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Story: I had lots of in-game money before. I decided to sell some of them because i was bored of playing SSRP. And then suddenly i realised i could sell it for real money and buy myself a new phone then this is my way of trading I found customers from The Flash then I added them to make deal then we made deal and they gave me wallet codes or games first then I gave items in server 2 or server 3 I found a customer
named Ajerickson he was admin but he still made this wrong he bought my 400m in items for pubg and csgo steam games and I sold some little things to random people like 100m 200m after like 2 month ago I found two serious customers
named Black Kid and Bobby Bobbys to sell my everything then I sold 6 Bil cash and 10 bil in items for about 280 $ steam wallet code but I did not sell it to just one person.One week later after this deal we made a deal again with same person
but he was banned for hacking so he came with altaccount While we were trading probably Tyler anti-cheated me and we got caught. And he banned us both .then I gave my last 7 billion to Nunu at ban screen
he coinflipped some of my money but still there was 3bil. I made a deal with both bobby was gonna give me the wallet codes and nunu was gonna give 3bil to him, then both guys accepted it I got the money but nunu didn't give him 3 bil basically he scared from ban so he couldn't report us I'm so sorry Tyler. then Before Tyler Durden permanently banned me I gave my 7 billion $ to my friends as i said and My friends decided to coinflip with my money. So I came online with my alt to watch the flips that they did While i was watching i got caught ban evading I was just curious
if they would steal it or really coinflip it. that is all i remember I'm really sorry Tyler & everyone. I just want to return because I
miss Zarp. I started to play surf 2 week ago and I met with new people there I want to play ssrp with same people I want to buy myself the evo suit, go raid with it, have fun with my friends etc. As i said before I'm really really sorry. Hope you guys can forgive me this time. Thank you so much for reading.
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