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[10:45:27 AM] NerfModder: I think it would be best for me to come back. I have notice inactivity which i can easy help fix.. if you agree plz put my rank back to what it was.
[11:44:50 AM] nerfmodder15: treys if i come back i wont tamper with your ranks. I am aware of your canges and im fine with them. If i do come acrose a problem we can talk about it.... Agen its all up to you.
[6:18:58 PM] Travis Gilbert: Okay, Finally got time when we are both on :D Can't speak though... Text seems to be the primary option. I apologize.
[6:19:32 PM] Travis Gilbert: Now as per your request, I never had any intention on you full quitting, as per our initial agreement, you were going to stay as an honourary position to assist in ensuring your group continues its path
[6:33:01 PM] NerfModder: well i gave the group trusting that you would give it back
[6:33:45 PM] NerfModder: Unlike SC did to me
[6:36:50 PM] Travis Gilbert: You gave me the group with a rather staunch demand, to never give it to anyone again my friend. :/ Our inactivity was expected, any leader change causes a little wave, but with all of us working on our new grand base (a sorta mix of moscow and st. petersburg) and with the war against USM an outstanding victory, I do believe we are confident in our stability. You do not need nor I believe you want RA back. You said you did the last two times, I was under both those lads, and saw the ebbs and flows. As I stated, I would gladly give you a spot, and gladly watch you lead once more. But the promise I made you, and my men, and my code, is rather deadset :/ I believe wholeheartidly, that we both wish nothing but the best for the group youbuilt.
[6:38:18 PM] NerfModder: so what your saying treys is HA HA you can not getit back
[6:38:29 PM] NerfModder: RA will go inctive like spetsnaz
[6:38:34 PM] Travis Gilbert: No my friend, I would never laugh in any such demand.
[6:39:09 PM] NerfModder: yes but you would steal the group
[6:39:16 PM] Travis Gilbert: My colonel once said a good leaders leads, and a great leaders knows when his time is over. Do you really want RA back just to go through this process again? Not with me, or peng, or FSS, But with some new lad?
[6:39:31 PM] NerfModder: i quite roblox because of some rather fucked up shit in my life
[6:39:43 PM] Travis Gilbert: I wish nothing but our untold cooperation, but I promised you I would assist in the development. Of which i shall.
[6:40:13 PM] NerfModder: yet you wont give my rank back
[6:40:25 PM] NerfModder: i thought i could trust you treys
[6:40:35 PM] NerfModder: clearly i cant
[6:40:43 PM] Travis Gilbert: I will gladly give you a position, and gladly put your name everywhere, Gladly assist you in anything my friend. But I cannot go back on the promise you made me make you
[6:40:54 PM] NerfModder: an you know i would tuch any ranks you do relize that
[6:41:16 PM] NerfModder: um in my promis
[6:41:28 PM] Travis Gilbert: I have no fear in you doing that, I trust you would do what you feel best.
[6:41:56 PM] NerfModder: i said never give it away but i also said unless the person you want in charge is some one u can trust
[6:42:15 PM] Travis Gilbert: I recall you saying, that aye.
[6:42:24 PM] NerfModder: treys you know what your doing
[6:42:47 PM] NerfModder: powers gone to your head
[6:43:01 PM] NerfModder: you would rather a group falll for the price of fame
[6:43:06 PM] NerfModder: pitty
[6:43:10 PM] Travis Gilbert: No nerf, I have exiled no one. Demoted one lad. If anything, the power has gone to others, and not the rank I hold.
[6:43:19 PM] NerfModder: kebob
[6:43:24 PM] NerfModder: hawk
[6:43:34 PM] Travis Gilbert: Please do not attempt to say I am wrongful, I merely allow my HR's to work
[6:43:38 PM] Travis Gilbert: Hawk, not by my hand.
[6:43:45 PM] Travis Gilbert: Kebob is the only one.
[6:43:51 PM] NerfModder: treys
[6:43:52 PM] Travis Gilbert: And I was the original promoter of him.
