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----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Cluff
Sent: Monday, June 21, 1999 4:24 PM
Subject: Re: [HollowEarth] - Yet another question

On Fri, 18 June 1999, John E . Rael III wrote:

"Why can't the earth be hollow?" That is, why does science say it is not hollow? What does physics have against the hollow earth theory?


Good question again. I would say the main reason orthodox science rejects the hollow earth comes from the Cavendish gravitation constant and their Gravitation formula which gives an average earth density of 5.5 gm/cc.

But actually, if you really look at it, the Newtonian mass and density of the earth does NOT actually exclude the possibility that the earth is hollow.

Since on average, earth surface rocks are 2.7 gm/cc (water is 1 gm/cc), then if the earth's overall average density is 5.5, then the interior of the earth would have to be at least as dense as steel (8 gm/cc). For example, 8.3 + 2.7 / 2 = 5.5. If the earth were full of water (no land), then the earth would have a density of 1. If it had the density of surface rocks, it would be 2.7. Therefore, if the earth has a density of 5.5, then the interior HAS to contain more dense material.

The math for determining the orthodox density of the earth is the following:

In determining the mass of the earth, Newtonians assume that the momentum of a small mass accelerating towards the earth near its surface is equal to the earth's gravitational force acting on that small mass:

F = m * a The Momentum Formula (Newton's Second Law)

F = GmM/R^2 The Newtonian Gravitation Formula

m * a = GmM/R^2

Solving for a, the mass m's cancel out,

a = GM/R^2

We can now solve for M, the mass of earth,

M = a * R^2 /G

using the Newtonian Gravitational Constant,

980.665 * 4.0678884 x 10^17 / 6.67259 x 10^-8

= 5.978541732 x 10^27 gms The Newtonian mass of the Earth

From the Density formula

D = M/V

we obtain the Newtonian density of the earth.

From the volume of a sphere formula,

V = PiD^3/6

The volume of the earth is 1.082 * 10^27 cc.

The Newtonian density of the earth then is:

5.978541732 x 10^27 gms / 1.082 * 10^27 cc

= 5.525 gm/cc

Now you may say that perhaps all this mass is located in an 800 mile thick shell. Ok. But what average density would that give the earth's shell?

We can calculate this.

Assuming the thickness of earth's shell at 800 mi or 1,287.48 km,

Diameter of Earth's hollow: Thickness of Earth's shell x 2 - Diameter of Earth

800 mi x 2 - 8000 = 6400 mi


1,287.48 km x 2 - 12,756 = 10,181 km Or 1.018104445 x 10^9 cm

Volume of Hollow:

3.14159265 x (1.018104445 x10^9)^3/6

= 5.525551394 x 10^26 cc

Volume of Earth - Volume of Hollow = Volume of Shell:

1.086781293 x 10^27 cc - 5.525551394 x 10^26 cc

= 5.342261531 x 10^26

Density of Shell = Mass of Earth/Volume of Shell:

5.978541732 x 10^27 gms/5.342261531 x 10^26 cc

= 11.19 gm/cc

This assumes that most of the earth's mass is located in its shell. As you can see, Newtonian physics would require an average shell density almost as dense as lead (11.3). As since surface rocks are 2.7, then the interior of the shell would have to be greater than the average density.

The interior density using the Newtonian mass of the earth requires than the interior of the shell would have a density of

2 * 11.19 - 2.7 = 19.68,

which is denser than gold (19.3).

Now you could say that this density could be in the realm of possibility. After all, the earth DOES ring like a bell after a rather large earthquake. A bell is hollow and is made of metal.

You may say that the interior sun certainly contains some of the mass of the earth which could lower the density of the shell. But an interior sun of the frequently estimated diameter of 600 miles would contain very little of the mass of the earth.

Assuming the interior sun has a density of glass which I claim all stars are actually crystals instead of burning gas, it's mass would be only .0065% of the mass of the Newtonian mass of the earth.

V = pi D^3 / 6

(600 mi * 1.60934722 km * 100,000 cm) ^3 / 6

= 1.500554464 x 10^23 cc Volume of inner sun

Density = Mass / Volume

Mass = Volume * Density

= 3.901441607 x 10^23 gms

divided by mass of earth of 5.978541732 x 10^27 gms

= .000065257 * 100 = .0065%

If the interior sun is composed of gas as orthodox science maintains stars consist of, then that percentage would be much less. So by far, most of a hollow earth's mass would be located in its shell.

Another possibility, you may say, is that the earth's shell is thicker giving a lower average density. This also, could be a possibility. Some method of determining the shell's thickness needs to be devised. This could easily be determined by entering the hollow of the earth through a polar opening and bouncing radar waves off the opposite side of the hollow interior.

In all, actually, I see nothing in the Newtonian mass of the earth that would completely exclude the earth from being hollow. Earthquake waves have been noticed to bend as they descend into the earth causing them to curve back up to the surface before hitting the discontinuity inside the earth scientists claim is the outer core. This indicates the earth does increase in density with depth which is consistent with a hollow shell using the Newtonian mass of the earth. In fact, if the earth is hollow and the Newtonian mass of the earth requiring an increased density with depth is correct, then that in itself would exclude their claim to a molten interior. That discontinuity inside the earth could be the inner surface.

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