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* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: abdullah
* Date: 11/9/17
* Time: 18:58

namespace AppComponents;

use AppModelsCustomerSession;
use CardinityClient;
use CardinityMethodPayment;
use CardinityException;

class CardinityPayment
private $AUTH_TEST = [
'key' => "",
'secret' => ""

private $AUTH_PROD = [
'key' => "",
'secret' => ""

public $is_live = true;
public $currency = "USD";

private $client = null;

public static $PAYMENT_STATUS_PENDING = "pending";
public static $PAYMENT_STATUS_COMPLETED = "approved";

public function __construct()

if ($this->is_live)
$this->client = Client::create([
'consumerKey' => $this->AUTH_PROD['key'],
'consumerSecret' => $this->AUTH_PROD['secret'],
$this->client = Client::create([
'consumerKey' => $this->AUTH_TEST['key'],
'consumerSecret' => $this->AUTH_TEST['secret'],


public function create_payment($order_id, $amount, $country, $card_number, $card_exp_year, $card_exp_month, $card_cvv, $card_holder)
$method = new PaymentCreate([
'amount' => $amount,
'currency' => $this->currency,
'settle' => false,
'description' => 'InstaShop Payment',
'order_id' => $order_id . "",
'country' => $country,
'payment_method' => PaymentCreate::CARD,
'payment_instrument' => [
'pan' => $card_number,
'exp_year' => $card_exp_year,
'exp_month' => $card_exp_month,
'cvc' => $card_cvv,
'holder' => $card_holder
$payment = null;
try {
/** @type CardinityMethodPaymentPayment */
$payment = $this->client->call($method);
$status = $payment->getStatus();

return $payment;
} catch (ExceptionDeclined $exception) {
$payment = $exception->getResult();
$status = $payment->getStatus(); // value will be 'declined'
$errors = $exception->getErrors(); // list of errors occured

$error = array();
foreach ($errors as $each) {
array_push($error, $each['message']);
return implode(", ", $error);
} catch (ExceptionInvalidAttributeValue $exception) {
return $exception->getMessage();
} catch (ExceptionUnexpectedError $exception) {
return FALSE;
} catch (Exception $exception) {
return FALSE;


public function finalized_payment($payment_id, $payRes)
$method = new PaymentFinalize($payment_id, $payRes);
/** @type CardinityMethodPaymentPayment */
$payment = $this->client->call($method);

return $payment;



//So we are having difficulty with pending payment, I will focus on this specific case after we are getting a pending status in the //payment
$result['data'] = [
'url' => $respnse->getAuthorizationInformation()->getUrl(),
'data' => $respnse->getAuthorizationInformation()->getData(),
'payment_id' => $respnse->getId()
i am using passing these parameter to the view and rendering them into the form.
url => goes to form url
data => goes to PaReq parameter
TermUrl => customized return url
MD => we are sending our unique order_id
So as soon as the request return to TermUrl on our server our code contienu like this
$cardinity = new CardinityPayment();
$response = $cardinity->finalized_payment($payment_id, $paRes);

Also, the problem is that when we submit the form for 3d-auth it doesn't take us to the mobile verification page, it goes to your server and directly comes back to our server, so technically the error of decline is correct because it didn't verify anything.
Similar, through the test credentials, when I make 3d-payment test, it takes the request to your server and brings back to ours, but i assumed it just in the test case, please share me what would be going wrong?
I have followed the guide from your documentation page as well as from the
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Regards; Team

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