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  Harry trailed searching hands over Draco's trembling form, sticking them in his pockets.  The small blonde lets his head flop gently to the side, getting pulled forward by his jeans, their tented crotches crashing together.  Draco makes a noise at the back of his throat but remains where he is, letting Harry keep running his fingers over his thighs.

  "Where is it you good for nothing, spoiled stuck up, inbred brat?"  Draco shook his head fearfully, propping his chin up on Harry's shoulder to lick at his neck in a method of distraction. Unfortunately, the brunette gave a low growl, hitching Draco's shirt up.

  "Let's try this again.  Dray, honey, where's the keys?"  His thumbs rub gently, skirting over the expanse of milk pale skin that is Draco Malfoy's stomach, feeling the muscles contract underneath his palms. He runs a hand over his pebbled nipples and gets a slap on the back. There’s a vague sense of domesticity to it all, especially when Draco huffed stubbornly into his neck.

  "Draco, if you give me the keys then I'll treat you to something special."  Harry seductively whispered the words down at the loud man, earning a pinch on the inner arms and a push of hips.  Harry hissed loudly at the distinct feeling of Draco's full length through the soft material of his jeans.

  "If you're going to be naughty I might have to punish you Dray~."  The statement seems to gnaw at Draco's resolve as he let his legs slide wider unconsciously, gasping at the prospect.

  "If I give you the keys Potter, you'll leave."  Harry seemed appalled.  "Me, leave? No, I am a man of my word.  I am not your wife, and thus will remain here as long as you want me." 

  Harry had the audacity to look surprised when Draco bit down hard on his neck, making an animalistic growl.

  "Don't you dare bring my wife into this you heartless bastard.  She hasn't done anything."  Harry laughs mockingly, reaching down suddenly to palm Draco through his pants.  His gasp becomes a strangled noise and he tries to bat away Harry's hand light heartedly, cock jumping from the stimulation.

  "Yes, she hasn't done anything, that seems to be the issue.  Maybe if she took care of you you wouldn't moan like a fucking porn star whenever i touch you here."  Harry's hand emphasizes the last word by sticking his hand inside Draco's pants.  Harry's surprised when he's greeted by a growing wetness and soft breathless whimpers from Draco.

  "F-fuck!  Potter you fucking insensitive dickhead."  Draco pulls Harry down to aggressively kiss, rutting into his tight fist.

  Draco breaks their lips, shivering loudly and trying to hide his slowly reddening face.  Harry suddenly drags his hand away from Draco and gives a growl at the sight he sees.  Draco, looking utterly debauched as hickeys form on his neck and his wet dripping cock lays out painfully in his unzipped zipper.

  "Harry please.... don't stop it feels so good."  Harry bared his canines, pushing Draco down to his knees, legs folding underneath on another and getting an answering squeak.  He kicks Draco's legs open, tapping his foot against the stone floor authoritatively.

  "Maybe its time for you to give back baby boy. Someone has to teach you what happens when boys like you are disobedient."  Harry grabs the back of Draco's head aggressively, dragging him forward.

  Draco has already anticipated, and Harry's cock is soon enveloped in a wet mouth through his pants. He smirks, watching as Draco hooks the waistband on his teeth and pulls it down, his cock bouncing out.

Before Harry can give any sort of initiative, Draco takes him into his mouth and immediately starts licking. He starts at the tip and makes his way down, more licking than a blowjob strictly entails. When Harry gives a warning growl above him he startles, breathing heavily as he takes more of him in.

Soon enough Draco’s built a sucking rhythm and Harry simply watches with a small smirk as his head bobs up and down, occasionally interrupting the pattern by shoving it down and getting a splutter from Draco.

“You did so well Dray, made Daddy feel so good.” Harry cooed, pushing Draco’s head away from his cock. He ran a thumb over his red, saliva streaked lips and exhaled, how Draco managed to look like an artists masterpiece even after being taken control of like that completely perplexed him.

