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When Lanzerel acts up, William knows exactly how to punish him.

Lanzerel is bound, his arms and legs tied to the bedposts. His breath is heavy, and his forehead is slightly slick with sweat. His well-built chest quickly goes up and down with his breath, and his cock lies hard between his legs. Pre-come slowly comes out, running down his cock and pooling in his abs, a few sliding out of the well-defined muscles onto the blanket below.
"Lanzerel." A sharp voice pierces the silence, and Lanzerel freezes slightly in response. "Do you know why you're here?" A hand slowly comes into his restricted field of view and strokes his cock languidly. Lanzerel can only imagine the cruel smirk that must be on William's face as the sergeant helplessly bucks up into the touch. The hand, however, moves with Lanzerel's crazed movements, allowing him little relief.
"S-sir," he breathes out, his breath hitching slightly as the hand gathers a bit of pre-come from his cock and slathers it onto his firm chest. "I-I was drunk, sir."
"And?" The hand suddenly pinches a nipple, and Lanzerel cries out slightly, his cock spurting a little pre-come in response. He squirms away from the touch, but he is capable of very little movement in his bound state. He can only lay there and take it.
"I-I hit a man," he said. "I was angry and I wasn't thinking at all - please, sir-"
Lanzerel wouldn't be able to explain his behavior should William ask him to. He has no idea why he took a swing at some stranger, no idea why he had thought going to a bar would be a good idea in the first place. All he remembers is waking up in a jail cell. He sat there for some time, trying to puzzle out what had happened, when some person came with William to let him out. William, his commanding officer, was... displeased, to say the least. As soon as they had gotten back to their quarters, William had made quick work of Lanzerel's clothes and quickly tied him to the bed.
And here they were now.
William bends down slightly and lets out a long sigh on Lanzerel's cock. The well-muscled man cries out in response, his hips bucking even more wildly as he seeks some kind of relief.
William slams a hand down on Lanzerel's hips, forcing him down, before he moves his head even further down and sucks Lanzerel's head into his mouth. The older man responds by practically screaming, his cock twitching as he comes, his body spasming relentlessly from the sudden torrent of pleasure. When it ends, William raises his head, calmly wipes the come away from his mouth, and grips Lanzerel's cockhead with his hand firmly, pulling out a few more spurts.
"20 years my senior," William marvels as he continues to tease Lanzerel with his inexplicably skilled hands. "And yet you cum like an inexperienced teenager."
Lanzerel's blush deepens, and he tries to look away in vain.
"I wonder, though," William says, "can you cum as many times as a teenager as well."
Lanzerel's head snaps up, and he stares at William in shock at his subtle proposition. The two men had been together for a year now, but William had never - not before now, at least - said or did anything that would even slightly imply he was into that sort of thing.
But it doesn't seem as if William is giving him a choice in the matter. As his hand quickly moves up to slick the palm with Lanzerel's come, as Lanzerel bellows in protest having just come, he realizes, faintly, that he has no say in this. He has become William's sex toy - something to use and play with however he so wishes - and there is nothing Lanzerel can do about it.
The next time he comes, it's from nipple play. He's shocked to find that, despite how sensitive his nipples normally are, the intense feeling is only amplified post-orgasm. William quickly brings the older man to completion through some simply pulling, tugging, and ocassional sucking, and, despite Lanzerel's clear protests, he continues even after pulling two orgasms from the tired old body.
"A-Ah!" Lanzerel gasps, his body spasming again as William's finger brushes against his prostate. His cock twitches weakly, and little come comes out, but somehow the sensation of coming is even more intense than before. His cock twitches weakly as William adds a second finger, and Lanzerel, having been reduced to simple moans and grunts, can give only a slight moan of protest to the overstimulation.
"Does it terrify you?" William asks as Lanzerel is forced into his fourth orgasm. "That I can so easily play with you like this, make you do things you didn't know were possible for you?"
Suddenly, William bends down and sucks Lanzerel's entire cock into his mouth, ruthlessly sucking until Lanzerel is crying - yes, crying - as his cock twitches weakly from his fifth orgasm.
"This is what happens when you act out." William says coldly before smoothing a hand against Lanzerel's come-covered pectoral. His hand presses against the muscle, but it doesn't give. It's toned and hard from years of training, and it seems only slightly unfortunate to William now that all of that training is only being used for sex.
But as Lanzerel screams from his sixth orgasm, William's cock now deep within the unwilling sergeant's hole, he figures it's worth it - for him, at least.
2 hours later, Lanzerel comes out, his skin rough from the cleaning it recieved. His cock wilts against his muscular legs, and he collapses against the wall right next to William's room, his breathing labored and his ass shaking.
"Come back in an hour," William had said. "I'll make it worth your time."
The old man stands up and leans agains the door, but he is unable to get very far without collapsing again. A door opens, and one of Lanzerel's men peaks his head out.
"Sir, are you alright?" The man says, running out and kneeling by Lanzerel.
"I-I'm alright, yes." Lanzerel grits out. "I just need to get to my room."
The man only frowns, however, and makes no move to help Lanzerel get up. Instead, he pushes the older man town and buries his head into the muscular man's chest, sniffing for a while until he raises his head and throws a dirty grin at Lanzerel.
"You smell like sex, you know that, sir?" Suddenly, Lanzerel is pulled up and forced into the man's room. Even though it's most definitely not soundproof, nobody comes to help Lanzerel even as he begs and cries and sobs. His tears roll down his chest and abs and mix with the pool of cum beneath him, but nobody comes.
An hour and a half later, the door opens again, only it is William who knocked. He had waited impatiently in his room, and, when Lanzerel hadn't come, he had quickly gone out and searched for him.
And he has found him - bound, once again, come-covered and shivering, his nipples red from incessant teasing and his cock purple from too many orgasms.
"Sir?" He asks groggily. "Please, please get me out. I don't- I don't want this. I promise I'll never hit a man ever again - I'll never drink, or go out, or-"
"I don't know, Lanzerel." William grins up at Lanzerel's old, beat-up body with a grin and, with the man who brought him in in the first place, approaches him. He tweaks a nipple and grins at the response - a soft groan and, even more gratifyingly, a spurt of pre-come from his cock.
"You were late, y'know." He says playfully. "I think you need to be punished just a little bit more..."
And so Lanzerel did not go out that day, or the day after that, or the day after that. It was only after all the men of his squadron had played with him, only after he had begged and begged for them to stop, that they had let him go.
"You're free for a day or two," William had said, "and then the machine'll arrive."
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