[6:44:00 PM] NerfModder: you denie me my rank
[6:44:10 PM] NerfModder: you betrayed my trust
[6:44:16 PM] NerfModder: and friend ship
[6:44:31 PM] NerfModder: you where the last person i could trust
[6:44:35 PM] Travis Gilbert: I deny you the curse of the cycle you will end up in Nerf. I told you my friend, I would watch your group. I agreed to follow your demands as you left. I never sullied your name.
[6:44:40 PM] NerfModder: thought of you as loyal
[6:44:42 PM] Travis Gilbert: I try to live to your standard
[6:45:05 PM] NerfModder: and im asking for it back
[6:45:10 PM] Travis Gilbert: Let me ask you, You know unknown aye?
[6:45:18 PM] NerfModder: -.-
[6:45:21 PM] Travis Gilbert: You know how goddamned.... unholy he is?
[6:45:42 PM] NerfModder: he has turrets and ADHD
[6:45:54 PM] NerfModder: he has it bad
[6:45:59 PM] Travis Gilbert: I know
[6:46:02 PM] NerfModder: iv skyped him
[6:46:06 PM] Travis Gilbert: I have as well
[6:46:22 PM] Travis Gilbert: And trust me, my last pm to him was a bunch of therapy and suggestions
[6:46:26 PM] Travis Gilbert: That isn't my point though
[6:47:04 PM] Travis Gilbert: That lad wishes nothing more than to defile the order, encourage revolt, and attempt to lie (claiming I sexually harassed my commissars, and mocking colonels death)
[6:47:20 PM] NerfModder: ya so get rid of him
[6:47:26 PM] NerfModder: hes stalkerish
[6:47:30 PM] NerfModder: iv tryed
[6:47:38 PM] Travis Gilbert: Now, the point I am making, is he views himself as a god. In your eyes, he views himself as your humble assistant.
[6:47:41 PM] NerfModder: to ban him but he has many accounts
[6:47:59 PM] NerfModder: hes a stalker like Drhaz
[6:48:09 PM] Travis Gilbert: When people like that, are so sided with you, I fear the inevitable collapse prevalent. (Drhaz, Oh boy xD)
[6:48:23 PM] NerfModder: it already fell apart treys
[6:48:33 PM] NerfModder: my inbox is to full to veiw
[6:48:44 PM] NerfModder: with messages from RA soldiers
[6:48:45 PM] Travis Gilbert: Nerf, I would gladly make you a rank. Anything warranted. But you musn't attempt to get bck into the cycle.
[6:48:50 PM] Travis Gilbert: Nerf, We both have that
[6:48:58 PM] Travis Gilbert: Do not think plenty of lads have messaged me
[6:49:04 PM] Travis Gilbert: With rather staunch issues
[6:49:18 PM] Travis Gilbert: You are their leader, but like real life they need to learn things change.
[6:49:24 PM] NerfModder: for me to come back...i want to have a sence of loyalty and respect
[6:49:25 PM] Travis Gilbert: What happens when you really leave?
[6:49:33 PM] Travis Gilbert: What then my friend :/?
[6:49:34 PM] NerfModder: i have non of that
[6:49:41 PM] NerfModder: now RA will be dead in a year
[6:49:48 PM] NerfModder: or less
[6:49:55 PM] Travis Gilbert: You have the loyalty of a friend who merely fears what you will do.
[6:50:12 PM] Travis Gilbert: And frankly, the last two leaders who gave RA back. Were exiled within the month.
[6:50:17 PM] NerfModder: and you have the loyalty of a con man
[6:50:24 PM] NerfModder: very good con man
[6:50:25 PM] Travis Gilbert: I have loyalty to my code
[6:50:32 PM] Travis Gilbert: One pushed forth by a great man
[6:50:37 PM] NerfModder: your code meaning your self
[6:50:39 PM] Travis Gilbert: And I have the loyalty to my men
[6:50:43 PM] NerfModder: its called greed
[6:50:47 PM] Travis Gilbert: No my friend, My code was colonels code.