Harry looked down at Draco’s shivering legs, shifting as his cock dripped pre-come onto the pristinely ornate wood floor.

“Ah, looks like you made a mess. Clean it up for me.” Draco looked down at his thighs, sighing as his hips slid back, and his head came down to lick softly like a kitten.

His tongue lolls out of his mouth as he licks deftly, perking his ass up and back and forth as his lips touch the ground and his tongue is out of view.

Harry smirks when a thought strikes him and he ruffles Draco’s hair playfully, whispering something underneath his breath.

Draco looks up questioningly with painfully innocent eyes, big and watery as his recently grown cat ears go down on his head. Harry, for the first time, seems lost for words as he immediately grabs Draco’s torso, pulling him onto his lap.

Draco yelps and wraps his arms around Harry’s stomach, spreading his legs of his own accord to straddle him. Harry let his hands drift down to his tail, feeling the fur shift and move in his hand. He yanks it, getting a whimper from Draco, who slides back slightly along with his tail.

Harry chuckles fondly as he motions for Draco to take of his shirt, watching his thin yet strong arms lift above his head to whisk off the thin material. Harry pulls back to admire Draco’s beauty. In the back of his head he knows he was here for a reason but he decides he doesn’t mind the distraction.

Harry pulls at Draco’s jeans and he fumbles as he struggles to get them off, pants slipping down with them. They throw the sticky mess of clothing away and Draco centres himself on Harry’s lap again.

“Dray, look at how beautiful you are like this. You’re equal parts growling and whining. Relax, let me take care of you for now.” Another whispered spell and his fingers are dripping, he guides them behind Draco.

As he pushes the first digit in he pulls Draco forward, kissing him softly. It has to be the most intimate thing they’ve done this entire night, hold each other tight and kiss lazily as if there was no rush or consequence. Harry pumps his finger in and out, adding a second. Draco doesn’t seem to enjoy that too much and shakes his head, dropping it to Harry’s chest.

Harry clicks soothingly as he scissors his fingers and lifts Draco’s head up. He presses a soft kiss on his nose and then on his cheek, peppering his face with a flurry of kisses as he adds the final finger.

He moves down, to Draco’s jawline, his collarbones, his perky nipples, earning soft whines the entire way. He sucks marks into Draco’s baby soft skin, biting at his nipples in a way that makes Draco arch and blubber. Harry pulls his slick fingers out of Draco, wiping them on his pants.

“Come closer love.” Draco practically falls on top of Harry, laying on top of his chest. Harry shakes his head, deftly grabbing Draco’s knobbly knees and balancing them on his shoulder, picking Draco up and standing on shaky legs. He walks over to a wall and slams them against it.

“Gentle.” Draco whispered into Harry’s ear, and he nodded, whispering the spell again and lining himself up. Draco gasps as he feels himself being stretched, head hitting the wall as Harry seats himself. Harry leans forward as he did before and bites hickeys all over Draco’s neck, making him smile slightly through the pain. Just when he thought it would never end Harry sighs in relief and pulls himself into Draco.

“Can i move?” Draco nods impatiently, leaning back and waiting for the pain. When Harry pulled out and slammed back in though, he arched his back and mumbled incoherently because that sensation was definitely not pain.

Harry laughed quietly and did it again, trying to angle himself. He knew he did it correctly when Draco moaned ludicrously loud, digging his nails into Harry’s back.

“What the fuck did you just do?” Harry reached in to tease Draco’s sensitive nipples, making him squirm and buck his hips into Harry’s already sticky stomach.

“That was your prostate. I do believe you should become well acquainted as that’s your feel-good spot.” Draco mumbled underneath his breath, most likely some snide comment.

Harry kept moving his hips, he lifts his free hand and starts to ruffle the hair thats not obstructed by Draco’s ears.

