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I looked into his empty breeze blue eyes. They looked lost. I sighed, what had we done to him that could be so bad? I shook my head as I laid my hand carfully on his shoulder. He jumped up and pased up and down. 'Why?' He screamed. 'I-I thought.' 'Save me the crap Clarissa! I don't want to hear another peep from you!' 'But.' 'No, just shut up!' I shut my mouth as I desperately tried calming him down, what obviously didn't work. 'All this time, you never told me?' He yelled again. I nodded. 'Even when you knew he was my little brother?' Again I knodded. I shook my head, thinking that he would kick off again. 'Haven't you thought about how I feel? Are you that fucking selfish?' I looked down to my lap. I sighed, he was such a dramaqueen. I wasn't being selfish, I did him a favor. 'Answer me!' He screamed angrily. I startled again by hearing how angry he was. 'No, why would I?' He walked towards me like a predator walks up to his prey. It scared me to death when he lifted me off the couch. 'What?'He screamed form the top of his lungs. 'I-I wasn't being selfish, I actually did you a favor and didn't think how you would feel when I told you, but I guess I'm sorry?' I stuttered. He looked at me with this incredible disbelief in his eyes. I'll admit, maybe I felt a little bit guilty... I changed my mind, I didn't. 'You guess you're sorry? Are you fucking serious Clarissa? That's not gonna help me, now is it?'He yelled. I shook my head, this was a waste of time and it wasn't gonna help him'. 'Okay, then, I'm really sorry, Happy?' I yelled frustrated. He clenched his fists. Uh-oh. 'I hate you Clarissa! You know that right?'I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it again. 'Can't you just say thank you and get over with it?' I tried. That made him even angrier. 'You're such a selfish piece of shit'! I never wanna see you again!' He was breathing heavy. 'Get out.' He said trying to calm himself down. 'But,' 'I said: Get out!!' He screamed. 'Fine.' I said and walked out the door. I started thinking about what just happened. He called me a piece of shit, he's such an asshole. I didn't call him names, now did I? I sighed angrily. What we did to him was not that bad. I mean, it was just a person. There are, like, a 7 billion people on this world. They can sure miss one. And why did he blame me? It's not like I did all the work. I sighed frustrated. Asshole. He can't be serious about the whole "I hate you" and "I never wanna see you again"? He's probably overreacting. It's kinda childish if you think about it. I laughed. I mean, all we did was bully his little brother into suicide, it's not THAT bad. Why can't he just get over that? I mean his little brother was pathetic. I giggled. Like if you saw him, you would understand. I actually did him a favor. I did the world a favor. Now they weren't bothered by that pathetic annoying worthless kid. I smiled agreeing with myself. I flipped my hair with my hand. I laughed thinking about the things we did to that ugly parasite. I was kinda disappointed that I wasn't the one who made the final push of killing himself. Omg how funny would his face be.
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