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I'm not trying to argue here, but it's silly to think you can either go live as a frontier or just keep abusing resources like we all have until now. Those are not the only two choices and I don't think it's hypocritical to use modern technology to learn about the ways you can better yourself for the planet. I already have my laptop for years, throwing it out and going off in the forest won't do anything especially if you don't know how to cultivate land and life off it. Limiting ones use of plastic, as you kinda said, as much as possible, recycling what can be recycled and not be abusing by buying things you don't need and that don't last long are just a few of the things each individual can do, but the whole big system has to change.
Also, your argument about consequences in the Arctic vs. someone's backyard is kinda redundant and not sustainable. We all share the Earth and the impact you leave in the Arctic in a long run will impact someone's backyard. It might even impact my backyard over there in Europe.

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