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34% energy 66% heat - during cellular respiration in glucose
max: 30 to 32 energy - photophosphorylation and redox reactions are not directly coupled
cells without oxygen or mito - anaerobic respiration - acceptor is not oxygen & fermentation - uses substrate level phosphorylation - alcohol pyruvate - ethanol vs lactic acid (produces lactate)
all use glycolysis - obligate anaerobes carry out fermentation or anaerobic respiration and cannot survive in the presence of 02
facultative anaerobes, they can survive using either fermn or cell res
proteins that are used for fuel, must be digested to amino acids and their amino groups must be removed - we convert it to urea
glycolysis accepts wide range of carbs
feedback inhibition is the most common mechanism for metabolic control
speeds up cellular res if ATP concen is low - has to control enzymes in the pathway
plants and other photosynthetic organisms contain organelles called chloroplasts
photosynthesis is the process that converts solar energy into chemical energy within chloroplasts - directly or indirectly nourishes the world.
autotrophs are self feeders - sustain themselves without eating anything derived from other organisms - producers of the biosphere producing organic molecules from co2
all are photoautotrophs - energy of the sunlight to make organic molecules
heterotrophs obtain organic material from other organism = consumers of the biosphere - all depend on photoautotrophs for food & 02
researching for ways to make fuel through photosynthesis
biggest possible surface area to catch sunlight - competition - chloroplasts are found mainly in cells of the mesophyll - interior tissue of the leaf
co2 enters and 02 exits leaf through stomata
chlorophyll resides in the thylakoids
chloroplast split h20, incorporating the electrons of H into sugar molecules and releasing oxygen as a by product
electromagnetic spectrum is the entire range of electromagnetic energy or radiation
light also behaves as though it consists of discrete particles called photons
chlorophyll a - key light capturing pigment
b- accessory pigment
don't use the full spectrum during photosynthesis
Engelmann - action spectrum of photosynthesis - exposed different segments of filamentous alga to different wavelengths
carotenoids may broaden the spectrum of colors that drive photosynthesis - absorb excess light - too much damages the chlorophyll
hydrocarbon anchors it - photosynthesis
photosystem - center of reaction (reaction center complex)
photosystem 2 - P680
P670 - system 1 - ATP result
- by product is the most important of the reaction (02)
all cycles recycle the regenerating the starting material

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