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I designed and took out this experiment, and I had two subjects of differing gender. One Male, one Female. First, I did the Female. My experiment was simple, I wrote a list of 10 words, and three of them. Then I did this 3 times to make things safer. The Female got an average score of 9 ~ 10 and a 4 on the last one. It was very hard. After, I did the same test to The Male, it was the same, but he had an average of 4 ~ 5. For the first two rows - Me reading out loud and him writing it down - he got a 9 and a 10. After the experiment, I asked both how they remembered things. The Female said "I remembered by putting a knife into a body part i put with the word" on the other hand, the Male said "I can not remember things, so what I did was simple. I grouped the words up into what they meant and associated with. The rest, I guessed" From this you can intake that the Female had a more sophisticated way of remembering.

As a conclusion, the way that The Male could remember most was the writing down one; for The Female, she said that the easiest was all three. She said that they made no difference. The reason behind this Female being able to remember things in a short amount of time, was that her job was similar. She had to sing Opera, which is indeed very complicated, as you need to memorize a foreign language in a song. The Male, in fact also had a job which needed to have a lot of memorizing, but not like The Female. How he was supposed to remember these facts was to place them into different groups (eg. Age, Gender, Type etc.) he used the same technique on the words, but as there were too many groups, he forgot them.
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