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Hemilton County Sheriff's Department
Narration by: Col. Iliana Martinez #111
Internal Affairs Division - Officer Complaint Report
Reference: #001
Complaint: Harassment (s)023212: Against Sergeant Aiden Ruthenford #420, Special Weapons and Tactics Division Supervisor; towards Colonel Iliana Martinez #111, Director of Police Relations

On July 1st, 2018 I, Officer Martinez, was transitioning out of the routine nine-to-five shift. It was approximately 5:30 and I was in the break room in the department. Sergeant Aiden Ruthenford, Special Weapons and Tactics Supervisor, who was affable in nature, approached me in the break room with a friendly demeanor as usual. However, his approach was sudden as his tone becomes more lax which I found odd. "Hey, how's it going? You look cute today," Sergeant Rutherford said with a rather perverse smile that made me dearly uncomfortable. Though, I had to shy away at the personal remark as that was rather inappropriate; his gestures also accompanied the unprofessional attitude he exemplified towards myself, which I had to address immediately on the spot by promptly and stern: "Sergeant Rutherford, you are to act with accountability whilst being a sworn officer. Your fraternization and perverse demeanor will not be tolerated by myself or any female officer. If you do so continue, there will have to be disciplinary actions that will proceed with Internal Affairs." To which he immediately ceased all advances towards myself in a seemingly infatuated manner judging by every discern action he showed.

Oath: "I, Iliana Martinez, solemnly affirm that the evidence that I shall give, shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

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