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-Personalit outline: Rebel, Explorer
-Kervella Menak
-eye color :shappire
-body typer: athletic

poderes/habilidades, de donde salen?
que hago en altinova?
desarrolar la historia presente un poco mas
quizas canmbiar ultima parte--> razon para viajar revolucion

He is a young male, his eyes are sapphire blue, heritage from his mother, he has jet-black wavy hair, thought he dyed the tips in silver white, a color that matches that of his tattoos, the ones of the face (under his eyes and lips) he also has 2 more tattoos that cover his full right arm and the back of his left leg. He has an athletic body (he needs it for his job) and has a tanned skin. He is a dreamer, a wanderer, he sees the world as a puzzle, but not one you have to resolve, but one that needs to be explored. He is really emotional but more than stability and security he craves creativity and freedom. He might seem carefree but when he commits with something he will fight until his very last breath for it. He often tries to hide his emotions, but more than he controlling them, they control him, he gets carried away like if they were a tide from whose pull he cants scape often leading to disastrous ends.

-I was born in trent, a small village,in the border of the republic of calpheon. life there was simple
My mother was form duvencrune, I've never been therebut she used to tell me stories about roccky mountains with beatiful sigths and mystirious secrets,I know she was from a noble family, i dont know much more since she dowsnt like to talk about it. my father on the other hand was a hunter from a small village in the republic of calpheon called behr, unlike any other hunters you migth know he didnt hunt for the sake of killing, he and his people respected the animals, the purity of their intentions they treated them like gods who gave up their lives so we could keep ours, a philoshophy that was in the village for generations, a philoshophy that was day by day fading from the town, each day was more and more common to see people boasting of all the animals they have killed or the weak the animals were, he just couldnt understand how could they do that to the beasts they once benerated ,so he took the hardest of the choices, he packed his things and turned his back on the place he once called home. he set his destination not much further, he headed for trent the neighbour town, afterall he spended most of his live inside that forest and the animals that roamed it, he couldnt just leave.
He and my mother cross paths there. It was 1 year after my faather started his new life that she got to the town, he was about to go hunting when he saw her, her hair blonde as the sunrise and her eyes of a deep blue that hid so many secrets, you could tell by her expression she was running away, he knew that, he once had that same look, both two souls hunted by their past, they connected intstantlky. My mother told me she was never ment to start a life there she had no destination nor plans,she only knew she had to go the furthest away from there as she could, but he, he changed everything, she said that when they were together every other thing faded, like a worry from another life, she was at peace, and I could tell my father felt it too. They almost never talked about their past, and when they did they told it as the story from another person, a spectre from the past. A few years pased by, they got engaged, and they gave their marriage vows at epheria. my brother Cowell, some time after that. He was always quiet, always observing, but he was kind, he helped whenever he was asked and cared for our family. 5 years later, I was born, so much diferent than my brother, messy, even chaotic at times. he and i were so much diferent some people couldnt even tell we were brothers, my hair was deep black and wavy and my eyes shapphire blue ,just like my mother, he had blonde thin hair and hazel eyes. He was organized and responsible, and followed every rule, but I, I wated to push my limits as far as I could, I wanted to do as I pleased without anyone telling me what to do, as you can imagine this brougth me a million problems but Cowell stood by my side, we always suported each other,. As time passed Cowell and I became more and more distant, he started attending important social events and moving in higher circles with even the mayor of the town, meanwhile I lived my life wandering around the forests, exploring and having fun was my top priority,and I picked up the legacy of the family, the tradition, the hunters oath, But it was at his 18th birthday that he told us he wanted to move, he wnated to go to calpheon were he would start attending a socio political grade, it took us all by surprise. I was mad at him for leaving us, leaving me,thougth we hadnt been toghether that much lately i still was his brother and he didnt care, but the day he was about to go, he spoke to me as we used to do, i remember his wamr smile, and the words he said,"i want you to understand, i need to do this , i have to do something bigger, i have to make a chenge, im tired of the way taht things have been" it was at that moment that i saw him, my brother, the one who put others lifes before his own. It was the twilight when the wagon left, i tried to be strong for him but i just couldnt help it, my whole life he stood for me, and now he was gone. the days after he left i was thougthful, the things he said... the courage he had to left all we knew; made me think, was that life the one i wnated? living my whole life in this same town, with all the same people? the answer was always clear thougth i never wanted to she it, i was to afraid to dissapoint my family, but i needed to do it at least try it, i wanted to go out to see the world but unlike my brother i had no, altruist feelings, but it was what i longed for, to see the world to explore the unexplored, to go were none has ever gotten before, that was what i wanted and now i saw it.
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