[6:50:52 PM] Travis Gilbert: Greed :/?
[6:50:59 PM] NerfModder: your men hate your fucking guts...
[6:51:04 PM] Travis Gilbert: When I told you to exile me in exchange for keeping NKVD, Was that greed?
[6:51:07 PM] NerfModder: greed of power
[6:51:15 PM] NerfModder: what is there to loose as me as leader
[6:51:24 PM] NerfModder: i only have good o bring
[6:51:28 PM] NerfModder: mny agree
[6:51:41 PM] Travis Gilbert: Order, the NKVD dream, The return of the constant fear of lads for exile.
[6:51:49 PM] NerfModder: they convince me to come online gen
[6:51:54 PM] NerfModder: um travis
[6:16:40 AM] Travis Gilbert: your code meaning your self
[6:50:39 PM] Travis Gilbert: And I have the loyalty to my men
[6:50:43 PM] NerfModder: its called greed
[6:50:47 PM] Travis Gilbert: No my friend, My code was colonels code.
[6:50:52 PM] Travis Gilbert: Greed :/?
[6:50:59 PM] NerfModder: your men hate your fucking guts...
[6:51:04 PM] Travis Gilbert: When I told you to exile me in exchange for keeping NKVD, Was that greed?
[6:51:07 PM] NerfModder: greed of power
[6:51:15 PM] NerfModder: what is there to loose as me as leader
[6:51:24 PM] NerfModder: i only have good o bring
[6:51:28 PM] NerfModder: mny agree
[6:51:41 PM] Travis Gilbert: Order, the NKVD dream, The return of the constant fear of lads for exile.
[6:51:49 PM] NerfModder: they convince me to come online gen
[6:51:54 PM] NerfModder: um travis
[6:52:04 PM] NerfModder: you are going to run it to the ground
[6:52:22 PM] NerfModder: and i cant be apart of this
[6:52:40 PM] NerfModder: ¸your making russia look like shit
[6:52:40 PM] Travis Gilbert: I agreed with your terms, and are using your HR's. I have done nothing wrong by them, and have only increased the connection RA has to her soldiers :/
[6:52:54 PM] Travis Gilbert: Nerf, How am I making russia look bad?
[6:52:57 PM] NerfModder: actully treys
[6:53:06 PM] Travis Gilbert: I mean honestly, what have I done to warrant that comment my friend :/
[6:53:09 PM] NerfModder: if that was true peopl wouldnt beg for me to come back
[6:53:33 PM] NerfModder: people want me back
[6:53:34 PM] Travis Gilbert: If that wasn't true, people wouldn't be asking to come back :/
[6:53:38 PM] NerfModder: and i want to come back
[6:53:48 PM] Travis Gilbert: Nerf, I want you to come back
[6:53:58 PM] NerfModder: but i wont have the passion if im at a substanderd rank
[6:54:01 PM] Travis Gilbert: But you are not a stable president, we both know that.
[6:54:20 PM] Travis Gilbert: You will have a superior rank, of which I wont touch, since I have offered amnesty in grand offers.
[6:54:24 PM] NerfModder: im not stable.....but i can run a group
[6:54:50 PM] Travis Gilbert: Heck, I tried to get unknown amnesty. He may have screwed it up. but I tried :/
[6:54:55 PM] NerfModder: the fact i hve this anger makes me great for leader but im fair
[6:55:11 PM] NerfModder: ya well fuck unkown
[6:55:48 PM] NerfModder: so the ansewr is no...
[6:56:08 PM] NerfModder: i need to know so i can tel people why im not coming back
[6:56:12 PM] Travis Gilbert: Nerf, fairness we both know is not true :/ You exiled me for owning NKVD, For being friends with FSS, You exiled ID for being in NKVD, You exiled chaos for talking to much, peng for *poor quality?*
[6:56:15 PM] Travis Gilbert: I want you to come back
[6:56:21 PM] Travis Gilbert: But I promised you, what you wanted.
