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'The Outsiders' fanfiction


Just a normal day. Alone at my house. AND I'm bored...great!
So, i decided to call Alayna.


LAYNA: Hello?

AVA: Layna im bored.

LAYNA: Then come over! Come over and bring me food.



i put on a tank top and high waisted shorts and walked out the door. i can't drive yet so...i just grabbed my penny-board and rode to Alayna's house. When i got there, Sam and Mackenzie were chasing Peyton (lord knows why) and Alayna was lying on the sofa. "Taco Bell anyone?" Mackenzie drops Peyton on to the ground
while Sam stares at me screaming "YAS!! GURRRLLLLL!!! YASSSS!" and Alayna leaps off the sofa running out the door. 'RAAAAAAANNN!!" Peyton yells running down the street. "Peyton, I can drive..." Alayna says chuckling softly. " oh. right. i know that." Peyton says walking up to Alayna's silver Convertible.


After we ate, Samantha yells gathering all of the people's attention...' COULD WE GO TO SSSTTAAARRBBUUCCKKSSS?!?!?!?!" She said holding every syllable. "ERMERGERD YERS!" Ava yells gathering even more attention. I knew they were trying to annoy me but i could feel heat rising to my cheeks. "OKAY! Okay, sHHHHHHHH! Yes, we could go to Starbucks." they all agreed in unison and walked out... well sort of... me and Mackenzie walked out while Peyton, Samantha, and Ava skipped out singin " YIPPTY SKUPPTY YIPPTY SKUPPTY!!" repeatedly until we got to Starbucks. It was only a walk away so we just walked/skipped into Starbucks.

We all ordered almost maturely. Peyton got a chocolate cake pop, Sam, Alayna, and Ava got Caffe Vanilla Frappichino, and I got a Hot Vanilla Cookie Crumble Frappichino. We all sat down at a table and it seemed Peyton, Alayna, and Ava were having a mini heart attack. I looked at where they were looking and had a mini heart attack also. Sam just looked at us confused... she was more into Viners than she was into o2l and other YouTubers. YES, you heard me, o2l was right there, staring at us. " Ricky's checking you ooouuutttt!!" Ava whispered. "Shut Up!" i whispered back harshly. i smirked. "Soooo the way Trevor, Connor and JC are staring at y'all?" i ask deviously. Alayna blushed, hard. While Peyton just stared and Ava just pouted in the corner, knowing I won.

Wow, they're such-- holy frick is that Taylor Caniff? I guess Ava noticed and said "Go say hi, I promise I'll get the girls while you say hey to Taylor... JUST MAKE SURE THAT IS THE ACTUAL TAYLOR!!" she said whispering harshly. "I will, i will." I walked over to the garbage can near them. Yep, that was Taylor alright. "Hi." i said walking up to him. "Hey!" he said turning around.


" could we go say hi?" i asked them "um... i kinda want to..." Peyton said quietly. "Well, I mean, we kinda gotta, ya know, like, um..." Alayna stutters "Come on ya' big sissies!" Mackenzie says a little loudly for my taste. Mackenzie then grabbed our wrists and pulled us over. we just kinda stared at each other till' Alayna spoke up. Shocker... "Hey! I'm Alayna! And that's Peyton, Ava, Mackenzie and Samanthta's over there!" she said giddily
"Heeeeyyyyy..." i said. "HEY!!" they all said in unison.'Cute, but really? No.' i think to myself. I was pretty the other girls thought that to.


They all were all pretty cute but one caught my eye... she was shorter than the rest, and i think she was Peyton? Yeah thats what her name was... then JC interrupted my thoughts-"Do I know you from somewhere? I feel like I've seen you guys before." he asked " WEEEEELLLLLLL... We do have a YouTube channel. Its a pretty big deal...." Ava said "Sure..." Alayna says sarcastically. Ava glares at her jokingly and Alayna just sticks her tongue out at her. "Ladies, calm down. Lets settle this like people..." she said
" I'm listening." Ava and Alayna said in unison. Then Peyton whispered in Mackenzie's ear then they both slapped Ava and Alayna in the face. "SHUT UP!!!!" Peyton yelled. Then Samantha walks away from the person she was talking to dancing with a slip of paper. " Guess what? I got Taylor's number!!" she yells.


