me that your dad was going to text you if you were leaving or not I got so nervous. you just telling me that scared the living shit out of me. but after school when you told me that you weren't leaving I honestly believe I was the happiest person in the world at the moment like words don't even come close to being able to explain how happy I was at the moment. Your like the only true bestfriend I really have. you listen to me, you care about me, and you love me and that all I really care about. you are the greatest guy I have met yet. you give my life a purpose. you don't just take advantage of our friendship. you don't understand how much of an amazing person you are. yes, you can be a dick at times but I really don't give a fuck I still love you. you touch the hearts of everyone you meet. you touched mine for sure. out of every bestfriend I have had in my entire life your the nicest/greatest/truest one. you've made an effet on my life that will be impossible to take back. okay umm... ill do anything just to make you happy. I cant picture my life without you. just the thought of knowing that one day when were little old cripple people we wont talk or even know each other is scary and makes me nerves asf. everything is going to change one day, but for now im just going to appreciate you and everything you've done for me. Meeting you was fate. having a guy bestfriend is amazing bc you don't tell anyone my secrets, you don't get your period and get bitchy, you stick up for me no matter what, you aren't a two faced bitch, your just the perfect guy bestfriend. I know for a fact that your my bestfriend bc you know everything about me and I know everything about you. your the first person I want to tell when something amazing happens. your my go to person when ive had a bad day. you listen when I have to talk to you. you know when im down just by the look on my face. all these little reasons are why your my bestfriend. your perfect in every possible way. I love that you know me. I love that we have the same sense of humor. I love that your never awkward around me. I love that you make me laugh no matter what mood im in. I love how you trust me. I love how I can trust you. I love knowing you. I pretty much just fucking love you Nicolas. Your my bestfriend/babe/bby/faggot/brother/everything/other half. that pencil brought us together, nothing is going to pull us apart. God bless paper mate. no one on this planet is ever going to be good enough to replace you. Not Daniella not Dianeliz, no one. your one in a million. your my one and only. no one on this planet will ever replace you, I swear it. I will take the memories of you to my grave. Meeting you was just one of the amazing perks of buying that pencil. your my everything dude. the moment you walked in to my life I knew you were going to make everything better. I knew you would affect everything. you have made my life better in every possible way. I honestly cant explain to you in any other way what you mean to me. you mean everything to me. there's never been a moment since ive known you that ive felt alone, like there was no one there bc you have always been there. there is no possible way to explain to you in words what you mean to me. I know I can be a bitch at times so im sorry for the times I have been. if I have ever told you that I hate you I just want you to know that I lied. theres never going to be a day in my life when I would hate you. on this day we have officially known each other for 555 days. that means that in 190 days it will be our 2 year anniversary. your not the person that I have known the longest from the people I care about the most, that's Daniella, but you are the person I can trust the most . I normally don't let people in, I cant trust easily but with you it was different. I started trusting you like 1 month after I met you. that's how I knew that you were going to extremely important to me. and im glad you let me in too bc now I know how much of an amazing you are. No matter what happens between us in the future I just want you to know that you mean everything to me and that I love you with every single cell in my body. and I just want to thank you for not believing me when I told you it was my pencil, for being an amazing friend, amazing bestfriend, amazing brother. you've given my life a reason. I hate when we are not together. idk why, I just do. Like I cant stand being away from my bestfriend. i love you to death. no matter what happens between us I will always love you. I need you to know that. Thank you for being there for me no matter what, for listening to all my bullshit, for sticking up for me, and for making me happy. Happy Birthday Nicolasi honestly hope you have an amazing day. I hope you actually read the whole thing. if you didn't you probably wont read this but w.e. So yeah happy birthday and I love you Nicolas Elias Soto Rodriguez.
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