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Week 1:
.Levi gets neutered
.We sell the moped for £250
.I lose about 20 pounds
.Hear that we're moving
.Send provisional off
.Apply for jobs
.Due to fact i dont eat a lot, parents pay for my shopping lists.
.Caitlin goes to a really good secondary school in winton now and shes so happy and has new friends
.Caitlin also gets a job, she does a paper round and earns £15 a week for doing it every sunday
.Mum and Dad gives her £10 every monday and then money for a youth club every wednesday (£5)
.She also goes to anger management classes and is a lot more calmer and generally better
.Diagnosed with depression and anxiety and i am put on medication
.I get into the habit of showering everyday (unless depression hits bad) and washing every morning
.I also sometimes shower in the morning, i only wash my hair like twice a week though sometimes three times
.I also brush my teeth,floss and mouthwash around three times a day as well as wash my face twice a day
.I also started taking really good vitamins plus practising amazing self care and i become so much healthy
.Parents pretty much stop drinking and attempt to stop smoking. They're a lot happier
.I go through all of my photos on my phone, laptop and whatever and put them onto a harddrive & website
.Uncle Neil gets given two huge harddrives but he really doesn't need them and gives them to me. 2tb & 4tb
.I literally spend like HOURSSS going through and putting them into folders and its ALL done

Week 2:
.I lose another 22 pounds! Because i rarley eat, exercise A LOT and the medication reallllyyy helps!
.We move! Its an amazing house and its like £1100 a month and we all really like it. 5 min from slades farm
.3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, big kitchen+lounge, conservatory, big garden, smaller second lounge, bedroom is big
.Bedroom has a closet, double bed, tv, lovesac,desk,vanity desk,plants, fairylights,bean bags,storage units ect
.Its a big bedroom. I got the biggest in the house and mumdad got the smallest (size of their current room)
.I upgrade toasts tank and its like 40 inches taller and so many more hides and vines
.We really love the neighbours. Couple same age as parents, four kids: 6 months, 3, 14 and 17.
.The men get into golf and its funny and the mums are just really good friends AND WE'RE HAPPY
.Mum gets a new job and she works the same amount of hourish and loves her work friends. Paid £8.95
.Dad gets new customers but he really likes them all and is paid like £800 a month more for same hours
.The extra money he earns on top of his pay really helps us out and by 2019 we pay of like 70% of our debt
.Despite the fact we our paying our debt, money is going into a savings for holidays and we have more to spend
.Get job at brand new pet store. Work A LOT to help my spare time and they understand. I get huge discounts
.Really like the people at my job. Work mon-fri:7-7 and saturday 10-4. I get paid £7 an hour.Paid bi-weekly
.I start driving lessons. £50 every sunday. 10-12 and then 12:30-2:30. Dad doesn't mind paying it
.Join gym and also do gym classes! I do zumba, self defence and more. So much fun! Also do swimming more.
.I win vouchers from this work thing and i get a couple of different ones.
.Steam games are restarted so steam has a MASSSIVVVEEE sale. Other gaming stores did the same.
.I join a clan. 25 of us. Oldest is Jaimie in America who is 20 and i am the youngest.
.I make about 30 other friends on steam and 28 on ps4. Gaming is fun!
.We adopt a female rabbit and her name is Bella and Levi loves her. Shes so friendly and lovely and funny
.Dad gets his van insured and MOT done and everything and it feels so good paying EVERYTHING off
.We also get a family car. Its second hand a serious bargain. Its not even that much to run extra. MOT is done
.With the vouchers i get three pairs of glasses for £180 and they're really nice pretty ones
.I go out like every saturday and sunday despite if im tired. Its so worth it

