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Danganronpa Ocs

Ultimate Gravekeeper:
Ryou's parents were an older man and a young woman, and they had a great childhood. Their mother later died in a hit and run, and a few years later their father died in a hospice. Ryou had spent a long time in the graveyard with their mother, reading her books and creating things for her. They felt deep sorrow that their death had been violent and unfair. When their father died, they were not sad at all, because they perceive death to be peaceful. That's why they keep a graveyard, they tend a garden there of black, white, and gray roses, hand sculpt the graves, leave origami near the stones, and they do this for free. They're a very creative person, and have a deep hatred of murder, because death isn't supposed to be forced. Besides that, they are cordial, but isolated, they enjoy solitude, but accepted the invite to the school because they were interested in learning about others and started experiencing a melancholy loneliness.

Ryou is also very masochistic, they love pain. They would never inflict on onto someone else though. They have carved three x's into their throat as well. And have bandages to cover their burns and scars, because they don't want to force their private choices onto others, they keep it quiet. They were adopted from an orphanage as well, and suffered a severe eye infection that left partially blind in their right eye, so they keep it covered. They don't really like company, but they will always spend time with people who seem lonely or upset, and love giving little gifts to people. Like paintings and origami, or even flowers (ones in a pot, because they don't want to kill them)

Ryou is very offended by people who actively search for ghosts, they think it's disrespectful to the wandering spirits and that it disturbs their peace. They really hate the "catching ghosts" tv shows.

By the way, Ryou is okay with talking about their father's passing, but refuses to speak about their mother

Ultimate Baker:
So this character is supposed to be the Ultimate Baker, and I modeled her hair after whipped cream and her dress after a big cake. She's very maternal, and has a habit of mothering everybody, not noticing their discomfort. Of course, she loves baking, and before the Killing Game she pampered her classmates with cakes a little too often. She doesn't reveal this at first, because it's considered shameful, but she's a teenage mother. She has a daughter (who you can name). Whenever somebody dies, she refuses to investigate because she can't function once seeing someone she loves corpse. So she goes to the kitchen and won't stop baking, it's her coping mechanism, so she would be silent most class trails. She's quick to be attached, and has a hard time seeing bad in anyone, and whenever it's voting time, she always votes for herself because she won't send someone else to death.

Her mother wasn't from Japan, but her father was. Her first name is Ginger, so you can find her last name. Her hair is white, her eyes are teal, and I made her corset brown FOR CHOCOLATE, and yes, I know it's unfitting. Ginger isn't very fashionable.

Ultimate Attorney/ Ultimate Copycat:
There were two sisters, Kamiko and Mahri. They lived in a chaotic home, where domestic violence occurred frequently, typically directed at Mahri, the less intelligent of the fraternal twins. Kamiko suffered abuse, but she was also the Golden Child, and a successful attorney as a teenager. She worked hard to bring criminals to justice, and drove home to hand her earnings over to her parents and listen to her sister get beaten in the back of the house.

Mahri was envious of her sister, but loved her deeply. Kamiko would buy her jewelry and makeup, which she always had to hide. For when we escape, her sister would always say. Mahri had felt useless her entire life, and had no identity, so she would take on the persona of others. Teachers at school, a neighbor, people on the tv, to feel empowered or away from her real life. She had no special talent.

One night, Kamiko had brought home meager earnings, because she had secretly bought a car to take Mahri and herself away with. They had planned this for months, and Mahri had everything she owned tied in an old shirt. She was listening closely, because this was the final night.

Their mother was enraged, highly suspicious Kamiko had used the money on herself. She screamed about how selfish she was.

Kamiko ended up dying, it was an accident, her mother had been choking her in a frenzy, and she was suffocated. Mahri ran into the bathroom and pulled out a picture of a Queen from an old book, and painted her face to match the woman's makeup. She was now a strong and respected royal lady. She wasn't Mahri. That night she escaped.

She stole a suit and a tie. She stole hairspray and perfume. She stole a purse and a bundle of cash. She impersonated her dead sister. She had died and Kamiko had lived. She was able to dye her hair blonde and continue her facade. Continuing her sister's work, she was scouted by an elite school, given the name of the Ultimate Attorney. But she's no lawyer, she's a copycat.

About her:
Mahri is a bit shorter than her twin was, and much skinnier. She has a suppressed vibrant personality, abstractly rebellious. She has a sloppy, cheap star tattooed over her breasts, and two smaller star tattoos on both her wrists that trace the veins up to the main black star. She isn't good with hairstyles, and has choppy, frizzy hair she attempts to calm down with hairspray, which rarely works. She and her twin both had golden eyes. She wears tight black pants, red heels, and a khaki colored suit jacket that's a little too baggy, and half way untucked from her pants. She has snake bite piercings, which confuses her peers, not really understanding why such a modest girl would portray herself as strangely as that. Her hair is naturally black, while her sister's was blonde. She keeps it dyed, but her black roots are still visible, which people normally brush off as Kamiko just preferring blonde hair over black, and keeping it colored that way.

Murder motive:
Obviously, Mahri has a deep seated resentment of her parents, especially her mother. There could potentially be a fellow Ultimate who resembles her, and whenever they snap with frustration, her PTSD is triggered. Later that night, she unbuttons her suit and washes out her hair dye. She pours glitter over her pants and wraps bandages over her flat chest. She ruffles her hair, and grabs a bat. She ditches her sister's persona, for her own, because Mahri wants to kill her mother, Kamiko was too good for that. She catches them alone, after inviting them to the storage closet to discuss the powers of perception she learned as a lawyer, and how to use it in a trial. Then she beats them to death. After this, she tries to cover up the crime the best she can, because she has a new drive to escape and murder her real parents.

She's in a house of mirrors and each time she sees one, it shows another costume of her. She's running, because she hears the sound of banging and screams in the background, much like her home life. As she delves deeper into the house, the mirrors start to become shattered and the personas she has copied are rotting. At the end of the house, there is one more mirror. It is fogged up and has a black question mark sprayed on it. As in, "Who really are you?" hinting to how she's always ran away from who she really is. She wipes off part of the mirror and sees a woman behind her. It's her "mother" and she's choked to death like her sister.
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