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Character Name: Jonathan Thorne

Character Race: Human

Character Gear:
Steel plate with chainmai and Steel helmet
Steel longsword and iron spear with wooden/iron shield
Wooden crossbow(the head is wooden so it's weaker than a normal crossbow) , and dozen of simple bolts
Horse with a saddle

Character Occupation: Knight of in the service of a lord

Magically gifted? : No
If yes to the above do you understand that if you abuse the magic system, and fail to properly RP mana exhaustion during combat (Will be elaborated on further in another thread coming soon.) that your character will receive either IC penalties, or in extreme cases of abuse/powergame, be deauthed? Yes i understand

Character Abilities:
Sword: ➊ ➋ ➌ ➍ ➎ ➏ ➐ ➑ ➒ ➉
Spear: ➊ ➋ ➌ ➍ ➎ ➏ ➐ ➑ ➈ ➉
shield:➊ ➋ ➌ ➍ ➎ ➏ ➐ ➑ ➈ ➉
Crossbow: ➊ ➋ ➌ ➍ ➎ ➅ ➆ ➇ ➈ ➉
Heavy armor: ➊ ➋ ➌ ➍ ➎ ➏ ➐ ➑ ➈ ➉

Character Alterations. (Mutated, Cursed, Undead.) (No Lycans or Vampires)

Background on how the character obtained the above. (Three paragraphs, minimum.)
Characters in this tale:
Jonathan (Me)
Lord(a lord in the server)

Jonathan Thorne was born into the one of the lesser noble families of the Aswen Keep As the second son, He was born to his mother Angelica Thorne and his father Joshua Thorne,His family werent wealthy enough to have a great keep but they had a Manor.

In his younger age he was being trained as squire by his father in hopes that he will get knighted by a lord or king, He was trained in the arts of the longsword, shield,spear and the handling of the crossbow, With His training he was getting better and better with the arts of the sword and shield, Better than The arts of the crossbow.
After many years of training with his father, His father grew old and sickly and he has asked his son (Jonathan) to find a Lord to serve and make him proud, so he set off his son with the family armor and weapons(full plate armor with helmet, longsword,shield,spear and crossbow) and one of the stable's horses, And So Jonathan Rode on to find a lord to serve and make his family name great again.

In his travels around the Aswen keep, he found a lord getting attaacked by 3 wild boars while on hunting, So He gets off his horse and kills one with his crossbow and other two with his sword, Thus saving the lord, So the lord invites him to his keep and have a small feast for The squire bravery, At the castle The lord and the squire(jonathan) had a talk:
Lord: My dear boy, You have saved my life while i was on the hunt, I owe you my life
Jonathan: It was an honor m'lord
Lord: I should have you knighted for this my dear lad
Jonathan: Thank you m'lord, I'm honored
And So on the next few days Jonathan was knighted by the lord and was kept in the lord keep as his personal Lord Knights,And he has served the lord for many years loyaly in his time of need and in his time of peace,But jonathan feels weary of the wastes as he feels something bad will spawn from that hell hole.

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