Week 3:
.I start smoking weed. It genuinely helps alongside my medication. I find a really kind and funny dealer.
.I basically work,drive and game and im genuinely happy.
.I go through ALL my stuff and chuck stuff i dont need. It feels really good and i dont miss the stuff i chuck
.Still decorating my room and i make it really nice and cosy so i really love it.
.My confidence has sky rocketed and my personality has already started to shift.
.Dad rescues two kittens! We really love them. Call them Eddie and Katniss. They are both indoor cats by choice
.We get really close with our neighbours and other neighbours and i babysit sometimes
.Parents are reallyy good at saving now and are just paying debts and we ARE SO HAPPY
.I lose around 15 pounds and im happy with my weight but still wanna lose more
.I get into the habits of drinking lots of water and green tea. I like to pamper myself as well
.I dont really have that much of an appetite though because im always so busy
.Adopt a bearded dragon and call him Tater Tot and honestly dad loves him so much. Might as well be his

Week 4:
.We do a first aid training course at work and i get a first aid certificate
.I get a haircut! I cut it to a little above my shoulders and this thing was put on to strip dye and its so nice
.My hair is now a little lighter AND ITS SO HEALTHY! My eyebrows are tinted and they also look nice
.I lose around another 19 pounds. Im a little ill from losing it so fast though
.Depression has a major hit but im pushing through it
.Adopt a leopard gecko and i call him Egg and he is so friendly and cute
.Mum really wants goldfish so we get some! Its a 120 gallon tank and a really good filter
.We get 1 oranda, 1 ranchu, 1 lionhead ,1 pearlscale, 1 butterfly telescope and cleanup shrimps and snails
.I have some workers come round and help me out by teaching me EVERYTHING with the animals
.Caitlin also wants some hamsters so we get two robos and they live for like 3 years AND ARE SO FRIENDLY
.We call the hamsters Basil and Fern and they are so friendly and cute honestly
.We join a group of people and there are like 12 others.
.Apart of sashas group is Scott. We instantly get along and i develop a crush. He asks me on a date!

Week 5:
.Lose another 15ish pounds
.Work is really fun. I love seeing all the animals and my coworkers
.I really enjoy the gym as well, i do more classes and swimming
.Me and Scott are taking this slow
.Gaming is also so much fun and i do that a lot
.My driving is coming along really well and i get on with both of my instructors
.Mum works around the same hours as she did in her old job but really loves it because of her co-workers
.When she doesn't work she goes out with her new friends as well. She gets along with nan a lot better
.Dad also works the same (if not more) but enjoys it and he eats healthier plus goes to the gym
.He is feeling a lot healthier and goes out with his new friends as well
.Mum and Dad rarley drink now and while mum is on the vape dad only sometimes vapes. They rarely smoke
.Caitlin goes out lots as well but doesn't always use a lot of money. She has a lot of new friends
.This all means that when i am home, im quite often home alone. I really enjoy being home alone

Week 6:
.I lose around 18 pounds
.Im finally very confident and happy in my life
.Scott asks me out! Its really awesome and we really love eachother
.Although, sometimes my depression and anxiety can really damper my mood
.My medication really helps though and my family are supportive
.I decide to go ahead and delete all my social media (making sure all my photos are saved first)
.I remake all of my social media but dont add anyone just yet. Just spend a bit of time tweaking at it
.I love all my animals and in my spare time really play with them all. They're very spoiled
.Im given the saturday off and i decide to make use of one of my discount vouchers
.I go to a really nice beauty salon place and i spend the whole day there getting stuff done. I get the following:
.Eyelash extensions,FULL body wax,hair treatment,nails,full body massage,Pedicure,manicure,eyebrow tidy,scrub
.This all only cost £150 and Dad decided to pay £75 of it because he is proud of all my working
.I will be home alone all of that saturday so i also decide to deep clean the whole house
.I go through everything we own and rearrange, get rid of stuff we dont need and just generally sort the house
.We adopt a hedgehog! I name him Russel and he is actually a very friendly hedgehog

Week 7:
.I finally add everyone on my new social media and literally everyone adds me back
.Ngl people are literally fucking shook when i post that first selfie like daym
.I lose around 15 pounds
.change work hours. I .now work mon-thurs: 7-4 for £7 an hour still . Starting next week
.I literally go out so much more now and im genuinely so happy with everyone and everything
.Scott is really nice and he genuinely adores me. He is in college and works but we see each other when we can
.The whole group is so funny and we all genuinely are amazing friends and banter so much
.Sasha dates someone outside of the group in like three weeks time and we like him and his group
.Kirsten hoes around for like 6 or so weeks and then finds a guy outside of the group. Cool lad and cool group
.We sometimes hang out with both of them groups. So really i have a lot of people to chose to hang out with
.I only smoke on sundays as well because sundays are my chill days where i pamper myself
.Dad decides to get facebook and its actually quite funny trying to teach him
.WE ADOPT A PUPPY! His name is Benji and he is a golden retriever. He is my "support" animal and I LOVE!!

