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Could you be...

One of those people that got transported from earth?
Dünya'dan ışınlanan insanlardan biri mi?

What is that reaction?
Bu tepki de ne?

Did i hit the bull's eye?
Tam isabet mi?

I'm going to get dressed now, will you turn the other way?
Giyineceğim, öbür tarafa dönecek misin?



You thought only the people you were with were transported from earth, didn't you?
Sadece birlikte olduğun insanların Dünya'dan ışınlandığını düşündün, değil mi?

Well, there's actually a lot more.
Aslında daha fazlası var.

How did you know i was transported?
Işınlandığımı nereden biliyorsun?

How you ask... Well, you suddenly showed up behind me out of nowhere...

So i guess it must've been that god's handiwork.

Pretty sure he loves moving people around like that.

And look.
Ve bak.

Everything we say in this world...
Bu dünyada söylediğimiz her şeyi...

Automatically gets translated into this world's language whether you like it or not.

So we can't tell each other apart by language

But you can usually tell based on their looks or the way they talk.

Anyways, I'm Mia.
Her neyse, ben Mia.

Rakuki Mia, 23 years old from Japan.
Japonya'dan Rakuki Mia, 23 yaşındayım.

I was an apparel clerk back on earth, but i became an adventurer here.
Dünya'da bir konfeksiyon tezgahtarıydım, ama burada bir maceraperest oldum. (Ç.N: Konfeksiyon = Hazır giyim eşyası diken sanayi kolu.)

Nice to meetcha!
Tanıştığımıza memnun oldum!

Which country are you from?
Peki sen hangi ülkeden geldin?

An adventurer...

Well, I'm also Japanese
Pekala, ben de Japonum

I'm Hirata Takeshi, a high schooler.
Ben Hirata Takeshi, lise öğrensiyim.

This is technically my real name anyways(iç konuşma)

So you're also Japanese, huh? Your face and hair color is certainly unique...
Demek sen de Japonsun, ha? Yüz ve saç rengin kesinlikle eşsiz...

Well actually...

I've actually...
Ben aslında...

I've gotten lost and separated from my friends...

Is that so?
Öyle mi?

Hey there, Takeshi-kun.
Tekrardan memnun oldum Takeshi-kun.(normalde burda selam diyor saçma olurdu o yüzden böyle yaptım.)

You can just call me Mia.
Bana Mia diyebilirsin.

You must be new to this world.
Bu dünyada yeni olmalısın

Let me show you around.
Sana etrafı göstereyim.

Can't believe i ran into a weirdo immediately after getting out of the dungeon...

Well, she did say she's an adventurer...
Peki, o bir maceracı olduğunu söyledi

Maybe I'll get some useful information out of her.
Belki ondan yararlı bilgiler alabilirim.

I'll go with the flow for now...

It's been so long since I've seen a fellow Japanese...

There's so much i wan to talk about.
Konuşmak istediğim çok şey var.

But first...
Ama önce...

Let's get you settled down before all the chitchat.

This is currently my main base of operation

Sacred City, Aveya.
Kutsal Şehir, Aveya.

There are lots of jobs for adventurers here
Burada maceracılar için pek çok iş var.

You will never have to worry about putting food on the table as long you're in this city.

Which way is the adventurer's guild...?
Maceracı loncası hangi tarafta...?

I want to become an adventurer is well.
Maceracı olmak istiyorumda

Cidden mi?

Well, even the people that were transported here need to find a way to survive in this world. Becoming an adventurer is not a bad idea at all.

Sure beats becoming a slave or a criminal.

Because in the end...

This world is completely different from our previous world.

You will be eaten...

If you're not careful.

She's getting to close...

Just kidding (AP)

She might find out about the poison inside my body...

I'll distance myself from her


She brought me to this shady looking alleyway.

Are we really heading towards the guild?
Gerçekten loncaya doğru mu gidiyoruz?

Acaba...(aşşağıdaki cümleye göre çevirdim)

This woman is planning something...?
Bu kadın bir şey mi planlıyor...?


Make way!
Yol açın!

