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F: What Reme's trying to say is that it ended really badly. We don't want to go into detail, Mother's memory seals are not to be messed with, but in the end, only you were able to stop him once things got out of hand.
T: I believe I remember a small that you mention it. And I would help, believe me, but I can't really summon my scythe right now, better yet cosmic smack an angry war god.
M: Oh trust me, after your historical battle, just one look at you and he'll beg for your forgiveness.
T: And then what?
M: Well, Bellum and his infinite knowledge will be able to rid you of that nasty seal and we can take you back home!
T: About that...I don't want to go back to the Holy Realm.
F: (spits out food) WHAT?
T: Listen, being a God has its perks I know, living forever and infinite power and all that. But from what I remember, I was the most hated being in all of Creation! I don't want to return to that! I actually like being human...I can be someone different here. It's nice knowing that I can hold things and not feel the undiminishing urge to destroy it. So, I'll help you, but you will not remove the seal under no circumstances!
M: Are you stu-
F: Deal!
Morbus stares at Thanatos in horror and then looks down to the floor.
M: Deal.

Morbus is laying on the sleeping on the floor as Fames holds onto him
He looks up at Thanatos who sleeps with a very distressed look.
M in thought:

Morbus is in The Holy Realm
He wears a suit as a girl ties his tie for him
M: I don't understand why we need to even dress up, it's only going to be us attending.
Beth: What do you mean? What about the angels and the other reapers?
M: Only for the small ceremony at the beginning, then it's a private dinner for the 5 of us.
B: Still, you should look dapper for your brother's birthday, Master.
She finishes and points to the mirror.
B: You look handsome, master.
M: What are you going to wear, Beth?
B: I'll find something. Maybe I'll wear a suit like Justice and Mayhem. I wouldn't want to stand out.
M: You're a lovley girl Beth, you would always stand out.
Beth smiles as Morbus places his cape upon his shoulders.

It's filled with angels and reapers
M: Where's Fames? And Bellum?
F: Brother!
Fames is wearing his armour as well
F: Where's Bellum? Is going to be late and interrupt again?
M: Hm, don't doubt it. That bastard will do anything for attention
F: Oh poor Letus, he must be suffocating under all this attention
M: Mother shuts him out for centuries and suddenly drops him under a spotlight like a shiny trophy.
F: How old is he turning this solstice?
M: 7.5 billion or something. I don't know, we just say it's old.

Vitas places them in front of a large group of people.
V: Where is your brother?
M: What do you think?
She sighs and begins her speech
V: Excuse me!
The crowd quiets down
V: The beginning of time, as I remember it, was cold and dark. But most importantly it was lonely-
A booming music blares from outside.
M: there he is.
Bellum bursts through the crowd boombox on a shoulder.
B: What's up SNOOTS

V: Dear me...
B: Oh sorry, was I interrupting something?
V: Please get up here Bellum and turn that music off.
B: Please, you tell the same story every single solstice. I'm sure we've all memorized by now, let's get to raging!
V: Bellum!
Mayhem laughs and grabs the boombox from Bellum and bows to Vitas
M: Forgive me, ma'am, I will take this out right away.
V: thank you...Mayhem.
Justice sneers at him and Mayhem sticks his tongue out at him jokingly.

V: Anyways, As I was saying-
B: It was lonely, so made Thanatos, your balance, your son, your first creation blah blah blah.
M: Bellum...
B: Oh and then you made Earth, and humans that adored you. But your little executioner, Thanatos couldn't handle being the only bad guy so you made us-
Bellum stops and looks terrified.
Everyone turns their head and sees the dark figure in the doorway.
T: Mother was speaking. Sit down or leave.
B: S-sure.
He bows to Vitas and stands next to the other terrified brothers.

It is after the ceremony and Thanatos finds Bellum
T: What the hell was that?
B: What? I find mom's ceremony stupid and time-consuming. I was only voicing my concerns.
T: Its tradition. And If you don't like it then don't come at all.
M: Let's just go to the banquet. No need to fight.
T: You better behave yourself.
Thanatos walks forward and Bellum frowns.
B: You don;t scare me you know! You just caught me off gaurd back there.
T: Fine.
B: hmph


It's tense.
They sit silently.
B: Why do we even call it a banquet if we don't eat anything?
M: Bellum.
B: What? Someone had to say it...
M: ...Hey remember when Fames was little and accidentally made the eggplant? I remember it clearly when he grabbed tha-
V: How's the Void?
T: Fine.
V: Really?
T: Yes, it's fine.
Vitas raises an eyebrow