.My parents didn't even want him but they soon fell in love with him
.Its very obvious hes my dog, he loves everyone BUT ADORES ME SO MUCH
.Hes the cutest and friendliest dog but hes a little dopey and clumsy
.Like 3/4 of our group have dogs so most of us try and go on dog adventures and its the cutest
.He genuinely loves me and i love him
.We go on adventures all the time. He is very very well behaved and trained so can go most places
.I taught him loads of tricks and despite the fact hes dopey as fuck hes actually really intelligant
.Caitlin doesn't even mind because she understands. But fr hes the best
.I walk him everyday at least and sometimes twice a day
.Caitlin loved him for like a week and got bored if im honest. She knows not to walk him
.Hes chipped and has a cute collar and all his vaccinations and hes so healthy and will live to be like 20
.Him and Chester get on very well. In fact, he made Chester a lot more lively!
.We have a puppy & dog daycare at work and he gets in for free. 7-12 whenever im at work
.We go on big walks now and Chester even comes. Though he finds it difficult he enjoys them

Next year we all go on holidays and its amazing because i can actually afford it and Scott loves to help despite the fact i dont need him to. We go to magaluf, los angeles , disneyland and centre parcs with friends. And then with family we go to butlins, italy and Hawaii! Its really nice having that extra money that we saved. Scott comes to all three and chips in despite my families protests.

.Like 5'105'11
.Weighs around 160. Likes he is fit and goes to the gym and has some muscles but has a tiny bit of chub
.He does boxing classes once a week and goes to the gym like once or sometimes twice a week
.He isn't like a "eat super clean" person because he LOVES his food but he doesn't binge like ALL the time
.He is so confident but a fucking cutie and so kind but is really badass as well i love him
.His clothes pallet is 85% black,greys, dark browns and dark blues and 15% other darker-not light colours
.He is kinda rich as well. Well like hecking rich but he hates to show it
.He fucking adores me and i adore him and we spoil and love eachother
.His family love me and my family love him. Its really nice! And our families get along soo well
.Dark hair and really pretty eyes with the nicest smile and YESS
.Just so genuinely good looking
.He just turned 18 pretty much
.18-20 bare face, 20-24 stubble , 24 on words he has a sort of beard AND HE IS SO FUCKING HOT

.Lose lots of weight
.Boobs grow two cups bigger and i squat A LOT
.Somehow now 5ft (like around there)
.Eyelashes are longer and my eyebrows aren't as light
.Hair is super healthy, lighter and in the space of 6 months its gonna touch my waist
.Not as red, more consistent skin tone and less freckles on body
.Freckles across nose and cheeks though
.No dead skin its all cleaned and skins super soft

.My personality changed as well. I have a glow up mentally
.I keep to myself but im not weirdly secretive
.I no longer like too much attention on me
.Im a LOTTT more confident though and am no longer shy or awkward despite my anxiety
.I become a very very nice person?! Like i ALWAYS put others first now
.I become a little more clumsy but im honestly cute and quirky as well!
.Part of my quirkyness is that i write random notes. Whether to myself or others, on a receipt or such.
.I have so much more love but my depression phases can be very bad
.I find beauty and positivity in practically everything
.I hate lying and stop doing it. Im very honest and my loyalty is a lot higher
.Im a lot more respectful and just compassionate to everyone and everything. Im very sweet but naive.
.I stop complaining completely and im quite quiet. But i can go into speakative modes which is adorable!
.Dont know but animals, children, babies just suddenly love me. Infact everyone finds me sweet & charismatic
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