His excellency Bishop Somino Curtessa from the holy church, is coming through!
Kutsal kliseden Piskopos Somino Curtessa geliyor! Ç.N: Piskopos = Başpapaz


Hope everyone is doing well...
Umarım herkes iyidir...

Your excellency...


Your excellency...

Who the hell is that...
Bu da kim...

Please your holiness! I have a request!
Papa hazretleri! Sizden bir isteğim var!

Will you please allow this fellow into the church?

He is an oprhan from the neighboring village that recently settled down near my shop...

Oh my, there there...

Now that's certainly an unfamiliar face.

I can't just let him go after i caught him stealing from my shop...

I've heard you take in orphans and homeless children...

Of course. Our doors are always open.

Although you have committed the sin of stealing...

You can still be saved, as long as you amend your wrongdoings through hard work and service.

That is because...

Our church is made to help people like you.
Kilisemiz senin gibi insanlara yardım etmek için yapıldı.

Your excellency...

Your excellency

We are truly gre........(trulyden sonra okunmaz bir fontta yapmışlar okuyamadım boş mu bıraksak?)

Who are those people...?

They are from the church...

I would advise you to not get involved with them.

This church hold power all over the country in this world.

They throw around words like honorable poverty, purity, and community service...

Homewer, it's all a ploy by the powerful people in the back exploiting the populace.

Certainly, there are some pople that are suspicious...

But they don't want to be targeted by the church, so they stayed low.

There'll be nothing but misery waiting for that poor kid...


Lucky for us, the adventurer's guild is outside of the church's jurisdiction.

As of now, they both hold equivalent power.

The church is not a force us commoners can mess with.

Thats the kind of world we live in now.

I see...

The guild is just ahead.
Lonca tam önümüzde.

By the way, Takeshi. Do you have a guarantor?

You need a guarantor before you can register at the guild.

A guarantor needs to have a certain level of power and a fair amount of assets...

Along with an adventurer rank of a or higher...

You know, someone like me.

You're an A-ranked adventurer...?


I'm an advanced classed thief.

And my work, more or less, fitsh with my class.

So! Since we're both from Japan...

I'll be your guarantor for now!

She'll become my guarantor, huh...?


Can i really trust this woman?
Bu kadına cidden güvenebilir miyim?

While i don't doubt the fact that a guarantor is a requirement to register at the guild...

It's someyhing i can easily find out by asking after all...(AP)

I'll be screwed if she tries to fuck me over.

But, i don't want to waste time looking for a guarantor right now either...

If possible, i want...

Someone like that old man...
O yaşlı adam gibi biri...



I'm not a softhearted yesman...

I don't know what you're planning...

But, there's no way i can trust you that easily.


I don't care what tricks you have up you sleeve...

There's nothing i can't handle.

My my, there there.

I don't recall ever seeing you before, youngster.

Are you homeless?

Do you have a place to go...?


I'ts that old hag from before...

The hell is this? what does she want?

I'll definitely be able to run away if i tried...

But the situation afterwards will become a pain in the ass.

I don't want the church pulling some strings and messing with my guild application...

Shit... What should i do?

Oh not at all, your excellency.

He's my friend...

He just came back from a ong adventure...

Oh? So you two are... Adventurers...?


We've just met and barely even know each other, so why are you helping me?

What do you mean?
Ne demek istiyorsun

You helped me just then, didn't you?
Az önce bana yardım ettin, değil mi?

Don't you think i'm trying to gain your gratitude so you'll owe me a favour later?

As if a favor from a random guy like me can outweigh getting on the church's bad side.

You're a funny guy...
Komik bir adamsın...

On one hand, you're a weak and oblivious newbie that just came to this unkown world not too long ago...

Yet on the other hand, you give off a strange feeling of tremendous strength.

Truth be told, i am really interested in you.

I'm not telling you to trust me straight of the bat.

But, i hope i can nprove you that you can trust me through my actions.

So, how about...

Let me ask you a favor for a change?

Will you partner up with me?



I'll be counting on you.

First, i want to adress the blaring issue of your worn-out clothes.

Is that some sort of fashion trend?

No... there's a reason for that...

Oh, you're suffering from 8th grade syndrome right now?

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Regards; Team

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