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Early Greek philosophy:
A) Milesian School – Thales (water), Anaximenes (air), Anaximander (boundless, infinitive)
B) Eleatics – Parmenides (nothing can change, What is the nature of being?, reason is more important than sense), Xenophanes (rejected polytheism, representative of pantheism), Zeno of Elea (arguments against motion, paradoxes)
C) Pythagoras (arche = number, dualism – separated soul and body, invented the word philosopher)
D) Heraclitus (Panta Rhei, world is characterised by opposites, arche = fire)
E) Atomists – Democritus, Leucippus – pluralism (small indivisible atoms that differ in shape, posture and order, constantly move and lock together in the void)
F) Empedocles (4 elements, distinguished between substance and force – love and strife = dualist), Anaxagoras (infinite minute particles – seeds, force that creates order = nous) – pluralists and partially dualists
G) Sophists – focus on people, rhetoric, paid teachers, Gorgias (nihilism), Protagoras (relativism, linguist), Prodicus (semantics, origin of the religion), Critias (religion created by people to frighten them)
H) Socrates – socratic method (asking until conclusion is reached), 2 worlds-world of wisdom that one cannot grasp and everyday reality, politics – perfect republic is ruled by perfect philosophers, criticised Athenian democracy,
I) Plato – dialogues (with Socrates being in each of those), Republic (workers, warriors, rulers), world of ideas (things are perfect, universals) and physical world
J) Aristotle – the world’s most important logician (syllogism), disagreed with world of universals by saying that universals are always attached to material things (early rationalism vs. empiricism), 4 causes,

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