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Dear Grandma,
I am writing to you as a seventh grader from Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School who has just completed her Bat Mitzvah. As part of this rite of passage, our class at Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School has chosen to take part in a very unique tzedakah or philanthropy project which I would like to tell you about.
In place of giving each other Bar/Bat Mitzvah presents, we each donate a sum of money to our collective Seventh Grade Philanthropy Fund. In addition to collecting these funds, each student does extensive research on a topic and organization which is close to his heart and he/she is passionate about. The issues being covered in our class help many different issues in the world and benefit children, adults, animals, and the environment, to name a few, in a lot of different ways. Once all of our research is done each student gives a moving presentation about their particular organization and the money from the fund is allocated to the different organizations. The particular organization I have chosen to research is Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area. This organization grants wishes to children with life-threatening diseases, to give them hope. When these children experience this, it is often proven to also make treatment easier for them. Each wish doesn't only affect the ill child; it affects their family, friends, and anyone close to them and anyone involved in making the dream of the child come true.
You may be asking, this all sounds great by why share this process with you? Well, we are hoping to see our fund grow as much as possible. We would like to know that we are not only giving of our own money but that we have convinced others to contribute to our philanthropy fund and the organizations we have chosen to support.
Please consider a donation of any amount to our fund so that you to can become a part of the Hausner mission of “Tikkun Olam,” making the world a better place. Your contribution could make a great difference in the lives of others less fortunate than ourselves. Please join us on our journey of Tzedakah and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to become part of an amazing philanthropy project that has won awards in the past for its accomplishments.
We would like to collect all contributions byApril 30st. Please feel free to make a donation in any amount you are comfortable with. All checks should be made out to the Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School (Hausner) 7th Grade Avodah La’olam Philanthropy Fund. Please write my name in the memo line so that I can properly thank you. Please return the donation in the enclosed self addressed envelope and mail to Hausner, Att: n Gabe Sanchez, 450 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, Ca. 94306
We have succeeded in helping many organizations in the past and we hope that with your help we continue to make a difference in the world and fulfill the mitzvah of tzedakah.
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Regards; Team

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