Vitas turns her attention to Fames
V: Fames? When you do something wrong, what do you do?
T: Mother...
F: I-Uh- I fix it?
V: RIght, now what if you did something really bad? What do you think you should do? Would you hide it from me?
T: Mother
F: I don't know?
V: Well I think you should. I think we all should.
Thanatos slams his fist ont he table
Vitas does not move like the others. She stands taller than him.
V: What have you done...
M: Mother...
Vitas waves a hand and they all begin to shuffle out.
Bellum Stays.
B: No, we will stay. If Thanatos has done something wrong we back him up. We always do-
V: Leave us, War.
They look at Bellum who inflames
He storms out pushing Morbus out of the way as the doors close and he can see a small glimpse of Thanatos looking up at Vitas

Morbus walks with Beth
B: Master?
M: Mother would never say that...
B: It wasn't kind but...maybe this problem is best without the Masters' interference.
M: But why? What could be going on?
B: Lord Thanatos has been absent many times this decade. Who knows what he's been doing.
M: Justice knows, but he's been avoiding everyone and keeping his place in the Void. If I could just get him alone I'm sure
I could get him to tell me. He trusts me.
Morbus stops and Beth stops too
M: Can I tell you something, Beth?
B: (Nods)

M: I'm terrified. I haven't felt something strange like this since... since the last time Thanatos and mother were being secretive. And you know what happened then. Could this be...
B: Don't think like that Master Morbus.
M: I don't want to go through that again. You don't understand the pain my being went through. It was unimaginable.
He unwraps his mask and shows the rotting flesh underneath
M: Look at how it left me, Beth.
B: Oh Master...
M: And then the battle with Bellum. I can't afford to fight again.
B: Master... why don't you go rest?

Morbus awakes to a slobbering Fames
M: Ugh dude...
F: Sorry...
Thanatos is brushing his teeth and walks in
T: Oh Gooth your awakth
M: Why are you up so early?
(From bathroom) T: I hath work
F: Can we come?
T: Sure. It can be a good time to introduce you to Alice.
M: Alice? Who's that?
T: My boss.

They are walking to the shop. Morbus walks smugly as Fames eats a breakfast panini.
F: Wow, this is so good
T: I'm glad you like it.
M: So...where do you work?
T: A flower shop.
M: A flower shop? Yeah right.
Thanatos sneaks a glance at him.
M: Oh, your not kidding.
They walk into the store and Antonio is reading a magazine smoking a ciggarette.
T: Ciao Toni.
N: Cia-
Morbus is looking at a bouquet and waves at him.
N: Who are these weirdos?
T: My brothers.
N: They don't look like you.
T: So?
Fames is looks from behind Thanatos and sees Antonio
He blushes
N: Ciao.
F: C-Ciao...

T: Where's Alice?
Alice walks in wiping her forehead with a dirty glove.
A: Here!
T: Ah! Alice! I wanted to introduce you to my brothers!
A: Your brothers? I thought-
She sees them and squeals
A: AH! They are so cute!!!!
She immediately grabs Morbus and Fames and hugs them
A: It's so nice to meet you!!!
F: Everyone is so pretty here...
Alice looks at Thanatos then back at them
A: You don't really look alike
N: That's what I was saying
T: Shrugs
A: Well whatever, I'm just really happy to meet you! If you need anything, and I mean, ANYTHING, please just ask!!
F: Thank you, beautiful lady
A: Smiles
M: Thank you...

Thanatos hands Fames an apple and Morbus sits next to him in the back room.
T: Just stay here, we can talk during my break.
M: Yeah sure.
Thanatos grabs a few boxes and Alice catches him in the store.
A: Are they going to be living with you now?
T: Oh no, it's only a short time. They...just wanted to check up on me.
A: That's nice! You know, Toni and I are going to visit Genova this weekend, you should tag along and bring them with you!
N: What!?
A: Quiet Toni! So? What do you think?
T: This girl holds secrets of my past...this trip would be a prefect time to find out if we ever met...
T: Sure.
A: Yay! Oh it's so beautiful there this time of year, you'll love it!
T: I'm sure we will.

Alice looks at Morbus who is twiddling with his fingers.
She moves towards Fames.
A: I don't think we really introduced ourselves.
M: No need, we won't be here for long.
A: And you..?
Morbus pulls his sweater up.
A: Are you...sick?
M: Yes, and it's contagious.
Alice frowns and leaves.
F: You don't have to be rude Reme, she's being very welcoming.
M: She's a human, we're not supposed to talk to them.
M: And did you see that? I said I had something contagious and she ran away. Now Imagine if she knew what we really-
Alice enters again and Morbus looks away again.
She holds a small bouquet of sunflowers and hands one to Morbus.
Morbus looks surprised and grabs it
A: They say...sunflowers bring good energy and health. I hope you feel better.
Morbus takes is and looks down again.
Alice begins to leave
M: You can call him Edes...and you can call me Reme.
A: ...Edes and Reme. I'm Alice.