[6:56:23 PM] NerfModder: travis
[6:56:33 PM] NerfModder: what happen in the end
[6:56:46 PM] NerfModder: and whos side did i take in the end
[6:57:01 PM] NerfModder: i take oppenions in acount
[6:57:29 PM] Travis Gilbert: You made the decision before though :/
[6:57:42 PM] NerfModder: and i also alowed NKVD to murge
[6:57:50 PM] NerfModder: i built th lenin for you
[6:57:58 PM] NerfModder: i made NKVD uniforms
[6:58:07 PM] NerfModder: i made a cop car for you guys
[6:58:09 PM] Travis Gilbert: Aye aye. And we thanked you, and showed our loyalty
[6:58:21 PM] NerfModder: and i dont diss you
[6:58:28 PM] Travis Gilbert: But when a leader is so willing to exile his men, before speaking to them, that is poor quality my friend :/
[6:58:52 PM] Travis Gilbert: Don't you feel, perhaps, you should slowly remove yourself from all this? As you originally said you would :/?
[6:58:54 PM] NerfModder: no its called my ex girl friend fucked me then left me
[6:59:09 PM] NerfModder: im sane now...
[6:59:20 PM] Travis Gilbert: My ex cheated on me then asked if it was fine, So trust me I am aware of female pains xD
[6:59:20 PM] NerfModder: i was in hospital for sucide watch
[6:59:25 PM] NerfModder: admited my self
[6:59:59 PM] NerfModder: female pains xD
[7:00:13 PM] Travis Gilbert: Yes, the classic pains of females acting as though they own men
[7:00:29 PM] NerfModder: treys i just want things to be how they where
[7:00:44 PM] NerfModder: i miss RA
[7:00:53 PM] NerfModder: it made me determind in life
[7:01:10 PM] NerfModder: when im depressed RA helped cuz i would just go build
[7:01:42 PM] NerfModder: it was somthing i worked 5 years on to form
[7:01:59 PM] NerfModder: it was my heart and soul....
[7:02:00 PM] Travis Gilbert: I miss you my friend, I miss a lot of things within your RA. But I do not believe you owning RA will help. You can still build, your name is IN THE DESC. The HR's would love to have you in the HR chat, to work with them, to show you are a great leader, not just at the top, but everywhere!
[7:02:28 PM] NerfModder: um if i was RA the activity would sky rockit
[7:02:38 PM] NerfModder: i have a ne labtop on the way
[7:02:48 PM] NerfModder: i will be building a new base For RA
[7:03:05 PM] Travis Gilbert: I was in command of my corps for 6 months, I had to step down due to term limits, but I had the option to extend my stay :/ I did not. Not because I felt i wouldn't do better, but because I knew keeping my term, would only continue the pain I would feel leaving :/
[7:03:09 PM] NerfModder: although i would need tak
[7:03:24 PM] Travis Gilbert: I want you to help RA, I want you to work, lead, achieve, and be NERF. THE ONE AND ONLY.
[7:03:38 PM] Travis Gilbert: But I do not think you need the group in your possession to do it
[7:03:43 PM] Travis Gilbert: It always hurt you
[7:03:50 PM] NerfModder: but you as my not the same
[7:03:52 PM] Travis Gilbert: You always ended up in chats with chaos, hurt.
[7:04:00 PM] Travis Gilbert: I am hardly your leader my friend.
