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Sky Tower Team 1-15

Tower Team:

1. Vulko Octo Hurok Garrick Sarya or Malrath Tholin Octo Sylphi Garrick

2.1 Malrath Octo Sylphi Garrick Sarya or Malrath Octo Sylphi Garrick Nilya

2.2 Vulko Mirielle Hurok Sylphi Garrick or Malrath Mirielle Octo Sylphi Garrick

3.1 Vulko Octo Sylphi Garrick Sarya or Malrath Octo Sylphi Garrick Nilya

4.1 Mirielle Hurok Tut Sarya Magnus (or) Mirielle Reymond Tut Sarya Magnus (or)Goram Vulko Octo Sylphi Garrick (or) Malrath Octo Taurus Sylphi Garrick

4.2 POP Octo Garrick Sumiko Cara (or) POP Octo Garrick Adeline Cara (or) Vulko Hurok Sylphi Garrick Sarya (or) Malrath Xanos Octo Sylphi Garrick (or) Tholin Xanos Nightshade Osiris Nilya

4.3 Valan Vulko Orcon Hurok Syphli (or) Mirielle Octo Taurus Nightshade Enrique(Gay!) (or) POP Driller Osiris Garrick Cara

5.1 Vernos Octo Syphli Garrick Doraks

5.2 Goram Zem Ezio Kong Cara (or) GoblinSquad Sarya Ocro Millier Goram
(or) Goram PoP Vulko Ezio Arachna

5.3 Malrath Horuk Taurus Sarefine Sarya

6.1 Vulko Octo Syphli Garrick Ling (or) Malrath Orcon Octo Tresh Grarrick

6.2 Malrath Horuk Adeline Sayra Chrona (or) Tashi Vulko Horuk Syphli Serefine (or) Malrath Horuk Ezio Syphli Serefine

7.1 Vulko Mirielle Horuk Adeline Sayra (or) Goram Vulko Horuk Tut and Syphli (or) Ezio Mirielle Horuk Adeline Sayra (or) Goram Ezio Horuk Tut and Syphli

7.2 POP Vernos Orcon Octo Garrick

7.3 Goram Vulko Horuk Tut Syphli

8.1 Vulko Orcon Octo Horuk Syphli (or) Malrath Vulko Reymond Hurok Lumos (or) Vulko Reymond Octo Hurok Solomon

8.2 Goram Reymond Horuk Sphyli Magmus (or) Valan POP Tanya Nightshade Sayra (or) Petors Xanos Octo Garrick Dokras (or) POP Millier Nightshade Embarel Magnus

8.3 Tashi Ezio Reyman Octo Adeline (or) Goram Ezio Reymand Octo Adeline (or) Zem Mirellie Ezio Reymond Ling (or) Valan Goram Orcon Syphli Sayra (or) Petors Orcon Syphli Garrick Sayra

8.4 Tholin NightShade Orisi Garrick Wraxius (or) Malrath Xanos Kong Ethera Nilya (or) POP Ezio Taurus Nightshade Tuski (or) Goram Ezio Tanya Adlinene Tsuki

9.1 Pop Vulko Orcon Horuk Octo

9.2 Goram POP Ezio Syphli Tuski (or) Goram Reymond Ezio Syphli Tuski

10 Malrath Vulko Reymond Octo Syphli (or) Goram POP Malrath Vulko Magnus

11-1: Vernos , Cara

11-2: Garrick / Vulko

11-3: Octo

11-4: Syphli

11-5: Tashi / Orcon (dont Ult)

12-1: Vulko Orcon Avaior Ling Embrael / Goram POP Octo Salus Garrick / Goram POP Octo Embrael Garrick / Goram Tanya Garrick Sumiko Serefine / Goram Octo Garrick Sumiko Serefine

12-2: Goram POP Ezio Octo Garrick / Vulko Orcon Avior Ling Embrael / Valan Vulko Orcon Hurok Tasuki / Malrath Orcon Adeline Ling Twins

12-3: Petors Malrath Reymand Syphli Magnus / Valan Vulko Syphli Sarya Magnus / Goram Vulko Syphli Nilya Ling

13-1: Malrath Vulko Reymand Octo Magnus / Malrath Vulko Octo Orcon Magnus

13-2: Petors Orcon Syphli Sarya Embrael / Petors MAzir Syphli Sarya Embrael / Petors Goram Syphli Sarya Embrael

14-1: Goram POP Ezio Garrick Dalton / Valan Goram Vernos Salus Tsuki / POP Ezio Tresh Lumos Garrick

14-2: Malrath Reymand Octo Taurus Avior / Orcon Octo Garrick Sumiko Sarya / Vulko Mirielle Orcon Octo Ling

14-3: Petors Vulko Syphli Sarya Magnus / Valan Driller Mirielle Tsuki Sarya / Mirielle Tanya Osiris Avior Mazir / Goram Vernos Xanos Syphli Tsuki

14-4: Malrath Tanya Taurus Sumiko Twins / POP Vulko Hurok Syphli Magnus / Orcon Horuk Sumiko Ling Embrael / Shirely Malrath Tashi Tanya Horuk / Malrath Ranya Taurus Sumiko Mazir

15-1: Vulko Ezio Reymand Horuk Embrael / Vulko Mirielle Ezio Octo Garrick / Vulko Ezio Octo Horuk Garrick

15-2: Petors Malrath Orcon Syphli Magus / Goram Orcon Reymond Tsuki Mazir

15-3: Goram Octo Garrick Tuski Sarya / Valan Goram POP Driller Syphli / POP Malrath Syphli Sarya Magnus
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Regards; Team

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