NotesWhat is

Notes brand slogan

Notes -

import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react';
import Modal from 'react-modal';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import axios from 'axios'
import {connect} from 'react-redux'
import {withRouter} from 'react-router-dom'
import { Button, ButtonGroup } from 'reactstrap'

import Loading from '../Loading'
import LoadingTime from '../Loading/indexTime'
import { setIsLoading } from '../../../actions/'
import { setIsLoadingTime } from '../../../actions/'
import { refreshToken } from '../../../actions/userAction'
import envChecker from '../../../utils/envChecker'
import FormatRupiah from '../../../utils/formatRupiah'
import { SSL_OP_SSLEAY_080_CLIENT_DH_BUG } from 'constants';

class ModalPayment extends Component{
static propTypes = {
toggle: PropTypes.func,
isOpen: PropTypes.bool,
setIsLoading: PropTypes.func,
setIsLoadingTime: PropTypes.func,
data: PropTypes.string

state = {
bank: '',
notif: '',
disabledCancel: false,
disabledButton: false,
disabled: true
// bs pake react jaman now (es7)
// tydac perlu pakai constructor, tapi sesuai selera sih
// la kbiasoan pake constructor super dll, sikat kalo ck t wkwkk, idak bermasalah sih itu

createObj() {
const { text } = this.props

if (text === 'buy wallet') {
return {
amount: parseInt(, 10),
} else if (text === 'buy key'){
return {
keyId: parseInt(, 10),
} else if (text === 'buy pulsa' || text === 'buy pulsa 10k'){
return {
amount: this.props.amount

componentDidMount() {

hab = ({ warning, url }, callback) => {

if(warning) {
if(url) {
if(callback) {
//callback ini buat ap ?
// oh kelewat, ak blm bales yg ini
// seandainy ak ad ngasih parameter berupa callback, ak bakal jalani callback
// ini kalo2 bae sih, jaga2, andai ak mau buat custom sequence function habis hab()
// lipo ak, jangan apus la e comment ny
// wkwkwkwk ok

getTransaction = async (axiosUrl, transactionType) => {
const dataValue = this.createObj();
const { fixedendpoint, walletendpoint, retailendpoint, push, refreshToken, setIsLoading, history } = this.props
// axios bs dipendikin, kan sering pake, bikin helper
//sebenerny ini masih hectic, cuma ak rada bingung wkwkwkwk
//bingung np ?, enak kto apoke kwwkwk, tebel jg if ny, tapi mendingan la, btw ini bs dipecain deh tanpa pake type
// yg data.message dijadiin 1, jadi 1, cuma dk jauh beda
this.helpernyAxios('POST', axiosUrl, dataValue)
.then(result => {
if ( === 'not verified user'){
hab({ warning: 'Silahkan Verifikasi Email Anda' })
//dsini manggil function atas, trus ad if lgi

// simple ny sih fungsi ini dk bakal tepanggil kalo bukan alfamart
// dio cm bakal jalan kalo alfamart, lupakan dia kalo bkn alfamart
// ok, fungsi atas cuma buat setloading wkwkwk
if (transactionType === 'Alfamart') {
notif: true
} else if ( === 'saldo limited') {
hab({ warning: 'Masukkan Jumlah Sesuai Range Saldo' })
} else if ( === 'not verified user') {
hab({ warning: 'Silahkan Verifikasi Email Anda' })
} else if ( === 'maksimum limit wallet') {
hab({ warning: 'Saldo Wallet Tidak Boleh Melebihi Rp. 2.000.000'})
} else if (result.status === 200){
hab({ url: `/${push}/${}` })
if (transactionType === 'Wallet') {
if ( === 'saldo tidak mencukupi'){
warning: `saldo tidak mencukupi, saldo anda ${FormatRupiah(}`
callback: this.setState({ disabledButton: true, bank: '' });
} else if ( === 'topup sukses'){
await refreshToken()
} else if ( === 'sukses pulsa'){
await refreshToken()
.catch(err => console.log(err))

// jadi bersih nih axiosTransaction
//asli bersih nn wkwkwkwkwk

// khusus fungsi global macam envChecker sm axios({ blabla }) mending dibuat helepr
// ak raso kamu sangat banyak pake itu
// aplg envChecker
// yg envchecker kan la jdi helper
//axios iy bnyak nn wkwkkwkw

// karena dio pass hal yg sm, mending dibuat helper ny wkwkwk
// kalo envChecker itu oke udah jadi, tapi ujung2 dio dipake berulang2 envChecker + /api + wkwkwk
// jadi rada nanggung wwkwk, sekalian buat fungsi buat generate envChecker/api sekalian wkwkwk
// ngoce ap ak cb

axiosTransaction = () => {
const { bank } = this.state
if ( bank !== 'Alfamart' && bank !== 'Wallet') {
this.getTransaction(fixedendpoint, '')
} else if ( bank === 'Alfamart') {
this.getTransaction(retailendpoint, 'Alfamart')
} else if ( bank === 'Wallet') {
this.getTransaction(walletendpoint, 'Wallet')

handleToggle = () => {
notif: '',
bank: '',
disabled: true
() => this.props.toggle()

// empty div bs diganti dengan Fragment
// cakny react ak blom support fragment
// pernah tes, dk mau, wah, let si
// udah react 16 weh wkwkwk
// raso ak pernah cobo pake fragment, dy error ap cak i
// kw pake <> </> ato <Fragment></Fragment> ?
//nah la dk inget lagi, kalo

// ngapoi kw undo wkwkw
// ini file berbeda wkwk
//bukan ak
//ak pker kw
// neh ilang galo yg tdi
// ad wong k3 ap ?
// idk ilang oo wkwkwk masih ad kok
// btw yg bawah ini contoh nyata mending pake &&
//fragment bukanny buat div yg isi dk ad aneh2 kan ?
// dk jadi, button biaso, onclickny yg aneh2
// fragment itu pengganti <div></div>
// kalo kw return <div></div>, DOM ny kurang cantik, ad siso2 div kosong, kalo pake Fragment katek div kosong
// contoh div dk kosong yg cak mn ?