[7:04:13 PM] Travis Gilbert: I don't even ask to be called sir, I make people use my damned name xD
[7:04:14 PM] NerfModder: what is the art without the passion
[7:04:23 PM] NerfModder: as leader it motivates me
[7:04:33 PM] NerfModder: makes me feel stronger in the mind
[7:04:36 PM] Travis Gilbert: You will have the passion, you can have it, but you must love your group, not your power :/
[7:04:50 PM] NerfModder: i love both treys
[7:04:55 PM] Travis Gilbert: Every month the 4 commissars vote on if I retire or not
[7:05:01 PM] Travis Gilbert: Every month
[7:05:09 PM] Travis Gilbert: I willingly lt them SPEAK SHIT on me
[7:05:11 PM] NerfModder: the power alows me to be happy and motivates me to make things
[7:05:14 PM] Travis Gilbert: But they always keep me in
[7:05:20 PM] Travis Gilbert: Even when they know I would leave :/
[7:05:27 PM] NerfModder: i spent 5 years non stop most my hours online
[7:05:32 PM] NerfModder: im online more then you
[7:05:43 PM] Travis Gilbert: I am online more than not. :/
[7:05:47 PM] NerfModder: and im famous so i can get recrutes
[7:05:57 PM] NerfModder: i have no life treys
[7:06:03 PM] NerfModder: no way your online more then me
[7:06:11 PM] Travis Gilbert: Lad, I will not assist in destroying your life than :/
[7:06:16 PM] NerfModder: im on all night some times
[7:06:22 PM] Travis Gilbert: You can be in RA, lead, do great, be great, have fun.
[7:06:25 PM] NerfModder: treys excuses
[7:06:33 PM] NerfModder: i already have a plan
[7:06:39 PM] Travis Gilbert: Wouldn't it be great, doing all the good things in RA, and never being responsible for the bad things?
[7:06:54 PM] NerfModder: treys
[7:06:59 PM] Travis Gilbert: That, is what I consider my job, to take the bad things as my servitude.
[7:07:04 PM] NerfModder: i dont mind the bad things
[7:07:16 PM] NerfModder: i learn from that shit
[7:07:54 PM] NerfModder: treys you do relize if you brought me back i wouldnt tuch your rank or any ranks becuse you got thm in order
[7:08:13 PM] NerfModder: and you can do the same work you could other wise
[7:08:21 PM] NerfModder: i legitamize RA
[6:17:12 AM] Travis Gilbert: erf, I just do not believe that, and neither do you. The fact that the HR's now, at the very least, are trying to follow order, the fact HR's are returning slowly (old vets, very old) the fact I am very pro your legacy, should tell you perhaps it is best to let this show run its course.
[7:09:36 PM] NerfModder: also heard many quit
[7:09:49 PM] Travis Gilbert: Not that many, two colonels, a major.
[7:09:54 PM] NerfModder: your activity is that of spetsnaz back when SC took it
[7:09:57 PM] Travis Gilbert: And then the privates.
[7:10:07 PM] NerfModder: and you have a non famous activity wont get better
[7:10:15 PM] NerfModder: your killing RA
[7:10:25 PM] NerfModder: and killing me
[7:10:29 PM] Travis Gilbert: That is why you were originally agreeing to remain as a rank my friend :/
[7:10:35 PM] Travis Gilbert: You made me work, with what you gave me.
[7:10:39 PM] Travis Gilbert: And I gladly accepted the burden
[7:10:58 PM] NerfModder: you offerd....
[7:11:06 PM] NerfModder: you always offer
[7:11:18 PM] Travis Gilbert: I never asked for RA
[7:11:20 PM] Travis Gilbert: Not once
[7:11:24 PM] Travis Gilbert: You came to me
[7:11:27 PM] NerfModder: but now you wont offer my rank back
[7:11:37 PM] NerfModder: oh i see history repeating
[7:12:01 PM] NerfModder: travis what will it take to convince you right now
[7:12:12 PM] NerfModder: do i have to slice my rists
[7:12:21 PM] Travis Gilbert: I merely want what is best for RA. And according to what I see, you being in RA good, me being in ra good, me being in charge great, you being a fully dedicated builder and motivational speaker, greater!
[7:12:47 PM] Travis Gilbert: Suicide threats are rather harsh, and show no definition of change. And make me feel like this game is killing you, not helping you.
