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- Endless Symphony (Passive)

Her basic attack strucks multiple target(s) at once, continously dealing damage over time by her relentless musical performance. However, the damage dealt were divided the more units in the targeted area. While doing this, her movement speed are also reduced by half.

Ability : Target Area (Cone)
No Cooldown
No Max Duration
Constant Value : (number of targets)/2
Min Constant Value : 0.2
Max Constant Value : 1
Damage per Unit(s) : (Constant Value) x (Damage) x (Duration)
Movement Speed : 0.5 x (Speed)

- Evasion Maneuver (Active)

She is innately born with a remarkable awareness of her surrounding, thus granting her the capability to evade any attacks directed to her, even while casting other skills, at the cost of the said skill to be cancelled.

Ability : No Target
Cooldown : 20s
Evade Distance : 4m
No Mana Cost
Invincibility Duration : 0.4s

- Dawn of the Hummingbird (Active)

Altaria produces a soft-- harmonical melody through her flute to confound her adversaries. It is capable of freezing the movement of those who is within her reach, with increased duration the closer they are to the caster. Afterwards, the afflicted target(s) suffers from the after-effect of her performance, reducing their defense for a fixed amount of time.

Ability : Target Area (Cone)
Cast Radius : 6m
Skill Damage : 1.2 x (Damage)
Cooldown : 17s
Freeze Duration : 0.1 - 3s
Debuff Effect : 15% Defense Down
Debuff Duration 10s
Mana Cost : 20

- Interpolation (Active)

Altaria executes an abrupt change in tune, escalating the piece she played high note. It sends out a soundwave capable of knocking back targets within the area of effect while dealing damage.

Ability : No Target (Radial)
Skill Radius : 6m
Skill Damage : 1.1 x (Damage)
Cooldown : 15s
Knockback Distance : 3m
Mana Cost : 20

- Forgotten Hymn (Active)

Known for her ability to ease the wounded hearted by her play alone, she is able to soothe the ones around her. She is able to grant a healing buff to those around her with a limited duration. However, the said buff would disappear if the afflicted person got damaged by enemy unit, without having to reach its maximum healing duration.

Ability : Field Effect
Max Buff Duration : 5s
Cooldown : 45s
HP Restore per Tick : 3% from Max HP
Max HP Restore : 15% from Max HP
Mana Cost : 35

[ Glossary ]
Target Area : The skill(s) are able to be casted in the direction the caster wants with a limited range.
No Target : The skill(s) are limited in its flexibility and with a fixed direction (to the front of or around the caster), usually it applies only to the caster.
Field Effect : The skill(s) affect anyone within the field without limited range.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

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Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

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Regards; Team

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