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Being an interview scheduler, i have to liaise (leeayz) with recruitment consultants to get campaigns done in an efficient and timely manner.

there was a time where i had to help schedule 60 candidates for an interview that were due to start the week after.

i first sat down with the RC and made a plan of action in order to make the scheduling process as efficient as possible. i had to split the numbers as i also had other schedules to look after and i didnt have the capacity to schedule all 60 candidates. we agreed that i would take 40 and she would schedule the remaining 20 candidates. this was then recorded onto a spreadsheet we created

almost immediately after sending the email to candidates asking them to pick their preferred time slot, candidates emailed and called back to ask for alternative dates because they had prior commitments they could not reschedule.

this made things difficult as i had to keep track of who were booked in, those who needed alternative dates and candidates that had yet to responds to my initial email. this was on top of working on other schedule that had their own difficulties.

i overcame the initial struggle by organising my work and always referring back to the spreadsheet i had created. constant communication with the rc was also key as we kept each other up to date with where we were. the time scale given wasnt ideal, but in the end, aside from a few candidates who withdrew, the majority of the candidates were booked in.

i learnt to be patient, always be organised and have constant communication with the RC and candidates. without these three factors, the task at hand would have been very difficult to complete.
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Regards; Team

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