//kw insepct element halaman ini (sblm diganti, di bagian Pembayaran Anda Dengan No VA ini Belum diselesaikan)

// itu di dom ny ad render <div> .....isi </div> kek itu
// macam <div></div> sia2, <div></div> ny tek guno, cuma buat ngelabui render wkwkw
// ohh cak it, okok, ini bs di simplify
// cek ad notif dk ee ?, men ad baru kluari it
// tes

// kw dk perlu if2 ke sbnrny, && itu udah if, if statement kiri === true, maka jalanin kanan, kalo salah matila sano, dk jalan galo2
// btw kalo keno serangan apus2 dk jelas, pindah tab, terus masuk tab ini

notifDuplicate = () => {
return this.state.notif && (
<b>Pembayaran Anda Dengan No VA ini Belum diselesaikan</b>
<br />
<button className="modal__method__content__button" onClick={() => this.cancelInvoice()} disabled = {this.state.disabledCancel}>Hapus</button>
<button className="modal__method__content__button" ><a href="/tabsinvoice" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" className="bidding__notif">Invoice</a></button>

// bs bikin helper buat axios ini hab
//wkwkkwkwkw jdi bingung ak lantak loncat2 dri tdi kw gaweny
// set is loading ini banyak nn wkkwkw
// btw bs bikin helper kek dibawah
//biar lebih pendek b, helperny pisah file e coy
// terus ini nih, fungsi global kek ini jg mestiny jadi helper
//ok coy gek la t

// kyk ini cuy
// ini kan bs kw isi object fetchData ny
//fetch data isi object ?
// ini contohnya

helpernyAxios = (fetchMethod, fetchUrl, fetchData) => {
return axios({
method: fetchMethod,
url: `${envChecker('api')}${fetchUrl}`,
headers: {
token: localStorage.getItem('token')
data: fetchData
// better diliat hmm
//cancel cuma dipake disini sih, dk ad lagi d tmpat laen
cancelInvoice() {
const { setIsLoading }
// tesonsingny mati
//awalny kan rame t response
// entah kenapa ini hectic setLoading wkwkwk
//ak bkenny ssuai yg d bayangan ak wkwkwkkwkw
//teundo smpe mano ni
this.helpernyAxios('DELETE', `/virtualaccount`, { bank: })
.then(data => {
setIsLoadingTime(true, 0)
this.timer = setInterval(() => {
setIsLoadingTime(true, this.props.TimerLoading.timer + Math.floor(100 / 45))
disabledCancel: true

if (this.props.TimerLoading.timer >= 100) {
notif : false
}, 1000);
.catch(err => {

handleChangeBank = (e) => {
disabled: false

bankChoice = () => {
let bank = [] // mending buat template, terus di spread
if (this.props.text === 'buy wallet'){
bank = [
{value:'BNI', onClick: this.handleChangeBank},
{value:'BRI', onClick: this.handleChangeBank},
{value:'MANDIRI', onClick: this.handleChangeBank},
{value:'Alfamart', onClick: this.handleChangeBank},
} else if (this.props.text === 'buy pulsa' || this.props.text === 'buy key'){
bank = [
{value:'BNI', onClick: this.handleChangeBank, disabled: false},
{value:'BRI', onClick: this.handleChangeBank, disabled: false},
{value:'MANDIRI', onClick: this.handleChangeBank, disabled: false},
{value:'Alfamart', onClick: this.handleChangeBank, disabled: false},
{value:'Wallet', onClick: this.handleChangeBank , disabled: this.state.disabledButton }
} else if (this.props.text === 'buy pulsa 10k'){
bank = [
{value:'Wallet', onClick: this.handleChangeBank , disabled: false }
// fragment mas

<label>Silahkan Pilih Salah Satu Bank Untuk Metode Pembayaran Virtual Account</label>
<div className="modal__method__content__container">
<ButtonGroup className="modal__method__ButtonGroup" vertical>
{, idx) => (
<Button key={idx} disabled={data.disabled} value={data.value} className="modal__method__Button" onClick={data.onClick}>{data.value}</Button>

render() {
return (
<Modal ariaHideApp={false} isOpen={this.props.isOpen} className="modal__method">
<div className="modal__method__container">
<div className="modal__method__header">
<button className="modal__method__header__button" onClick={this.handleToggle}>X</button>
<label className="alert__invoice"><b>{this.notifDuplicate()}</b></label>
<button disabled={this.state.disabled} className="modal__method__content__button" onClick={this.axiosTransaction}>Submit</button>
<Loading isLoading={ this.props.isLoading } />

const mapStateToProps = ({ loadingReducer, loadingTimeReducer}) => {
return {
isLoading: loadingReducer.isLoading,
TimerLoading: loadingTimeReducer

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
setIsLoading: (bool) => dispatch(setIsLoading(bool)),
setIsLoadingTime: (bool, timer) => dispatch(setIsLoadingTime(bool, timer)),
refreshToken: () => dispatch(refreshToken()),

const enhance = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps);
const connectComponent = enhance(withRouter(ModalPayment))

export default connectComponent
what is

Notes is a web-based application for online taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000+ notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 14 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

Shortened Note Link
Looding Image
Long File

For written notes was greater than 18KB Unable to shorten.

To be smaller than 18KB, please organize your notes, or sign in.