[7:13:17 PM] NerfModder: actully pose a great threat
[7:13:55 PM] NerfModder: travis gilbert
[7:14:13 PM] NerfModder: travis im drawing at straws here
[7:14:32 PM] NerfModder: your being like SC...
[7:14:48 PM] NerfModder: hell even penguin gve RA to me
[7:14:51 PM] Travis Gilbert: And I am as well :/ I am not SC. I am offering you glory, honour. I am trying to fight for what my lads want me to :/
[7:15:05 PM] Travis Gilbert: And everyone who gave it to you, Regretted it when you exiled them my friend :/
[7:15:08 PM] NerfModder: i dont want glory i want my damn group back
[7:15:18 PM] NerfModder: a group i worked on so hard to keep running
[7:15:19 PM] Travis Gilbert: You want what you made, I understand that.
[7:15:32 PM] NerfModder: i made and dedicated my self to
[7:15:41 PM] Travis Gilbert: As did I though, I put so much time, no where near as much as you, but I put a damned full time in.
[7:16:07 PM] NerfModder: i put in 5 years LITTERLY
[7:16:42 PM] NerfModder: and now when my life is looking better and im now able to lead you take it away from me
[7:17:03 PM] Travis Gilbert: I am not taking it away, I am preserving what you told me to do.
[7:17:09 PM] Travis Gilbert: Don't give RA away you said treys
[7:17:16 PM] Travis Gilbert: You will lead it to greatness, you said
[7:17:21 PM] NerfModder: ya and im telling you to giv it back
[7:17:22 PM] Travis Gilbert: You came to me lad :/
[7:17:38 PM] Travis Gilbert: And going back on your previous word makes me feel as though I am rather split
[7:17:45 PM] NerfModder: i came to you because i thought you where loyal
[7:18:36 PM] NerfModder: dont take the last bit of trust from me....
[7:18:45 PM] Travis Gilbert: I am loyal to everything you held dear, and would continue to be so, and lead in your honour.
[7:18:59 PM] NerfModder: then give my group back
[7:19:13 PM] NerfModder: its like if i let you stay at my house then took it over
[7:19:15 PM] Travis Gilbert: But eventually we all must keep a steady eye and realize keeping RA, Is merely your own greed :/
[7:19:49 PM] NerfModder: if i m leader of RA only good is to come
[7:19:56 PM] NerfModder: RA fucking hate your guts
[7:19:57 PM] Travis Gilbert: You are being offered anything in RA, besides the holder position. I am trying to be nice, kind, collected.
[7:20:04 PM] Travis Gilbert: RA is rather nice to me :/
[7:20:05 PM] NerfModder: the magority
[7:20:08 PM] Travis Gilbert: They always were
[7:20:16 PM] NerfModder: -.-
[7:20:23 PM] NerfModder: your fucking killing me treys
[7:20:27 PM] Travis Gilbert: Whether we disagree, is a sustainability issue of which we could discuss for years.
[7:20:32 PM] NerfModder: fine fuck it keep RA
[7:20:35 PM] NerfModder: i tryed
[7:20:53 PM] Travis Gilbert: Nerf, please don't put me in the position of expecting me to go back on the words you made me say.
[7:21:06 PM] NerfModder: i told people i would try but i cant convince you other wise...
[7:21:19 PM] Travis Gilbert: I want you back, I merely want the best for you. And like chaos and them said, This game hurts you more than not.
[7:21:24 PM] NerfModder: people need the truth treys
[7:21:46 PM] NerfModder: im not going to strat shit im just going to say what happen and how my account is dead
[7:22:20 PM] Travis Gilbert: They will get the truth, I am all for it. I will also say I tried to convince you to come back on a good rank, (of which ONLY YOU, can be auto'ed to) and how I wanted to merely fulfill your wishes when youfirst gave me RA
[7:23:47 PM] Travis Gilbert: I want nothing more than you to work in RA, But I did not ask for RA. Yout asked me with it.
[7:23:51 PM] NerfModder: you dont understand the big picture
[7:24:03 PM] NerfModder: i trusted you and you betrayed me
[7:24:05 PM] Travis Gilbert: I do my friend :/ I understand the consequences of this decision.