Alice: sits on the counter and groans loudly
Toni looks up from his magazine
Alice: Groans again
N: What?
A: Nothing, I just wish you would stop hating.
N: I'm not hating! I just don't trust creepo and his little creepinis.
A: You don't even know him! He's not bad! He's sorta sweet.
N: Hmph and I'm an international superstar.
A: Well you weren't exactly the most approachable person when we first met either.
N: Bah!
A: Yeah! You were a total jerk! And it wasn't until I found out about your secret bo-
TONI slams the magazine on Alice's face.
N: EHI! Not so loud!
A: Fine! All I'm saying is...give people a chance. Just like I gave you.
N: (mumbles)
A: What was that?
N: I said fine.
Alice ruffles his hair and pulls the cigarette out of his mouth.
A: And no smoking during your shift.

Alice puts her apron on the coat rack and Thanatos finds her
T: You're leaving so early?
A: Well these flowers have to come from somewhere!
Thanatos nods
A: Do you want to come to see?
T: See what?
A: ...I think you'll like it.
Thanatos nods and places his apron in the coat rack as well.
M: Where are you going?
T: I will be back soon. Help around a little, hm?
M: I don't know how, and I what if Fames eats someone!?
T: You can handle it. I just-I promise I won't be long.
M: Well if carrot-top over there goes missing it won't be my fault.
T: I believe in you!!
Morbus crosses his arms.
He looks back at Fames who tries to talk to Toni
F: S-So what's your favorite flower? :)
N: ( T - T) Che Cosa?
He leans too far and falls on a rack of postcards
F: Ah! 0///0
M: Oh brother...

Alice is in the trolley with Thanatos
A: you should hold on Than.
T: I don't think I need to.
Theres a big bump and he terrifyingly holds onto Alice's arm.
A: That works too.
T: T////T
They arrive at a final stop by the end of town.
T: Is this the place?
A: Oh, no. It's much farther. We take a truck now.
T: A truck?
A man looks up from his newspaper.
?: Ah! Alicia! Usual?
A: Yes, Signor!
T: We're not following this stranger are we?
A: You were a stranger in my attic, now we are friends in the back of a pickup truck!
T: That's not answering my question.
Alice smiles
T: M'am!

Morbus holds the sunflower in his hand.
Antonio continues to read his magazine.
A customer walks in and Fames yelps in surprise
N: Ah, Signor Moretti. How are you today?
S: Quite well, Antonio.
N: How's the little one?
S: Still not ready to talk yet.
Morbus looks back to his flower and Fames holds onto his arm
F: He's so chivalrous, don't you think?
M: He's a merchant.
Morbus looks at Fames who is gushing
M: ugh.

N: So, what's the mood for today?
S: Ah, well...I was wondering if you had any more roses? I know it's a little late in the week but...
Antonio smiles
N: Don't worry sir! I made sure to save a few just in case!
Toni looks at the boys and tilts his head
N: Can you bring a boquet of rose for our customer please?
M: We don't work here.
F: S-silly Reme. Don't worry! I will get them
N: Thank you!
M: Hmph.
S: Are they new? I've never seen them here...
N: Just some interns. Don't worry.
M: Interns? Who interns at a flower shop?
F: I brought them!
Fames has a bouquet of tulips.
Antonio smiles tensely
S: Ah I see.
N: Oh silly intern! These are tulips! Do you not know what roses are?
F: I-uh..-
N: wait here Signor, I will be right back.
F: I didn't mean to mess up.
M: Well Fames, maybe you should think hard about your internship next time.
Fames sits defeated on the ground with the tulips.

Thanatos sits on a haystack in the back of the pickup truck with Alice.
A: See? Isn't this fun?
T: I'm not sure.
A: Oh!
She taps the side of the truck and they come to a halt.
Alice: Come on! We're here!
Thanatos hops down and sees the mountains in the distance.
A: We could walk down...or..
She tips Thanatos over and he rolls down the hill screaming
He lands in a pile of flowers
Alice pops up behind him
A: Welcome! To my special place in the world.
There is a large area of flowers as far as the eye can see

The customer leaves and Toni looks at Fames who hides in his mess of hair.
T: Sigh... Fine. I'll try.
T: Ehi.
F: i'm so sorry! I couldn't really tell the difference between them...
T: Come on, I'll

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