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1. Ladies, first off, while in this dilemma its important to keep your cool. Regardless of if he's being a d-bag you should remain C-A-L-M.
2. Even if your sobbing un-controllaby in bed with your cat DO NOT, and i repeat DO NOT let him know this! Keep yourself composed and direct, though, still do your best not to sound abrasive and remember to always try be the bigger person! But yes ,ladies, in some situations (i.e cheating ect.) it is definitely okay to let a f-bomb or two slip and by all means please do, on behalf of me and the female community as a whole, give him a piece of your mind! (in a classy and some-what composed way of course. - Story short, don't do anything that would get you on the show Cops!)
3. Try your best to understand his reasons. Closure is a very very important thing. Ask him questions (you most certainly have the right to!) about what his reasons are. Who knows, finding out this certain thing may save a future relationship!
4. This is a very important step. Deciding whether to fight for your relationship or to let him go. Its more than okay to want to hold onto a relationship. But please please PLEASE don't be THAT girl who will do anything in order to keep her man. Listen to me carefully when I say, leave with DIGNITY. Theres a fine line between trying to resolve your problems in an adult fashion and seeming desperate. Also, keep in mind that once a relationship breaks up once or at least almost does like in this situation, it is rare that it will thrive again.

5. If you chose to let it go and to leave with dignity, kudos to you my friend! You are one strong lady! Please keep tuned for the following steps on how to move on with your life:), So step away from that rom-com and litre of ice cream and dry your tears girl friend!

1. Delete your text messages! trust me when I say thats NOTHING good can ever come from re-reading a breakup text over and over OR even reading old lovey-dovey texts between you two. If its too hard than ask a friend to do it! Girl friends and KEY in these steps!
2. Call up your girl friends and tell them the news. God knows they'll be the first people to your side with some tissues and open arms! Also, friends are excellent people to rant to...
3. Text and start convos with a whole ton of people! Maybe people you haven't seen in a while, want to get to know better or lost touch with since youve been in a relationship. Building a circle of friends to support you is probably one of the best things you can do! But remember not to start off mentioning your new break up with these people or mentioning it at all! focus only on the positive!
4. As tempting as it might be to climb in bed and sleep forever, resist the temptation! Get up! Go out! Grab a few friends and hit the mall or the movies, go out at night for a GNO or even go for a run or hit the gym! Exercise can be therapeutic!
5. Try your best not to think about this guy, instead try and distract yourself with fun, positive things (see step above)
6. Wallowing and eating a lot of ice cream and watching romantic movies can seem like a good idea but for your own good, skip this historically renound step and grab a comedy! Maybe an old disney fav or a cheesy, slapstick standup comedian! Instead of the sweets and ice-cream, grab some fruit or something and make a healthy snack! The unhealthy food will just make you feel like crap anyways.
7. Spend time with your family! Get back to the roots, nothing can heal a broken heart more than Mom's home cooked Mac and Cheese and a night with the fam.
8. Pamper yourself! Go get your nails done with your Bffs or even splurge a little and hit the spa for a relaxing day that is sure to take your mind off of things.
9.Make a change! Go get your hair done or get a little stay-cation bronzy glow with a spray tan! The change will leave you feeling refreshed and ready for a new start!
10. You know what they say, there is no cure better than retail-therepy! Hit the mall and shop it up! Get some new clothes that will make you look AND feel good!
11. REBOUNDS. The dreaded r-word. Please please please dont do it. There is NOTHING messier. It may seem like a good idea at the time but in the end you are just going to end up making some poor guy feeling used and hurt. There is nothing worse than leading someone on.
12. Most importantly, go about your regular rountine as you normally would. Dont let this guy throw you off! Keep your head high and work it girl! Remember, you are a strong, independent woman who dont need no man!
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