[7:24:21 PM] Travis Gilbert: I trusted you not to ask for it back, as you said. And you betrayed that trust :/
[7:24:29 PM] Travis Gilbert: I trusted you to trust me to keep it afloat. :/
[7:24:37 PM] NerfModder: go fuck your self lied
[7:25:14 PM] NerfModder: your words are more full of shit then obama`s speaches
[7:25:15 PM] Travis Gilbert: I did not.
[7:25:19 PM] Travis Gilbert: Lie my friend :/
[7:25:25 PM] Travis Gilbert: Please do not say that :/
[7:25:27 PM] NerfModder: WHEN SOME ONE SAYS!
[7:25:30 PM] Travis Gilbert: You know I did not.
[7:25:32 PM] NerfModder: can i trust you!
[6:17:47 AM] Travis Gilbert: and they say yes
[7:25:47 PM] NerfModder: and they betray you
[7:25:52 PM] NerfModder: there lieing
[7:25:53 PM] Travis Gilbert: I never said I would give you RA back, I said I will lead RA to the best of my ability and NEVER give it to anyone.
[7:26:00 PM] Travis Gilbert: I kept my promise to you that day
[7:26:04 PM] Travis Gilbert: You backed out :/
[7:26:12 PM] NerfModder: i shouldnt have to ask you somthing so simple cyka
[7:26:58 PM] Travis Gilbert: Nerf, I bear no hatred for you. Please reconsider the offer of a permanent position in the group you made, and that I will continue to lead as best as I can. Please understand this is not hate or maltrust nerf :/ I want what's best, and so do you.
[7:27:47 PM] NerfModder: yet are oppenions are diffrent by desine
[7:28:45 PM] NerfModder: do me one favor.....dont let RA die....
[7:28:56 PM] Travis Gilbert: And I would never remove anyone for differing opinions, nor would I remove you.
[7:29:06 PM] Travis Gilbert: I would never nerf. I would fight anyone to keep it afloat.
[7:29:14 PM] Travis Gilbert: You know how much I care about this.
[7:29:21 PM] Travis Gilbert: The lengths i go :/
[7:29:30 PM] NerfModder: i do know....
[7:29:56 PM] NerfModder: why do you think i thought of you as a 2ic
[7:30:15 PM] Travis Gilbert: I wasn't in the goddamned room with my girlfriend, when her father died. Why? Because I was rushing home to get this damned game on to help the lads with stupid issues :/ I have dedicated to much, and so much. I would never betray what I promised you, nor what I rpomised my men.
[7:30:34 PM] Travis Gilbert: And I WISH you would return, in A GOOD RANK. Personalized, special, rather powerful.
[7:30:50 PM] NerfModder: i have given everything to ra
[7:30:53 PM] Travis Gilbert: Fully stocked, far away from the hate and responsbility.
[7:31:04 PM] NerfModder: everything i could
[7:31:21 PM] NerfModder: now its gone
[7:31:24 PM] Travis Gilbert: I know, And I feel the same.
[7:31:33 PM] NerfModder: dont fucking let it
[7:31:52 PM] NerfModder: get some one with a famous map pay him to make a base
[7:32:02 PM] Travis Gilbert: It is not gone, it exists. But you must help it go. You are not gone, YOU can stay. Merely let your own self understand I care :/
[7:32:05 PM] NerfModder: it will hlp ra dromaticly
[7:32:19 PM] Travis Gilbert: I will see who I can pay than :/
[7:32:25 PM] NerfModder: um treys
[7:32:41 PM] NerfModder: i wont order a new computer if i cant lead RA
[7:32:49 PM] NerfModder: i feel cheated
[7:33:09 PM] NerfModder: and working for you will be like working for Umbrella corp 2008
[7:33:18 PM] NerfModder: same people i brought down....
