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Agent Under Fire is a 1st Person Shooter based on the James Bond series. It was developed and published by Electronic Arts and was released for the GC, PS2, and Xbox in Nov 13, 2001. At the start of each level 2 agents name M and R give us the briefing for our mission at the start of each level. The story begins with James going to a base known as Identicon to rescue a captured agent named Zoe Nightshade. The man who captured Zoe is an international terrorist named Nigel Bloch who is the head of Identicon. After rescuing Zoe Nigel sends his men to capture them through the streets of Hong Kong. The 2 steal a case from an Identicon factory and then they meet up with R. A limousine pulls up and a strange woman pops out of it shooting a nearby car with a rocket killing Nightshade in the process. The woman steals the case and then James goes into a car to pursue them. After getting back the case, blood samples were discovered and 1 of the blood samples were confirmed to be from someone know as Reginald Griffin, a British diplomat in charge of a British Embassy in Romania. James heads to the embassy to discover why Griffin is obsessed with protecting a secret room. But when James makes it the embassy, he finds Griffin dead at his desk, and then he is attacked by a man identical to griffin, which he overpowers. Afterwards James finds a message on Griffins computer and heads to Malprave Industries in Switzerland. Bond poses as a journalist and notices that the CEO is Adrian Malprave, which he actually encountered in the Embassy. Bond collects the evidence he needed and escapes the facility. After analyzing Griffins message, bond learns that the "defected merchandise" was a code name for someone named DR Natalya Damescu who was originally an employer for Malprave. And is also under protection back at the Embassy. The woman who Killed zoe, Carla the Jackal, who is also in infamous terrorist leads an attack on the embassy. After fighting through Carlas men, we find Damescu and she tells us that the enemy took a data chip that's containing information on something called Poseidon. Bond encounters the jackal and kills her and then the men that took the dat chip escaped. Bond drives through the Streets of Bucharest to search for the chip. After recovering the chip, bond fights through Malpraves men in a tank to rendezvous with R. After analyzing the chip, we get information that Malpraves secret lab is near an Oil Rig in the South China Sea where he encounters Nigel. Bond chases Nigel up to the top of rig and then Nigel causes them too fall which leads them to an underwater base. Bond pursues Nigel to the end of the base and kills him by causing him to fall into lava. Then Bond discovers the entrance to Poseidon. After searching around, Bond discovers that Poseidon is cloning facility and he destroys it. After he destroys the facility he goes into a submarine and he sees Zoe in there. Out of suspicion he holds his gun up to her, Zoe explains that it was a clone that was! A clone that was meant to obtain information about the CIA.
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