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Vivifx To The Rescue!

If you want to look yourself and not have all the easter eggs spoiled I will give you this advice:
1) Chalkboards usually have some base rule of Anime written on them. They are assigned random numbers and usually apply to whatever the scene is. Otherwise I just put random things on the boards.

2) Kyubey is legitamately lost. He is hiding in one of the shots (It isn’t the pokemon one) Can you find him?
3) Pairings of characters are not random. There is logic in each of them.

4) There is a scene where only half a body is sitting in a desk.This was an error on my part but then I chose to leave it for easter eggs sake.

5) This AMV was made over the course of 8 months. There are a few anachronistic errors or references to things that actually changed in the long run.
6) Fun Fact I watched all of Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, Law and Order SVU and Parks and Rec while doing the masking for this.

If you would like to have them spoiled/Check you found them all

Easter Eggs by Time:

00:07 The Posterboard

All the posters shown here are unique.

The Board itself was created by me. This scene is entirely custom made.
Posters than Can be Seen here : Lost Kyubey Poster, Tsundere Cooking Club, Steins Gate Lab Member Wanted, Join the swim Team! (Free) The My Little Pony Fan Club (PonyNote references) Found PonyNote, Ninja Club enlist, SOS Brigade Flyer, Anime Stress Counseling, Magical Girl Self Help Lelouch Fan Club, No Ponies in this AMV (PonyNote Reference) Missing Clow Cards, Student Council Roster, Ouran High School Host Club, Shounen Tailors and Vivifx Poster.

00:08 This scene is originally from Haruhi. Posters here are SOS Brigade, Lelouch Fan Club and Magical Girl Self Help.
As well as Anime 101 Title Card poster.

00:17 Rei and Yuki Classroom

Written on the chalkboard is a rule of Anime:
Rule 53: Quiet Bookish short haired Girls tend to be nonhumans. : Both Yuki and Rei are not human. This scene is originally from Evangelion. Yuki was masked in and her lower body was drawn in by me.

A pair of phantom legs can be seen in the back of the classroom on the left.

00:18 Kill la Kill/Guren Lagann

This scene is from Kill la Kill. I took the original version which had the KLK lead looking at and redrew her so she looked like yoko.

Written on the chalkboard is “My Scissor Blade Can pierce the Heavens” along with Kamina’s logo.

00:19 Nichijou Lucky Star

An Anime Rule is written on the board behind them.
Rule 12: You Gotta have Blue Hair
This is a Homestar Runner reference, specifically to the Strongbad Episode where he talks about Anime.

Posters that can be seen: SOS Brigade, Shounen Tailors, Kyubey Lost Poster.

There is a drawing of Haruhi on the board as well as Konata loves her.

00:20 Classroom Overall.
I wanted to redo this scene and make it a little more intense, but I never got around to it. Sitting in here you can see (from left to right front to back)

(Dusk Maiden of Amnesia), Sayaka (Puella Madoka Magica), Taiga (Toradora), Lelouch (Code Geass), Rin (Blue Exorcist), (The World God Only Knows), Honey (Ouran Highschool Host Club), Victorique (Gosick), (Air), Chitanda (Hyouka), (Shuffle!), Ash (Pokemon), Kyon (TMOHS)**, Ranka (Macross F), (MM!) , Rue (Princess Tutu), Ririchiyo (InuxBoku)

**This is technically an error as Kyon hasn’t sat down yet. I left it as Kyon’s hair is generic enough to pass as lots of people. I keep telling people it’s the lead from Kanon.

This classroom isn’t absolute. It changes throughout the AMV. Not only is this easier but it fits with my theme. I am trying to chronicle a whole semester in this class - so I imagine people would move around.

00:22 Kyon/Tomoya

I put these two together cause I think they would get a long really well. Totally ship TomyoxTomoya and I could see them being couple friends with Haruhi Kyon. I am sure these two have a lot to talk about.

00:26: Chalkboard Pan

This is the first time you see this background. The background is reused from several different angles in the AMV and is entirely custom. Same goes for the desks.

On the blackboard is written:
(left to right)

a) A primitive formula for moe, that is hinting at the later section of the AMV. The formulas are actually slightly different and are losely based off the quadratic formula.

b) Underneath “The tsundere is directly proportional to the yandere if and only if the balance between the two is maintained”

ie: Senjougohara

c) Homework: Read Pages 8-15 of Skin Tight Suits and Mind Rape: A History of Evangelion

d) “Chalkboard Writing dates back to Takeout by Driftroot” (My Favorite AMV)

These characters really have no logic to them although haruhi and Tomoyo are probably best friends. They look very disdainful here.

