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Robots Revisions round two:
1) Sticky bar bg color

2) you missed one icon in the universal robots section.

3) Please try to fix the ur robot. I really don't like that he cut like that... and like I say, he need to stop in the middle of the second ur section.
= I talked to nati about this and we will try to do something but not sure since enfold works like that. as you can see here
4) U need to change the MIR title. and I cant see the blue and green line in the right .
= Did not understand please ellaborate
5) The white MIR cart need to stop after appear.
= Same here its the basic function of enfold as you can see here
6) in the industries section- I want to add text on the open image. who do u want that I will give it to you? word? psd?
= Send me the words
1. why u made the header in blue?

2. I want to see the robots on the blue "slider" ( Upper half)

3. the Industries slider- there is any way to improve it? I cant see the text, and we wont be able to see the text on the open image when we implant it.
= Its the regular function of enfold as you can see the example you sent here (Check in mobile)
4. how can I see the other testimonials?
= It auto rotates one after another but right now there is only one testimonial when you add more it will show.
5. there is no sticky header - when I scroll down I can't see the logo or the menu.
= In mobile the menu does not stick as the screen is small and its regular function of enfold
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Regards; Team

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