“You’re so much cuter with the cat ears.” Draco’s tail lashed wildly as if he just realized he had it, and he purred loudly, letting his tongue hang out as he tilted his head back into Harry’s hand. Harry’s eyes go dark at the display as he imagines Draco doing that at his feet, a collar around his neck and his cock in his mouth.

“Fuck Malfoy, you’re driving me insane.” He huffed wildly as his thrusts began to speed up, both hands holding Draco down now. Draco nodded and he shut his eyes tightly, what Harry had been conditioned to realizing that he was about to come.

He reached down quickly with one hand and wrapped it around the base of Draco’s cock, hearing a growl and feeling Draco’s sharp teeth dig into the junction between his neck and collarbone.

“Don’t think I’m letting you off that easy are you?” Harry keeps going, feeling Draco’s cock twitch in his hand at every thrust, perfectly in time with his moaning and whining.

“Do you like when I push into you like this? Like when I use you as my little cockslut? Bet you’ve always wanted this, you take my dick like you were born for it Draco. Bet this is what you were thinking about whenever you fuck your wife, a thick cock splitting you open, fast and unrelenting.”

Draco fell forward and gasped into Harry’s neck, mumbling something in what that was most likely supposed to be a chastising voice, but he just sounded extremely turned on.

“Ha-Harry.” Harry’s growl was animalistic as he came, his vision blurring around the edges as he dug his fingernails into Draco. His hips slowing to a stop as he spilled inside of Draco’s tight heat.

Harry pulled back to look at him, and if he could come again he definitely would’ve from the sight he received. Draco, struggling to keep his eyes open as his body shivered, cock tinted red and dripping onto both of them. His ears coiled and uncoiled and his tail had wound itself around his leg.

“Draco, fuck. Just give me the keys.” Harry’s resolve was breaking, he wanted to feel Draco writhe against him, lose all inhibition as he comes onto him.

Draco seemed hesitant, and Harry reached for his cock, jerking him off slowly. Draco’s tail unwound and hung loosely, Harry’s come dripping onto it was it swayed slightly.

“If you just tell me where it is I’ll let you come.” Harry reached down and grabbed Draco’s tail, wrapping it around his knuckles as he sped up with his other hand. Draco gave a shout and shut his eyes, and Harry stopped his hand immediately.

“Potter you fucking- god.” Harry tutted and yanked on his tail warningly. Draco jumped slightly, ears twitching.

“You called me Harry earlier. And if you don’t tell me where you’ve put the keys I’m afraid I’ll have to leave and leave you like this, hard and shivering for release.” Draco shook his head quickly, finally giving in.

“It’s underneath the bedside drawer, far back in a black box. Cast an alohamora and it should open.” Harry smirked wide, hand straying back to Draco’s cock. Now his pace is unforgiving, slick noises filling the room along with Draco’s long moans.

Harry lets his head drop, running a rough tongue over Draco’s oversensitive nipples, nipping and biting them. He runs his thumb into Draco’s slit and flicks his wrist on the upstroke, palm brushing over the sensitive head.

The sudden wave of pleasure takes Draco off guard, and he yelps loudly as he comes, vision blacking and body bouncing as he grinds into Harry’s fist. Harry keeps biting and Draco pushes him back tiredly, entire body still trembling and painfully oversensitive after such a delayed orgasm.

Draco’s legs are taken off of Harry’s shoulders and he collapses, barely even registering Harry’s footsteps as he goes to retrieve the keys to the Manor. He feels a reassuring caress of his face and opens his eyes, looking up and being greeted by a fully dressed Harry Potter.

His face shines with afterglow and his eyes unusually bright. He whispers something and Draco feels his ears and tail retract, feeling eerily out of place without them.

Harry leaned in and gave Draco a soft kiss on the lips, holding his face as if he was made of porcelain. He bounds away from Draco’s room, leaving Draco utterly debauched, come dripping down between his thighs and covered in bruising hickeys. Draco simply watches as Harry leaves with the keys that he gave him, a one way ticket right out of his trap.

His father was going to kill him.
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