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Get Them

By: Xander B.

Chapter 1:
The Police Call

The sun was rising on a beautiful Sunday morning while Sally was driving to the mall by her apartment. I was playing games on my cellphone. Sally had gotten a car wash earlier. Sally parked in the parking lot. I got out of the car. Sally was in the parking lot excited to go to the mall and the restaurants they had for lunch. We planned to shop and get lunch at the mall. We were shopping for a couple hours. We couldn't find any good restaurants there, so we went to a restaurant that was nearby. While Sally and I were about to go back into the parking lot, we saw some thieves stealing. I said “get them” to Sally and the people nearby. Sally was afraid and freaked out when she noticed it happened. I didn't see anyone yet, except Sally, so I called louder. Sally cried out and said “get them”. Still nobody heard us, so I called the police. The police asked what happened and where we were. I said to Sally I already called the police. When I got back to the car, I said “get them” to the police on my cellphone. I said there were some thieves stealing at the mall we just went to. I also tried to explain some more details. They asked me some questions and I answered them back. They asked me what my name was and I responded back to them and said “My name is George.”. They also asked if there was any other witnesses and I replied “Yes, my sister Sally was there”. The police asked the same thing with Sally. I waited for the policemen to arrive. The policeman’s car arrived. The policeman tried to get them. Then I said “get them” again to the policeman. Then Sally comes up to me and says “get them” and I try to get them. We tried to get them even the policeman tried to get them. Then Sally rushes back to the policeman and says “get them”. I say “get them”. Then the police says “get them” to the policeman on the walkie-talkie then the policeman didn't get them, but they tried to get them. Sally was concerned and the police were too. They were trying to find who stole the things from the mall. The thieves ran away quickly. The police were chasing the thieves. The police couldn't catch up, so the thieves ran away and the police didn't catch them. They tried again and again, but would always fail.

Chapter 2:

I said this in my head we tried to get them, but the policeman didn't get them then I said we got them, but I lied In my head. I still said I got them, but I didn't really get them. I said we got them. I knew we didn't get them, but we tried to get them. Sally decided to shop at another store instead of the mall because she couldn’t find the things she was looking for at the mall. I decided to wait outside while she was shopping. I lied to some people in the city. I really wanted to get the people who stole the things from the mall. Sally was shopping while I was saying that. I felt really bad lying. I lied again to someone else by the store. I got them in my head. I went home with Sally. We decided to eat dinner at a restaurant. We ordered food. I kept thinking about when I was lying while I'm in the restaurant. We were waiting at the order pick up line. We ate our pizza. I was afraid to lie to my family. Auto said he left his home earlier and went somewhere else. Sally and I went to Auto's home. We watched television. I waited for my brother, Auto, to get home. Auto got home a couple of hours later around midnight. I confessed that I lied to the people in the city when I saw him enter. I already told Sally while we were watching television, she was scared that the people will get angry if they found out. She calmed herself down watching more television.

Chapter 3:
Auto Gets Frustrated

Auto got frustrated after I said I lied to the people that were by the store. I said “We tried everything we could do to help, we tried to get them.”. I said the police man didn't get them to Auto. Auto was so scared of it now that I said that. The next day, Auto told the people that I lied to them. He said the police didn't get them. The people were mad, scared, and shocked. They were scared that the thieves were not caught. Auto appeared at the festival that I went to the other night. I was mad that he hid my favorite movie. One night, I was bored and decided to watch a couple movies. I was looking for my favorite movie, so I could watch it. I could not find it. I asked everyone if they knew where it is, everyone said they didn't know. I knew something was off. The only room I didn't check so far is my sister Sally's old room. I saw something sticking out under her old bed, I pulled it. No one noticed it was there. It looked like a piece of paper from a notepad. I was curious to see what it was. Now, I knew Auto hid a paper in my sister Sally's old room and I found it. It said Auto's Secrets. I found a map to the movie that he hid in the notepad papers. I found the movie and I watched the movie. I told Auto that I found his secret map. He said “Don't ever lie again.”. I told Sally about it the next morning.

Chapter 4:
Who Did It?

The next evening, the police came to us and gave us papers. We saw a particular paper about a website about identifying criminals. The police gave us names of possible suspects on another paper. We searched the website up on the internet. The website gave us photos of people and names. We had to put a code from the paper to give us information about the possible suspects. We searched some codes and started seeing the names from the paper onto the website. We decided to pick the ones that fit the face shape of the people we saw stealing the things. The website showed the results to the police. They also did the same thing with witnesses from inside the mall. They still didn't find the thieves. It was time for Auto to get a job, so we wrote down a list of possible jobs. Sally and I picked police man for a job on both of our lists, so he applied for it. The police department hired him. He had to go through training to become a police officer. He was always busy with his training. Auto was so happy that he got a job. Sally already had a job. She went back to work on Tuesday. She worked at the bank. I was thinking about what my job would be. I was thinking for a long time. I didn’t get many ideas. I wrote things I do and things I’m good at. I collected a lot of stuff like caps, toys, tins, jewelry, stamps, games, and more. I used a lot of stuff that people would say that is just junk. I carried it just in case. I was thinking I might apply for some jobs later.