00:26 : Board 1
Ecchi Ethics is referred to and continues to be a reoccurring joke throughout the AMV.

Nozumu is fully revealed as the sensei of this class. In some of the previous Anime 101 flyers shown the bottom reads “Teacher can be found hanging out behind the school.” This is an awful awful pun referencing Nozumu’s suicidal tendencies.
This blackboard (and the continuing ones are custom artwork)

00:28 Osaka and Co

This grouping doesn’t make sense either and the classroom appears to be a little more empty than before. I could add more characters I suppose but I am not going back and adjusting this as I am very tired of it.
The characters in the back are (Gosick) and (Angel Beats).

The blackboard has another rule of anime:
Rule 47: Bishies don’t have to go to class cause they are too god damn beautiful.

Underneath is a small notation denoting that sometimes when I mask I like to watch the Big Bang Theory. I felt this was relevant as on the day I finished this composite I had started the th season. I watched the entirety of the Big Bang Theory while working on this.

Finally in the background can be seen a different Anime 101 poster. This was made by ShinAMV who thought my poster was lame. I liked mine more though.

00:30 - Board 2

Nothing much here except the little text:
“And by Humorous jokes I mean repeated reference to his Power Level”

Actually I only make an over 9000 joke once in the AMV (after this one)

00:32 - Laziness in Angel Beats
This is the ONE shot I didn’t want to doctor. So I didn’t. All the characters are from angel Beats. Apparently they all just sit on one side of the class room.

00:34 Yui Shot

This is actually one of the last things I did. I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to do with it. I extended my custom background (once again entirely made by me) to include a window.

Anime Rule Number 8 is on the board: Moe Girls are easily frightened.

Also written: After School Cleaning Duty Please report to Levi at 1500 (AoT Reference)
Posters that can be seen: Tsunedere Cooking Club and Student council.

00:35 Board #4

Foreshadows the quiz later.
The small text reads “And if you think I am kidding about the Quiz you obviously haven’t seen one of my AMVs before”

00:46 “Did Someone say pool??”

The sports card switches to Free and the text changes.

01:08 Break Time

Little text says it’s really like 34.25 seconds more or less - which is the time it takes to get from this point to the next section. However this may no longer be accurate. I did cut some of the song at some point. I don’t really want to go back and change it so it remains.

01:09 - Break time Continued
Blackboard Text from Right to Left:

6 Signs you may be dating a Yandare:
1) She likes knives

2) She’s really nice, like way too nice

3) She invites you over for dinner

4) Sometimes she smiles at you. Like Really wide….

5) Then she laughs like Light Yagami

6) You got her pregnant (School Days Anyone?)
Please Remember we will be having a test!

Failing Grades will result in having to watch animes dubbed by 4kids.
The left is just listing the anime Genres from earlier with a few changes. They are all the same except the last three which say Not Appropriate. WTF and Bang.

01:10 - The Anime 101 Notes and Manifesto

Each one of my complicated AMVs has a little written piece in it where I talk about the project. The left side of the notebook has that written in it.
the Right side is a pun. It’s Anime 101 Notes (like notes taken in class) However the notes are my physical notes from the AMV. To make this AMV I had a several page document of scene selection and times, formulas and episode names and numbers, as well as ideas and jokes.

The drawing of haruhi is to denote that this is Kyon’s notebook. In Japanese it says : “What are you looking at idiot!” and then “Kyon-kun…”

01:13 Madoka Sayaka Amu

This isn’t really an easter egg but I want to talk about this scene simply because it was such a difficult mod. I had to draw Sayaka’s lower body as well as Madokas and animate their expressions. Sayaka’s right hand is drawn by me, as well as most of Madoka’s right side. SUCH A PAIN.

01:13 - Make a Contract Flyer

The Flyer and hand are custom drawn. Full Flyer can be seen on flyer posts

01:17 Mikuru and Fukuu

Posters for Kyubey and Haruhi can be seen in the background.
Written on the board from top to bottom:

This AMV Actually takes place before Moe Moe Rebellion in my Parallel AMV Timeline

AMV about TV—-> Ponynote —> Anime 101 ——> Moe Moe Rebellion —> (Classified Information)

In my head cannon all those AMVs take place in the same universe. In AMV about TV Kyon wished to be a star. Afterwards he was central in all my AMVs of this ilk. PonyNote turned several male anime characters (Mainly Lelouch and Light) into bronies. In Anime 101 Light is the president of the MLP Fan Club. I like to think that Mikuru took Ecchi Ethics and realized that she wasn’t living the right life. So she started her rebellion shortly after her education. Here however she remains in her old Maid State.
Classified Information is a Mikuru Joke as well as reference to my newest project which will hopefully be at Otakon this year. It takes place after Moe Moe Rebellion.

