NotesWhat is

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Notes -

Words produce thoughts, thoughts produce knowledge, knowledge has an emotional buy-in which creates a belief system that causes you to act. It's a cycle.

What's your belief system & self talk - pay close attention. Body language shows it, audio visual matches up.

what did i learn, what can i improve, what's next & do whatever it takes.
open heart to learning something always.

MREA get on audio. Operations manual. Read atleast 4 times. Creates internal timeline that this is important.
Fierce conversations
Emotional intelligence 2.0: the logic system of brain; level of self-awareness, gives opportunity for self-management; social awareness, relationship management
5 love languages: physical touch, words of admiration; acts of kindness; acts of service

You - ceiling - bounce down - incorporate models (others been through it as well)
Creativity - unstable
* Models + creativity = breakthrough
once a ceiling now becomes a floor
Cycle repeats *

Apply in business to move forward

3Ls: Leads, Listings, Leverage. 6 phases in this process.
1st focus - Leads
filters over to listings
intent, emotion, body language
now need leverage.

to generate leads:

Gary: you are a lead generator that happens to be in Real Estate. Your database is your business.
I am a lead generator. (Solidify in your heart).

2 aspects:
1) Prospecting: proactive, assertive; hunting: stalking
2) Marketing: reactive, passive; standing under a tree/ waiting for stuff to come in/ tree droppings
Gathering: feed the database; care for it, ongoing communication; systematic and consistent

MREA pg 65: list of prospecting & marketing that exist in our business


2 must-haves attached to contacts:
1) Notes
2) Reminder

Script call:
1) Intro
2) State the Purpose of my call
3) Add Value
4) Ask for business
(Law of sowing & reaping)
Yes: ask what's the best contact number for you
Logic makes them think; emotion makes them act.

Ask yourself what emotion you want to create: positive vs negative
emotional bandwidth in a transaction with buyers

what solidifies and creates raving fans
Fav movie: Goodwill hunting

We strategically create the emotional high - brand yourself each time
with each activity you do, have you produced a movie.
Put as many signs as your tolerance level will allow you; smell of home, you, communication you create;
your audience demands your performance; when you do this, they unlock

free personality assessment: Tony Robbins

Listing agent: desperate to move, leverage that figure out Lay of the land; find out variables;

exchange your praise 4 times
we have the ability to create the emotional high & brand ourself at it - be intentful, strategic control of career

Client: you're the best RE ever
You: What did you say; am I the best RE ever
(produce the movie; hero is the Client- it's about them; we are the guide not the hero)

Inspired ADT moment
Building is the relationship
Foundation is Trust
Re-bars/ pile ons support foundation: communicate & care; listen well; produced a level of loyalty; genuine concern: how we communicate it

70% referral based 140 tranasctions

At open house, are you open handed & smiling
switch them to dream state; fact hunt, what's important to you.
7 days average time from: handshake to escrow

Options/ Solutions during bad news: potential cash on the side; seller to reduce; negotiate midway; right to cancel
what is your feeling on negotiating in the middle/ how does that sound
rather than what are your thoughts (indecisive)
so here is what we are going to do.
how does that sound
get you to ah nirvana

cancel - do more discovery; lets really quantify this; it's about achieving your goals. you really do want to move forward.

dream state, emotional state, set appointment
went with the first agent? up stroke question; down stroke neutral

remain in constant state of being done.

I'd love to sit down with you and earn your business; doctor's script - diagnosed with something; you'll see one consultant or 2?

belief system to re-program in client- we want ability to control & have influence
TY so much for thinking of that; in the future you'll hear of the word RE come up in the course of conversation & when u do, will you do me a favor & only if you're comfortable, would you get their contact & share with me so I can provide my service to them just as offered to you.

Script flow:
add value
ask for business
set expectation: touch base once a quarter

lead gen, admin, referrals 1-3 from each client; database becomes your salesforce.

RE is just a by product; get personally interested; favorite beverage, type of snack, food
we care because we listen
activity allows touches; here's your fav treat;

logic heavy yet emotional
high D - ask questions
C personality: less is more
S personality: amiable; stable environment
I personality: family, relationship driven

MREA on audio 1.5 or greater
database; lead gen and how
models for netting 1M page 1-175 individual agent

Shift: know your personality

balanced market
upward market/ seller's market
downward market/ buyer's market

months of remaining inventory
Per shift book: 5 months or less is seller's market
Balanced (transition point is shift) = 5-7 months (best time to buy)
buyer's 7 months +
below 7 months is when you want to buy
Lock in profits when buyer confidence is low, below floor

15 mins of think time
pod cast: entre leadership
morning huddle 15 mins
scripts & role play 15 mins
9:30-11 lead gen - prep; lead gen/ hunting new business - continue to feed your database; lead follow up
constantly feed database & take care of it
Lunch recharge: lighter avoid carbs that put you to sleep; do salads; fruits
Craft & trade practice or improvement: presentations
become better today than I was yesterday;
read a chapter a day
youtube: common buyer seller objections
win with buyers & sellers

Maintain consistency & structure in business

Your calendar is a direct refection of your business
If it's not on your calendar, it doesn't exist
whatever you erase you must replace.
Butts in seat; lead by example.

Page 65 shift book:

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Regards; Team

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