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It was snowing, not a drizzly nor a holiday snow, but a harsh snow that could only be witnessed in the eye of a blizzard or the bowels of the hungry frost-giants that dwelled in the nearby caverns. On the ground there too was snow although packed into fine layers with the: original interior, a soft middle, and a hard outer shell of ice.
It was winter the time of season when the Flamekin would bloom on the peaks of mountains and start a lightshow that was said to be the equivalent of staring into the omniscient eye of god himself regardless of day and night. It was also a rather powerful ingredient in alchemical forging, enchanting, and crafting. Unsurprisingly enough the leaves of the plant were also dietary supplements that could be mixed with practically any dish the downfall of this being the fact that they were highly flammable and could burn you from the inside out. Because of their state of being highly flammable they were extremely valuable and if you could get your hand on even a single petal it was said to be worth that of a small fortune.
Many adventurers from the Providence end up dead or penniless after expeditions to contain these flowers and so they became something of a legend a story passed down in speculation until eventually it would come to vanish as all tales do.
Merric, however is in the Frozen Peaks for an entirely different reason, as a royal executioner it is his job to travel from the Providence in search of those fleeing royal punishment and promptly bringing the axe of justice down on them by whatever means without breaking the Executable’s Code. A set of guidelines laid out before the Executioner determined by the council of Six the highest ranking officials in the Providence that are said to be connected to the god-king himself. His current target is a young half-elf that had been practicing magic without the approval of one of the generals of Ka’el the eldest of the six councilmen. In times before the great peace of the races the many beings that populated Eris would have used magic for commodity, defense, and self gain. For this reason alone Ka’el and the five other council-members strictly outlawed the use of magics outside of the military and approved specialized groups such as the Executioners, hunters, and navigators.
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