There will be an AMV about TV 2.0

Sometimes you just gotta wear Maid Outfits to class.

01:20 - Light and Lelouch Chess

Board: Anime Rule 17: If you are gonna be insane at least have a sister or something.
That’s Light BTW

The poster is for the Ouran highschool host club.

01:24 - World God Only Knows
Keima is looking at My Anime List cause he is such an otaku.

The purpose of this sequence is I think those two characters would be wonderfully OTP with their joint love of Visual Novels and little sister complexes. Overall I also think that this is one of the better crossover shots.

01:32 - Ryuji Note
The characters in the back are Yui from K-On and Takatoshi (Seitokai Yakuindomo)

01:37 - Okabe’s Notes
They have a picture of KRISTINA!!! on them that is ridiculously moe. Then there is a formula for the Shounen Lead - Which I ended up not using in the formula’s section. The full formula is

Shounen Lead =( brawn/brains) * x

Where x is being the best like no one ever was

01:38 - Note Snatch
“Don’t Show Sensei or the Organization”

Steins Gate reference. Pretty simple

01:40 - Okabe Board
Ouran high school host club poster can be seen in the background. Background is once again the one I drew.

Anime Rule #47 - Time Travel is never really a good idea


01:41 - It’s so not cool
Its so not kewl to not be a mad scientist. In the original ideas for this AMV Okabe was going to confront Nozumu and show him the formulas himself. However this was changed in order to keep consitency.

01:45 —>01:58
IF you were to actually use some of these formulas I am not sure if they would make too much sense. The only one that really does is the one about the Protagonist/Antagonist Relationship. And I suppose the tsundere one.

02:00 - Ed and Al and Hughs

This had to be redrawn entirely from a very small image I found. I finished FMA:Brotherhood at some point in making this (towards the end) so I wanted to throw them in.

02:01 - Horrible Tragic Death of Side Characters

Marco over there is actually not Marco. It’s another SnK character who I drew up to look like Marco. Then I erased half of his body and added blood and such to make him look like he got nommed.

Board is a Doge Meme:

Such Death. So Tragedy. Insentive. Wow. Much nom. Many Character. Very Meme. #Edible. Yum

2:03 - Clasroom Pan

Kyubey lost poster is in the bg. The Anime Rule Reads
Rule #45: The hot girl to guy ratio is like 27:1 (in an ecchi I suppose)

Kyubey can be seen (briefly) in this shot, sitting on the shoulder of the lead from Mirai Nikki.

Characters are Ringo (Penguindrum), Kanon character, Mirai Nikki Male Lead, Sheryl (Macross G), Mio (K-On), That purpled haired one from Lucky Star and Kyouya (OHSHC).

02:04 Shinji and Eren
Board in the background says Anime Rule #87 - Sometimes you just need a really weak brat of a shounen lead.

in the background the leads from Sword Art Online and Deadman Wonderland can be seen. Cause they are so WHINY.

02:06 - Tsundere Party

This is my favorite Shot. In the background is a diagram of Absolute territory. Look it up.

Characters are Rin (Fate Stay Night) Mio (MM!) and Taiga (Toradora)

Once again dat bg.


Board says : What if each season they just clone a new Ash

Bill could do it you know he could.

02:16 Identify the characters

The Cards are Clow Cards.

The last card shows Naruto before switching to kakashi.

Characters are (Left to Right) Lelouch, Sayaka, Naruto/Kakashi, Prussia and Celty.
02:21 - Test Shot A

Please see the attached images for the full test.

02:25 - Unnecessary Death Trope

after seeing that we cut to Angel Beats and then Death the Kid (who is whining about being unnecessary in that scene) ITS SO META GUYS.

02:35 - Mewtwo?
The Mewtwo’s eyes are odd — revealing it is actually a ditto.

02:36 Kyubey


02:39 - What does the Naruto Say.

Spoiler Alert that’s Naruto in fox form. This isn’t my joke I must admit. It was given to me by a fellow animation major and I thought it was so good I threw it in.

02:40 - Souls Cheat Sheet

It says Ring-ding-ding-ding. You know What the fox says?
The Test is available in the images.

02:45 The final Anime 101 image says that the Exam may contain spoilers!

Did you find them all? Good. Cause there are several that I didn’t list here. Those shall remain secret to all those except whom they concern.

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