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Genesis 2:2
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.

I think we all overlook and bypass this scripture bc its so simple and almost a everyday thing for us all after doing our days deeds and missions but when it really comes down to if we think of it chances are most of us on this call haven't truly rested since who knows when.

so here's my 1 question
whats your def of resting and whens the last time you really really did?

my def is truly disconnecting with all your distractions weather it may be your s/o - tech- school - and friends and so on and really concentrate what I'm lacking on in which most cases may be religion. and I'm happy to say I feel rested when I'm being myself w friends and w god

I think in our current society we put up these facades we hide behind, and tell ourselves are natural after a while to impress the onlookers of our everyay life and truth be told when the lights go out and no one is looking I can say from experience sometimes it gets tiring and we really do need this so called rest and what ive found in this is that its a lot easier to rest when praying and even having simple convos with god and feeling light on my feet after or sharing and opening to new ppl to better myselves along with others I care for

so my next q is how do you now rest or how do you plan to make sure you rest in the oncoming future

and my last question is how do you plant to commit to resting and making sure you have a frequent resting time for Yourself with GOD
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Regards; Team

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