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Dear Joy..
I'm in the Moment, where i write this Text, still thankful, that you suddenly forgave me.. And i'll be thankful to you all Times..
Although the Day yesterday had a bad Afternoon, it was still the best Day, because at the Morning my biggest Dream got true. In the Moment i wish, i could meet you in Reallife and say you personally, how thankful i am to you. The first Time after two or three Months i was really very happy at the Moment where we talked yesterday.
Btw the Reason, why the Afternoon yesterday was bad, is, because i waited over 8 Hours in my Bed or somewhere else and i slept almost one Time because of waiting. And i can't Chat good on my Phone, since it don't send my Messages correctly. Do you remember when i asked 'How are you', and you said to first 'Fine', and i wanted say 'I'm glad to hear, that you're fine. I'm too fine because you're fine', but it sent it as 'I'm glad to hear, that you're ?. I'm too fine because you're fine.'. It just replaced a Word with a '?' and sometimes it put more Letters or Words i didn't really wrote. Thats why i can't Chat at my Phone. I'm in the Moment really afraid that you misunderstood me, because of the Phone Bug what changes or destroy the Messages what i want to send you. I'm still sorry About it, but i didn't knew, that my Phone would be so bad.
I hope, you had yesterday a good Day at the End. And if not, i hope, you will be fine.
I really like you so much. I remember how i yesterday almost got Tears, after i looked at the last Pic what you sent on your Profile, and how my Eyes felt better (i was tired), after i watched at the Evening again at your Pic.
I hope, i could find more Possibilities to contact you, since my Phone is almost useless.
I love you how you are, and i would do everything to make you happy, even if it means, that i have to sacrifice everything. And like i often said, i would never let you down, no matter, what happens. You're for me more than Friends and Family. I'll try to come so often i can on the PC until i finally purchased a new PC, since my old PC can't be fixed.
I had there many Files like Plans, Texts, Drawings and Screenshots, but the once what really worry me is, that the Screenshots of us, what i had in two Files, are lost. In the Case, if we would again make Screenshots, i will save them on a secret Place, that i could take them again in my Files, in the Case, if my next PC will have the same Problem.
Yesterday my Mom told me that she will go somewhere see for my Job because she found something what could be good for me, and then i could finally deserve Money, and with the Money i'll to first buy a PC (a cheap PC because i want it fast and i'll sell Maybe some Things for Money), that i can contact you more and that i can finish other important Things (but Nothing is so important like to Chat with you.). And if i have the PC, i'll save for flying two Times with Plane, and for a Hotel for one or two Weeks, that i can meet you. But for the Working for the Money i have less than a Year Time. And if i'm going at the 3. March out of House, my Mom will not succeed with stop me, if she is trying, but i won't say her where i'm going.
I'll try to never disappoint you again. And don't worry, i also changed me.
I swear to my Blood and Honor, i'll try everything to don't disappoint you.
I missed you in the last Times so much, that i dreamed often About you, and if i was not dreaming About you, i was often thinking About you, and all the Days i thought About you.
I'm glad that we are again Friends. It even rescued me from that, what i've prepared the Weekend of the Week before the last Week and what i planned to do this Week. And i'm also thankful for this.
I hope, we could be Friends forever. And don't worry, i won't make the Mistakes what i did in the last Months, since i changed me for you. I'll put so much Effort like i can, to be good for you, and i'll protect you, no matter, who is the Enemy.
And i'll do everything to protect you, no matter, how riskful i have to be. If someone dare to hurt you, then that Person will pay.
I like it when you're happy, because you're my best Friend and don't worry, i'll never like someone more than you. I'll forever like you the most, because i even love you, and because you're the most Kind Person i ever saw.

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Regards; Team

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