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Aba loocha - Door
Achi-baba - Friend
Accata - Alright/clear
Aggaba - Stop
Ah-chooga moopa - Everybody out
Ah-qae jihad - Blast him
' Ah-rumba' - I don't know
Ahua shalom bye - Good morning
Aka boocha - Let me out
Aka-choota - Gotta go
Akare asaid - It looks scary
Aka tiki baba - There it is/it's over there
Akoota chi tay - Your turn
Allaf - Five
Allanet - Fifty
Akootah - Let's dig/let's go
Asal - Ball
Asafi - Table
Ashi salaam - How are you?
Asyrifah - Excuse me
Ba'aq-quasr - That is too loud
Baacraphi - Volleyball
Baaheth jihadi - Fight
Baari - Fan
Baquaa - Toilet
Batookah - Formal greeting
Boojiboo - Term of endearment or loved one (usually in the romantic sense)
Bootifa - Cool/good/beautiful
Brasmathi - Basket
Blitznak - Crud (derogatory)
Cama'ahar teh tebracres - What is your name?
Chappati - Bread
Chi Chabada - I promise
Choota - Crud (derogatory)
Chunga bey - You first
Crabba snabba - Uh oh
Crichaa - Tennis court
Chabata - Come and catch me
Chi meetoh - I've got you now
Detaka - Die/begone
Dinko te fabba - You are fat
Dunga haga blabla - I don't like water
Eegalagoo - Wow!
El kiyotay - Good idea
Emba-chua - You said it
Farbras - Ache
Fooboo - Tired/sleepy
Feeboogoo - Bring it on
Gaba - What?
Gaba ika tasoopa - What's the big deal?
Gatchi nosty - Are you sure?
Goobaja - Let's go
Goocha - Hey (you)!
Graazi - Right
Hagata - Here
Hagra sofia - Mall
Hajmha sihkism - Enthusiasm
Hak tienet - One hundred
Hakkiah - One
Hakri deika - Debris
Halal - Toast
Halebye - Taxi
Hapdelup - Up
Harash - Trash
Hassiniyadh - Sea
Huaa allah - Master
Huaa awazi - Spirit
Huznet - Twenty
Huzziuh - Two
Heegata no feebee - Don't give up/you can do it (motivational)
Ih - Yes
Ika patooba - Baldy
Ika patootie/Ika patooka - Stupid-head or Grumpy Gus
Ikata - Exclamation of discovery/command to approach/get/attack
Iki bah bah - Come on
Iki boh boh - Stay here
Iky - Yuck
Imhaater - Computer
Injibay - That
Isa - Is/am/are (to be)
Jaalba - Something
Jaba ramid nye hassin - Long time no see
Jal wadis - Rubble
Jalipaa - Radio
Japdelup - Down
Jerudai - Eight
Jerunet - Eighty
Jhua tehrqua - Good night
Jua'aquad - City
Jugaar - Juice
Kabchathi - Eggs
Kali ashol - Accomplished
Kanet - Seventy
Kanja Ooga - No cousins
Kaphong - Monster
Kata baka dooka - May I be destructive?
Kavi - Seven
Kha araimi shol - Absent
Khalido - Notebook
Khalifaud - Six
Khalinet - Sixty
Khodro esafhan - Car
Kodain - Bookcase
Koraadami - Books
Kurdaic - Cake
Kweesta - Destroy
Le je impordement - It is captured
Maathinya - Luggage
Maka maka - Hurry
Maladhi - Television
Matyr - Cousin
Meega - Me/I/I'm
Meega nala kweesta - I want to destroy!
Meega-o-itume - Get away from me
Meeko dagga ingata poju naga naga - I can catch an experiment without you
Miki miki - Gimmie
Mockeecha - Mine
Morcheeba - Very nice
Muhaari - Pool
Muquad - Everything
Naga - No/don't want to
Naga bootifa - Not cool
Naga-takabah - No way
Najaaladi diwali - Bomb
Nala - Either "want to" or "evil"
Nukasha - It's your fault
Ogata - Ouch
Ohufi - Casual greeting
Okie-taka - Alright/okay/okey-dokey (acknowledgement)
Paathi bras - Soap
Parvaaci - Roller skate
Pasawa - See ya
Patooki - Butt
Phaa thouy - Cereal
Phaa thoy gho - Run
Pitcha - Done
Praajat - Tub
Prepshi - Soda
Preshi moothi - Skateboard
Pujara - Boy
Quala chifa pi nolo - That is really a shame
Quana chi doonga fava no pugy - We're all wet, let's dry off
Rah'quadon - Achieve
Robaapaskit - Learn
Saari - Girl
Safiya - Bed
Shaalthabye - Experience
Shiralli - Watch
Shirq - Left
Shol asahiah - Abandoned
Soka - Sorry
Salsa - Follow me/this way
Smish - I understand/got it/understood
Spubata - I'll teach you/smells like/come back here
Taaksi - Capsule
Taalsa - Sink
Tai chi sheng - Exercise
Takka - Thanks
Tay - Love
Tebrica - Pencil
Tel ashal - Nine
Tele sharov - Four
Telenet - Forty
Telonet - Ninety
Tienet - Ten
Tiznet - Three
Toobaga - Dummy
Tookie bah wah bah - Let's get started/yahoo/cowabunga, etc.
Trang nang - House
Trog - Insult/derogatory term
Tsi'cong - Bang
Yadelep - Accuse
Yu porma dissy - A rude remark insulting the recipient's mother
Yuuga - You
Zaghdad - Android
Zitnet - Thirty
Ziz-ziz - Electricity/sparks
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

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Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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