Chapter 5:

The next day, I was by myself all day watching television. Auto and Sally got home and ate lunch. They said why don't you get a pet since you’re always alone. I said I was thinking about getting a pet for me. I do like animals a lot. I went to the pet store searching for a pet, so I wouldn't be by myself at home while my family was working. I found a small and cute puppy. I was already thinking of names for him. I was happy that I found a puppy. I was looking at some other pets there too. They gave me some paperwork of the breed of puppy and the birth date of the puppy. I bought the puppy. I went to get a new movie that was coming out. I got puppy food for the puppy at the store where I got the movie. I got home and fed the puppy. I watched the new movie, I had gotten. Eventually that movie became my new favorite movie. I gave my brother Auto my older favorite movie later. That movie became his favorite movie. At the end of the movie, I saw a wonderful name. The name was Mac. I decided to name the puppy, Mac. I went back to the pet store and brought Mac with. Mac tried on different sizes of collars. I got the perfect size collar for Mac and I found his name, Mac on the customized perfect sized collar. I bought Mac the collar. It was night when I got home. I saw Mac eat some more of the puppy food I bought earlier. Mac was getting used to me. He was still barking by the time Auto and Sally got home at midnight. I fell asleep around that time. I forgot to get a bed for Mac to sleep in. I was dreaming about where Mac would sleep. When I woke up, I heard Mac snoring on my bed. I was laughing when I found him on the bed the next morning. I was gonna buy him a bed in a couple more days. It was almost gonna be his birthday. His birthday is October 28. In a couple days it will be Mac’s birthday. It is Mac’s birthday. Mac is now 1 year old. Today is Saturday! I bought him dog food and other stuff. I feed him the dog food. He got his very first dog toy. I knew he was happy.

Chapter 6:

The months passed by really quick. I was done with my winter break. It was a new year! I asked Sally and Auto to take care of Mac while I was in college. I went back to college. I talked to my friends about jobs after class. One time I told my friends about me being a good story writer and songwriter, they said I could write about things in my life. They also said I could write about the thieves stealing the things from the mall. I was excited to get a 100% on one of my writing assignments. I also remembered that someone said name it Get Them because everyone there said get them. 5 years have passed by, I am finishing college and Mac is 5 years old now. Almost everyone was happy and cried when they graduated. Everybody got their certificates and medals. All of my family went to the graduation. After our family ate dinner, I went to the store and got more dog food. I haven’t seen Mac in a long time. I decide to be a writer for my job because I like writing so much. I even wrote a song called Get Them. It was sung by my dad. He decided to sing it in rock and roll type voice. My song was released and published. I want to make an awesome song. Lots of people said I already did by making my songs. A person said my dad sings great. Then I wrote a song called Macky Mac. The song was about my dog Mac and how I missed him when I was in college, people liked it and I was happy.

Chapter 7:
Getting a house

It was time for me to get a house. I looked at houses. I looked at apps and websites to find a house. I originally was gonna get an apartment, but I changed my mind to a house. I wanted an apartment because I am used to being in an apartment and most of my friends and family had one. I lived in Sally's apartment before college. She said she is gonna get a new apartment that's bigger than the one she has. With my friends and family's help, I found the perfect house. I got a big house with an upstairs and down stairs. My dad helped me get Mac to my house and move my stuff. I got a big back yard for Mac to play in. Mac would miss me at the times I wasn't there like when I got the stuff from Sally's apartment and move it to my new house. One day I sent Sally and Auto directions to my new house. Sally and Auto arrived at my house an hour later. They also saw Mac when they were there. While we were watching television, Sally and Auto remembered the time that there were thieves at the mall stealing. They said I should write something about it. We watched some movies for a while before they both left. I did exactly what they said. I remembered that my friend said title it get them. A lot of people all over the world liked it. Auto and Sally were surprised. They bought a copy of the book. I created many stories, people liked them. I also illustrated some of my books. Some websites made stories and articles about me. I was very excited and happy. I save up most of the money I earn. Sally and Auto came again, this time when I was watching a movie about a man who was lost inside a new world. They both surprised me and didn't say they were coming.

