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Against Pornography and Porno-action Influence Sexual Behavior Deviation
Assalamulaikaum Wr . Wb .
Good Morning and Peace for us all . Mother and teacher that I respect my friends let us pray thanksgiving to God who has given His mercy and grace so that we can gather in this room in a healthy state wal - afiat . On this occasion I will speak about the influence of deviations Against Pornography and Porno-action sexual behavior .
We often read somewhere in a newspaper or magazine and heard on television or in daily life that pornography is a trigger of sexual deviant behavior especially for teens who are looking for their identity . Whether you know what it is pornography ? Well , it's useless if we often mumble without know what it means ? Porn is divided into two , namely porn presented in print and electronic media called it pornographic pornography being served directly with a variety of styles and a dish called pornographic . Examples of pornography are often found in the form of drawings and photographs presented in the form sedangakn pornoaction clothing , video or cd - cd porn that circulated widely in the community .
A sexual deviation or better known as free association will not occur in the absence of factors that support the actions of these factors include :
ü Apparel
Do not be surprised if the clothes could lead to sexual deviance , especially in women , as we have seen , in Indonesia just a lot of people especially women who wear tight clothes and sexy as yet another artist's manner of dress among them school children wear uniforms tight and skirts are deliberately kept short , is not that include pornographic ? Shows what should we watch and we cover . Then what purpose they act through clothes porn ? aim to attract men after that what happens ? not to invite other men lust .
ü Internet .
Is it any wonder why I mention that the internet is a factor causing sexual deviance ? the most part, people who use the internet as a medium of information is to look for information about sex , they can search for and view pornographic images without being noticed by others . Quite often pornography is spread through the media . The rise of the porn video was shown to the general public . Call it porn video of the artist or even the state officials .
The number of sexual impressions , video nasty , pornographic books , magazines and movies adult teen resulted in indiscriminate sexual activity , or the subject of battered women because of sexual harassment have a partner who is often seen pornography , reinforce aggressive behavior and negative attitudes towards women . A U.S. study says that teens who consume pornography : two- thirds of men and 40 percent of women want to try some of the behavior they witnessed . And , 31 percent of men and 18 percent of women admitted to some sexual scenes in a few days after the notice .
It's no surprise when the rape of children by child 's age or even junior hot scenes performed by high school students . And whether such deviations on leave granted among older children ? Our young generation will be destroyed and we will wither if moral pornography , free sex porn action and can still go unpunished .

Pornography , free sex porn action and is part of a materialistic civilization , we must intervene if civilization is not in accordance with the national culture . Well my friends let us realize the danger of western culture through pornography , and sex free porn action . Should we feel the consequences that will befall on us ? relakah our personality marred by various media porn ? In this case ethics helps us not to lose orientation , can distinguish between what is essential and what should be changed , and that we are able to take a stand that can be justified .
Let us remind each other to avoid the things that are not in want of remorse will not happen at the beginning of the event . So that I can say if there are deficiencies and errors in words and deeds I apologize . Wabilahi Taufik Hidayah wal .
Wassalamualikum Wr . Wb .
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