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Guest_Dashyla1 has joined the chat
Tec: i guess when she says no i won't tell anyone its a lie
Sidecar: she tells me
Sidecar: and she hasn't told me everything
Sidecar: You don't get to blame her
Tec: sounds like she did
Sidecar: I'm her best friend
Sidecar: Like a sister
Tec: I'm aware
Sidecar: Still not given me a reason
Sidecar: Why are you like that
Tec: i just don't get why she's the one hurt playing the fucking victim
Sidecar: I get caught up in the middle of this bc I hate seeing her cry and ik it's bc of you
Sidecar: but you're blaming her without giving me any reasons
Sidecar: What happened
Sidecar: Why won't you tell me or try and sort it out with her
Tec: why don't we just forget i met her
Tec: fair?
Sidecar: if that's what you wan
Sidecar: t
Sidecar: *
Sidecar: will you drop me aswell though?
Tec: why would i
Sidecar: bc im friends with her
Sidecar: idk, you started hanging around me when u met her
Tec: ok look
Tec: ah nvm
Sidecar: no
Sidecar: stop keeping to yourself
Sidecar: what is it
Tec: lool you sound like her
Sidecar: idc
Sidecar: im sig
Sidecar: not hannah
Sidecar: so tell SIG what you were going to say
Sidecar: get one thing straight, you're talking to and with me, not hannah ok
Tec: i want to let her go because she deserves better but at the same time i just can't
BarnacIe has joined the chat
Sidecar > Tec: Aha, i knew you liked her
Tec whispers: .....
Sidecar > Tec: you do don't you
Sidecar > Tec: if it weren't like that, you wouldn't get like this
Tec whispers: y does it matter
Sidecar > Tec: and you wouldn't think like this either bc if it were as just friends, you'd do the same with me
Sidecar > Tec: it does bc it affects both of you and you're both my friends
Tec whispers: i don't though
Sidecar > Tec: my ass
Sidecar > Tec: .why would you think she deserves a better "friend" if not
Tec whispers: lool you're overthinking this
Sidecar > Tec: and you're overexagerating this
Parapraxis: back from ded but keep having the convo, just gonna play music
Parapraxis: x
Sidecar > Tec: if she cose to be your friend
Parapraxis: x
Sidecar > Tec: then why do you have to make the decision for her
Guest_Dashyla1 has left the chat
Tec whispers: because ik whats best
Sidecar > Tec: you don't
Sidecar > Tec: just go with the flow seriously like
Sidecar > Tec: why can't you act like you act when you're with me
Sidecar > Tec: it's all cool and calm
Sidecar > Tec: with you and her it's like a constant never ending rollercoaster
Tec whispers: i don't make it that way
Sidecar > Tec: what do you mean you don't make it what way
Tec whispers: gotta blast
Tec has left the chat
Sidecar: fucking c*nt
Parapraxis: wow
Parapraxis: why did
Parapraxis: he leave
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