Chapter 8:
Writing New Books

I started to write children stories and other stories. It was mostly nonfiction so far. One of the popular series I created is called The Lady Who series. The most popular of the series so far is called The Lady Who: Made Cookies. Get Them was probably one of my most popular works. The other songs I made were still pretty popular too. Sally quits her job. She became a doctor. Since Sally quits, Auto quits too and becomes a vet. I made my 23rd book. It was called The Types of Doctors. It had different types of doctors like animal doctors which is basically a vet. Vets usually check up on animals like dogs, cats, and birds. I didn't know exactly if Auto only worked with one particular animal. I published the book. It was another great book. I was surprised of how many books I produced, some stories and books I wrote were short. I made more than 23 books in total so far. It has been a couple years since I have been a story writer. I told my dad and mom, they were surprised. They told Auto and Sally about it. They were surprised too just like I was.

Chapter 9:
Halloween Time Comes!

One day I was cleaning my house out and I found some stuff. I found a book that was about a dog. I used to read books like that one all the time. I liked the book. After I finished reading it, I sold it to a boy named James. James and I became friends. James was nice. One day, I was walking Mac around the neighborhood. Mac found something. I looked to see what it was. The color was red like a rose. I thought it was Halloween declaration, but it didn't look like a normal Halloween decoration. I called James on my cellphone to see if he any idea what it was. It turned out James didn’t have any idea of what it might’ve been. Me and Mac went back inside. I played with Mac for a while. We played lots of tug of war with his dog toys. I went to sleep with Mac. We woke up the next morning. I have written my 29th book, It is called The Lady Who: Ate Too Much Candy for Halloween! I made it about Halloween because Halloween was coming up soon. It was considered Ben’s market best-seller. I made a book called The Mysterious Red Object, the book was telling about the red object that I had discovered. I made a big book called 500 facts about Halloween. I also wrote 500 facts about other topics and holidays too. It takes a long time to make a book. Today is Mac's birthday, October 28. I got him dog toys for his birthday. Mac is turning 7 years old.

Chapter 10:
Cases Are Solved!

I decided to write some poems, so I could be a poet. I wrote my first poem. It was called Poems Are Delightful. The next morning I woke up. I went to the mall with Sally because today is her day off. She wanted to buy some stuff. We bought clothes, food, games, and kitchen equipment. I got home and fed Mac. Sally usually has her day offs on Mondays. We played the games that we bought from the mall. Sally was hanging out at my house for a while. Sally told me that Auto changed his job back to a policeman. We went to get dinner at a new restaurant that opened not long ago. It is now November 3, Thanksgiving is in 23 days. I heard my cellphone ring. It was the local police department. They said they had very good news. They said they had found some people that they knew confirmed did the crime. I told everyone the news. The story even appeared on an international news website. It was one of my happiest days ever. I heard on the news that some people forgot about the incident when it happened 7 years ago. I had people ask before where I got my ideas and stories from. We also found out that Auto helped find the thieves. On a news article it stated that the witness’s brother helped in the investigation. I also read that a group of policemen came to their houses and found the jewelry. They returned it safely to the store. Then I said I found a suspicious red object to the police. The police tracked it down to the exact location. They dug the dirt off of the red object. They found it was a stolen car. I asked myself why would someone bury a car? They investigated and tracked the fingerprints to a distinct house. They went to the house and no one was there. The next day, they visited the house again. The light was on, that meant there is a possibility that people are inside the police said. They broke down the door. They went inside with their guns and found the rest of the criminals. The police arrested them. The criminals confessed to stealing the car and burying it. The police put them into jail. I texted James an article about it. James said it looks very similar to his old car and that someone stole his car a long time ago. He couldn't find or track it down. The police investigated and the stolen car's license plate was registered to James Falions. James confirmed that that was him. The police worked with the car company that made the car to give James a new car. James was happy he had gotten his new car. I went to walk Mac for a little.

Chapter 11:
A New Pet!

One day, Mac found a cat. I picked the cat up carefully and brought it into the car. I drove the cat in my car to the vet to check on him. The cat’s fur was fluffy, so I named him Fluffy. I drove to the store to buy things for Fluffy. I got Fluffy cat food, cat toys, and other stuff from the pet store. Sally and Auto came home they didn't see the cat yet, so I called them. Auto and Sally then arrived at my house. I surprised them by showing them Fluffy. I found Fluffy on March 21st. Sally and Auto played with Mac and Fluffy. Sally, Auto, and I watched Fluffy play with Mac while we were watching a movie. I decide to update and edit some of my stories. I was happy I decide to keeping updating them and making more stories. I even made a new series. I know next I'm going on a ride with an explorer and pilot. He said the trip is on September 18. I think I am going to bring Mac and Fluffy. I don't know where the flight will be. It's a surprise. That's probably what my next story is going to be about. I am probably gonna write more songs, poems, and books. I might make a song for Fluffy just like I made a song for Mac. I was excited to see the case closed. I'm really excited about everything! Lots of things happened. I am very glad. Today I am going to play with Fluffy and Mac.

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