Let me just say.... Ava's adorable. and funny... and other stuff thats going through peoples minds when they see someone really beautiful


Mackenzie's REALLY pretty. Like wow. then Sam asks: " Can we have y'alls numbers?" " Yeah sure," Peyton says
they all nod their heads trying to remember their numbers. They exchange one slip of paper and a pen writing their numbers "Here ya go!" Peyton says "THANKS!!!" Connor yells


Why did I yell? Wow I'm an idiot. "That was un-called for..." Kian said rubbing his ear. We all laughed and Alayna looked at her watch. Aw, she's so cute. "Guys we need to go" Ava said looking at her phone noticing what Alayna's doing. "Aw," Ricky said "Um, I mean... ok! See y'all later!" Ricky said slightly blushing. Mackenzie giggled. They would be cute together... When we got in the car I grabbed the slip of paper and added their numbers in my phone "ME NEXT!!!!!" JC yelled. "ONCE AGAIN UNCALLED FOR!!" Kian yelled. We all laughed and I drove off.



I have Taylor Fricking Caniff's number. Just let that sink in Samantha... Taylor Fricking Caniff. So I decided to call him.


TC: Hello?

S: Hey! It's Samantha!

TC: Oh! Hey! Wazz Up?

S: Nothing really. Just- *backround voice* OKAY! I'M COMING! Sorry, I got to go Tay. See ya!

TC: Okay! BYE!


"WHAT AVA!?" We were all over at Ava's house. " I HAVE A SURPRISE!!" she yells back. "EVERYBODY COME TO THE DEN!!!" When we got there Ava was standing. "Well?" says a tired Alayna, aw poor Layna, she was woken up in the middle of her nap...OH thats why it was quiet. "I have a surprise! Y'all better sit down." Ava says We all cautiously sit down and she smiles. "Y'all know how o2l has an o2l house?" Ava asks trying not to smile. "yeeaaaaahhhh..." We all answer smiling (except for Mackenzie) and leaning forwards. "Ava, what'd you do this time? What did you steal from o2l?" asks Mackenzie. "NOTHING!*eh-hem* I mean I didn't steal anything... You know I just bought a really big house in California that is kinda labeled as 'The Outsiders House'. Ya' know... Nothing big." Ava said. We all jumped up screaming and fangirling. Ava just smiled idiotically,and when we all stopped we attacked Ava with a group hug. She started laughing. "Now," Ava started, "GET TO PACKING!!" she yelled. "What? Why?" Peyton asked obviously confused. " 1. Pack and 2. because we are kind of leaving tomorrow afternoon..." Ava said shyly. Thats when Alayna woke up. "VAT? TOMORROW? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US EARLIER?" Alayna yells.


"BECAUSE Y'ALL WOULD HAVE WAITED LAST MINUTE!!" Ava yells back. Why does she say 'y'all' so much? " Well that is kinda true..." I say. "Exactly!" Ava says pointing at me. " Fine" we all mumble and start packing.
I decided to get dressed before i started. I grabbed my Los Angeles tank top and some bleached jean shorts. Then I got to packing.


" Do I need to get dressed?" I ask Ava. She was helping me pack. "Yeah, we're going to Olive Garden for a celebration. Let me go tell the girls, then I'm gonna get dressed, then I'm gonna come back and help pack.
When she left, I locked the door so no one would barge in while is was changing. I grabbed my jean shirt, brown leather belt, and a white ruffle skirt. Then Av knocked on the door." Yea?" I ask as I open the door. "Don't you need help packing?" Ava asked laughing. "Oh, Uh, Yea." I said then I started packing.


I really didn't know what i wanted to wear. So, I went to Peyton. She usually has some really useful fashion advice. "Wazz up?" she asked as I walked in. "I need something cute to wear. Have anything I could borrow?"
i asked. She looked me up and down then ran to her closet. When she came back out she had a bubblegum pink shirt and a black and white plaid skirt. When i put it on she looked at me disapprovingly. Then she grabbed some black leggings. "Put these on under your skirt." she said. When I put them one she smiled. "There. Now, GO PACK!" she yelled jokingly.


When I was finished helping everyone pack and plan. I decided to go get myself ready. I grabbed my favorite sweater (its a lot of different colors), some-what ripped black jeans, a flower ring and to finish it off: i grabbed my glasses.,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNHc1ioIWTxrTn6xU41nRYzM9LeDxQ&ust=1394392635748144


"What am I gonna wear?" I mutter to myself. "Need help?" Ava says standing in my door way. "Yea." i said
"Hold up." Ava said walking out. I grabbed my cheetah toms and walked to Ava's room. When she noticed I was in the room she walked to a dresser and grabbed dark blue jean shorts and put it up against a shirt. She smiled and handed me the shirt and shorts. I walked to my room examining the Starbucks shirt she handed me. I put it on and tucked in the shirt then smiled. I grabbed my sun glasses and put on the cheetah toms i was holding. Since I was done packing I walked to the kitchen and grabbed my frozen Caffe Vanilla Frappichino and sat on the sofa watching TV.



