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Anna "Jupiter" Johansen: Anna, who stands firmly at 5'9 with her her hands wrapped around her hips, they'll be quite curvy as she's clad in the black spandex that she found a while back when she panty-raided the girls' bedroom. Among the many trees that surrounded her and the existential nature that she's currently standing in, nothing but brisk, clean-air for her and the other rebels she's with; a camp that holds only ten with rooms being cramped but fortunately the girls get to stay by themselves and there was plenty of room for them which included Niki. Taking a deep breath Anna, feeling relieved by the fact that her and Niki along with her rebel camaraderie's escaped City-Seventeen and escaped to the prosperous White Forest, "It feels soo nice out here, like, ugh, I was hoping that I would get to show bubbly-butt her new toys." Speaking in a monotone to herself as she stands outside of her room. Wearing a silky-white cute crop-top that had the cute hello-kitty and that was fitting for her she had fortunately kept her training bra underneath for occasions other than private time with Niki, her porcelain skin glimmers in the light, radiant from a nice jog around the camp, staying in shape and keeping her physique more athletic for Niki when she gets all vigor with energy; it would tucker Anna out a bit as she became a mother to her 19-year-old clumsy daughter. "This seems a bit large... isn't it," wielding her trusty mag-lite, it'll be four inches in diameter, eight-inches in length and six-inches in girth; making it very displeasing, even excruciating to most girls who even think about taking it as a "no-no toy" but Anna, being the caring mother she always had concern which she expressed through her voice and among her cutesy expressions when Niki when she always brings up lewdie stuff! "I-I'll just talk to her later about it, I- Uhm, I wanted to just see-" With her exposed tummy open she'll lightly press the flashlight upright and aligned with her navel, seeing how long the flashlight really is compared to her motherly body-
Anna "Jupiter" Johansen: though her unbeknownst bottom-heavy figure being apparent when she jogged as she looked down, seeing the V-shaped contour of her camel-toe, "Oh my god, oh my god," being insecure she'll walk around the side of her and Niki's cabin beside the window where Niki can possibly watch her finnicking with her spandex, making it seem like she was trying to undo a wedgie, "I swear, I hope nobody saw me because ugh." She'll finally give up and brush her luscious hair away from her eyes after gleaming down at her tightly-fitted spandex. Slowly but surely she daunts the size of the maglite, once again she'll compare it to her tummy from between her thighs, it'll reach four-inches past her navel, just below her breasts, amazing in size. "Niki can stuff this?!" She says in awe under her breath with a little gasp, pressing her back against the wooden wall as she whimpers from the length, "It's -soo- big, like oh my god." Being a young and curious mother she still wanted to be very assertive to her daughter.
Anna "Jupiter" Johansen: -cont-
Anna "Jupiter" Johansen: The girthy length of the metal rod didn't compare to her smushed legs however as she is easily frightened by her lack of sexual experience, only the one time Niki stuffed Anna like a pig which left her very bloated and uneasy for the next week! Anna's back lays against the wall, she'll finally lower the mag-lite down beside her thigh, taking in a deep breath, her heavy breasts heaving up and down with her, her eyes anxiously glances around to see if anyone was eavesdropping on her, nobody. With the roll of her fingertips with the flashlight she can never take the perverted thoughts that she and Niki can do with it, only just have sexual frustration and tension as she uses it at night when she's on watch. From Anna's perspective she'll be usually sleeping in and that Niki is always the one who is always lazy and drooly so she always sleeps in. Anna, needing to ready breakfast for Niki, she'll need to get dressed in her household outfit: a frilly nightgown as she wears nothing underneath, it'll be translucent so Niki can see everything that Mommy can offer to her, cute puppy slippers that has tiny ears since she always loved dogs! And finally her hair which is either tied in to a bun while she cooks or brushed down back behind her back so she can always look presentable even when she woke up for Niki! She slowly steps back inside of the cabin, opening the door as she steps in carefully, making sure she's not making too much of a ruckus to wake up Niki, she'll keep her hands close to her chest with the flashlight, ensuring not to drop it, but to others it looked like she pressed her boobs firmly together to give off a more promiscuous appearance, gladly nobody saw. Closing the door behind her she sets the flashlight down and quickly looks away, not wanting anything to do with it until Niki asks for it or until she has to use it to look for something. Kicking off her shoes and setting them aside next to the door, she walks in her soft cotton socks that fit her cute tiny feet-
Anna "Jupiter" Johansen: Shuffling across the floor over to the kitchen as she makes little taps across the floor still not wanting to wake Niki. Their room will be adjacent to the kitchen with the bedroom only one for the two of them, the vanity and the dresser takes up one-third of the space while Anna and Niki themselves share a queen-sized mattress, always bumping butts together or having Niki's D's press up against Anna's back at night which always pushed her slightly to the edge of the bed at night. "Hm, we still have eggs thankfully and uh- oh! Here, there is bacon, thankfully." The food was fortunately prepared by the group as they foraged for eggs and the slices of bacon was UU-branded for Loyalists, as they had a Loyalist supplier, however, she couldn't bring supplies until next Friday so Anna uses what she can to prepare Niki a hearty breakfast so she doesn't have to stuff... too much at that. She'll spread olive oil lightly over the pan so the eggs won't stick harshly on the pan, she'll then lay the eggs next to them so they can both cook to perfection. The savory aroma of the eggs and bacon is surely going to wake up Niki but before Anna does anything else, she'll hastily make her way to the windows of the cabin, shuffling her feet across the wooden floor once again making creaking noises as she makes sure that nobody is going to see her strip down to nothing and in to her nightgown, being that it's a lazy day for Anna and a short one at that, she can finally rest for the day, given the time that its around eleven o'clock in the morning.

Anna "Jupiter" Johansen: // I'll continue it later since I'm getting sweepy, ily <3
Anna "Jupiter" Johansen: // I'm doing a slice-of-life for Anna since she can definitely use some more developing!
Anna "Jupiter" Johansen: // And i'd like to get to know Niki more and what she does when she's not stuffing and we can work our way to the lewdies!
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