[7:33:52 PM] NerfModder: hope you can undrstand
[7:34:03 PM] Travis Gilbert: Nerf, we can work together. Even more fluidly than you know. I promised you, I promised you I would do right by your group and my men :/
[7:34:10 PM] NerfModder: same feeling you got when i went to get rid of nkvd
[7:34:29 PM] NerfModder: feels like you lost a dream
[7:34:34 PM] Travis Gilbert: Only difference, I didn't make a deal giving RA away. And I put the group before my own self :/
[7:34:44 PM] Travis Gilbert: Nerf, I want to give you a rank
[7:34:46 PM] NerfModder: i didnt make a deal you prick
[7:34:48 PM] Travis Gilbert: Please accept a rank
[7:35:03 PM] NerfModder: i was depressed and i asked you as a normal human being
[7:38:16 PM] Travis Gilbert: Nerf, I accepted your deal. As your deal. I rpomised I wouldn't let RA die, and I promised to do everything I could to keep it so.
[7:38:27 PM] Travis Gilbert: That is what I am doing, fulfilling what i promised you :/
[7:39:09 PM] NerfModder: ....
[7:39:12 PM] NerfModder: ....
[7:39:15 PM] NerfModder: ....
[7:39:20 PM] NerfModder: ....
[7:39:26 PM] NerfModder: ....
[7:39:59 PM] NerfModder: well i guess this is ironic
[7:40:05 PM] Travis Gilbert: Accept a rank nerf :/ Please. It would be a relief to us all, and I think you would love it. You could mentor me, shape the future in the council we form, together.
[7:40:14 PM] Travis Gilbert: Please nerf, I want the best for everyone :/
[7:40:15 PM] NerfModder: iv been very criticle to people
[7:40:37 PM] NerfModder: and now im the one who feels the needle
[7:42:52 PM] Travis Gilbert: You wwon't have anyone critical of you, you can hold a powerful position with near godlike status. Please nerf, Please from the bottom of my heart know, I am trying to do what's best for your men, group, and for you.
[7:44:11 PM] NerfModder: wat best for my men is for me to lead
[7:45:23 PM] Travis Gilbert: That is not what you thought a while ago, nor what I think is best :/ Trust me, sir, you are hurting me more than you know. Asking me to back on my word, to choose between what we agreed was best and what would make me feel less remorse :/
[7:45:45 PM] Travis Gilbert: I always said I would rather die in life, than give up the code colonel gave me for a game. That is what you are asking of me :/
[7:47:03 PM] NerfModder: treys no matter what you say or how you put denide me my group back so just leave it as that....I dont want to talk anymore
[7:47:58 PM] Travis Gilbert: I agree. This was a denial. But it was not a betrayal nor hate. I like you nerf, always have, always will. You are the creator of RA, and I will always try to keep YOUR NAME, Proper. But I cannot back on what you made me promise.
[8:09:43 PM] NerfModder: piss off with the promis bull shit
[8:10:24 PM] Travis Gilbert: I promised you nerf. I did. You know I did. We know I did.
[8:10:33 PM] Travis Gilbert: I told you I would do my best, and lead RA. And I am.
[8:10:55 PM] NerfModder: still didnt give it back
[8:10:59 PM] Travis Gilbert: Please nerf stop the nonsense, and PLEASE accept that I am trying to do what I feel will ensure your revival in the non-lineary sense.
[8:11:34 PM] Travis Gilbert: I never said I would return it upon asking. I was under the impression, that you wouldn't ask. As you SAID you would :/ Please nerf, please accept a rank and lets work together.
[8:11:50 PM] NerfModder: dont message me
[8:13:22 PM] Travis Gilbert: Aye than
[8:16:48 PM] NerfModder: so what ever happen to private conversation
[8:17:00 PM] NerfModder: i said it how it is
[6:22:53 AM] Travis Gilbert: That is everything, read. If you DO NOT. I will not respect your opinion.
[6:23:02 AM] Travis Gilbert: Know everything I do hurts me, But I do it for a code.
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