"Hey, Ava? You never told us where your taking us..." I said. We were all getting ready to go. I was putting on my blue vans. " Well...... I'm not going to tell yo u!!" Ava exclaimed. "Darn!" Samantha said sarcastically.
When we got to the car, Alayna put in the keys and Ava (in the passenger seat) grabbed the IPod. "Songs?" She asked. "Ummmmm...." Samantha said rubbing her head."OO! OO! THE POPULAR SONG!" Mackenzie screams. "OKAY MONKEY!" Ava yells back. Mackenzie sticks her tongue out at Ava and pretended to pout. Then we all rocked out to 'Popular Song' by Mika and Ariana Grande.

*with o2l*


We were all relaxing on the couch. "Whatcha wanna do?" Connor asked. We all looked at each other. "Penny-board?" JC asked "Sure. I guess." Trevor said " I second" I said standing up, then I'm stampeded, why am I not surprised? We grabbed our penny boards and road around. We were riding and we saw a car that was blasting one of Ariana Grande's song. We all looked at each other and rode closer. Sure enough it was 'The Outsiders' also known as Alayna, Ava, Mackenzie, Peyton, and Samantha. We all looked at each other laughing and continued on our way.


"Dinner is very yummy, Ava!" Alayna said slurping up all her Chicken and Dumpling Soup. "I agree!" I said finishing up my spaghetti. "Mackenzie? Peyton? You guys haven't talked this entire time. Is something wrong?" Alayna said suddenly looking worried. "Um, Mackenzie... Can you tell them?" Peyton asked. That's when I started jumping to weird conclusions...'Were they pregnant?' 'Are one of them dying, or possibly both?' Then I was interrupted by Mackenzie (THANK GOD) "We-We can't be in the Outsiders anymore..." Mackenzie said quietly. "WHAT?" We all yelled in unison.



"I'm sorry guys." I said hugging them all. "It's fine, we completely understand." Sam says disappointed.

*after dinner*

"Well we gotta go pack up." I said beginning to walk to me and Mackenzie's room. "Wait," Ava said grabbing my arm. " When are you leaving?" She asked. "Um, Early." I started "Tomorrow..." Mackenzie finished. "okay." they all said sadly in unison as they walked towards the couch

*some time later*

"Hey, guys what time is it?" I yelled down the hallway. "About 10." Someone yelled back. (A/N they're eyes were glued to the tv so she couldn't see who it was) "HOLY POOP!" I yell "KENZIE WE NEED TO GET TO SLEEP!!"
"okay." Mackenzie said calmly


"So they went to sleep?" I said a few minutes after the house was completely quiet. "Yeah," Sam said entranced in the television." GOD DANG DORA THE BRIDGE IS RIGHT BEHIND YOU!!" I yelled at the tv. What I didn't know was that Alayna was vlogging and that would be on YouTube... Great. It was 12:00 now and I was TIRED. "I'm going to sleep." I said getting up from the couch and walking to my room. Soon the darkness of sleep took over me. I heard a footstep. I didn't open my eyes but I was still awake. Then I heard laughing and that was it. I opened my eyes to see the o2l boys, Alayna, and Samantha. "ASDFGHJKL! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING IN MY ROOM? WHAT TIME IS IT? DID MACKENZIE AND PEYTON LEAVE YET?" I yelled. Connor, Madison and Trevor had video cameras, Alayna, Samantha, JC, Kian, Sam and Ricky had whipped cream, maple syrup and honey. They hid everything they had and JC said "1. Nothing. 2. 5:00 3. and yes they left a while ago." "Aw I didn't get to say goodbye." I said pretending to pout.

*a few months later*


"SCHOOL SUCKS!!" I yell hoping the bus driver would hear. It was last year in high school and I HATED that place. "OMG I AGREE!!!" Ava yelled. Everyone on the bus thought we were crazy. (we= Alayna, Ava, Samantha and Me, Madison) "Well y'all have SOMETHING to look forward to. Ava you have 3!" Alayna said ecstatically
"We're listening..." Ava and I said in unison. That's when Samantha got on. "ARE Y'ALL EXCITED ABOUT THE DANCE?!?!?!?!" Samantha screamed jumping up and down. "Sit down Happy Smurf." Ava said jokingly.
"Well, Ava your sisters coming in town, Summer is THREE days away and like Sam said there is a prom coming up!" Alayna says cheerfully "IF we get dates!!!" Ava snapped back. "That is true Layn." I said sympathetically.

*at our new Outsiders house*
(A/N just finished being built)


"AVA THIS IS THE OUTSIDER HOUSE!!!!????" I yelled "VAT?" Alayna yelled confused "AVA YOU PAYED FOR THIS?" Madison yelled. When we turned around we could tell everyone was admiring it. Ava looked at the back at the hater and screamed "JEALOUS?!" She just rolled her eyes and pouted in the back seat.

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