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-The term balance of power means:no state should be more powerful than the rest.
-What was a major difference between Charles X and Louis Philippe?:Louis Philippe was liberal.
-A main reason the Age of Revolutions failed to achieve widespread change in Europe was:
How did the Revolutions of 1848 benefit Louis Napoleon?:He was able to seize power and promise change.
As a result of the Congress of Vienna, France:gave up territory it had won under Napoleon.
The Congress of Vienna led to revolts in France because:many people did not want an absolute monarchy.
As a result of the violent revolts in France in July 1830, Charles X:gave up the throne and fled for Great Britain.
Charles X sparked a revolt in France by":trying to increase the power of the monarchy.
Which is an example of a cultural bond in a nation-state?

a holiday tradition
Wilhelm I was declared kaiser of Germany in.:1871
How was Germany similar to Italy in the 1800s?

Revolutionaries in Germany and Italy called for unification.
-What is the most likely reason Bismarck was named chancellor when King Wilhelm I became kaiser of Germany?

Wilhelm wanted to reward Bismarck, who was largely responsible for German unificatio
-Which features were among the six common bonds of a nation-state:territory
-The group Young Italy advocated for:an end to nationalism
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