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Brea Evers is a real person. Her identity was never faked or made up. I am definitely a real person. However, i am not the person you fell in love with. Im not the person who you have been dating, said i love you too, or called Baby. That was indeed Tessa Nelson. Before you go any further and swipe off this page I, Brea Evers, wants to take all the blame. This was NEVER her intentions. In fact, wasnt her idea. I was the one who offered and if you need proof of it i will be happy to send you some. She originally said No because she thought it would ruin everything. I talked her into it. Blame me. Not her. The girl you fell in love with and dated on July 11th, was her. It was her since the night she said that she liked you and wanted to be more. I have given up my snapchat and now today my instagram all for her. She was the one asking how you were doing. She was the one calling you all the cute names. She was the one you continuously reminded you loved. She was the one. And how pissed you are right now, i hope you saw how amazing she is and how happy she made you. THAT is her. Her name might not be Brea Evers. She might not have brown hair or Green eyes, but thats not the girl you fell for. You fell for her. You told her you wanted to hang out with her and call her. She constantly asked what you would do because she doesnt want to lose you. She loves you so fucking much and im sorry for all the lies. Im not that girl though. She isnt a different person. She just has a different name and face. She constantly pounded the question of “would your past or parents ruin us.” You promised her no. Dont back out now Dylan. Im still here to be a friend, but your right im a crazy person and blame myself 100%. Im sorry.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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