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Fastest Levelling 1-60 in 8.0 - An Overview

This is a preliminary article. I am waiting for BFA proper to launch before doing a completely comprehensive review of levelling which takes literally months to do properly. For every method I publish in an article there are 10-20 ideas which don't work so well I've eliminated by testing.
In 8.0 there are a number of dramatic changes:

1) Levelling across the board is just slower. The standard post 7.35 was around 24 hour /played for focused levelling. It is now about two and a half days.

2) Dungeons are almost dead as a levelling method. XP has been severely nerfed.

3) Due to poor scaling implementation questing is not that much better an alternative with whole zones being unplayable or inefficient.

4) Levelling is just horrible right now: I'd seriously consider holding off until things improve.

My preliminary thoughts on optimization in 8.0,

1) Mob-grinding is now viable relative to other forms of levelling.

2) The best simple method 1-60 is to acquire quest pets and grind mobs in an instant or hyperspawn area. For Alliance this is bravo company (you acquire multiple quest pets at the end of the Redridge Mountains questline) and grind gnolls, which are everywhere and spawn quickly. For Horde this requires glitching Johnny Bravo and Apothecary Lydon in the Hinterlands out of their intended zone (move slowly in and out of the zone) and then farming the instant respawn dragon/orc mobs in the Wetlands.

3) There are multiple advanced methods listed in the archives here. These are much more challenging and generally require a confederate. The basic commonality with most of these is that a high-level brewmaster monk is used to put down a statue which draws mob aggro, then a low-level player burns down the mob. The low-level player cannot be in a group with the high-level player and gain good xp, so in a dungeon the low-level player must periodically quit the group and rejoin it.

Advanced methods in the hands of an expert are faster but generally require a lot more mental energy.
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