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>barrymore's (probaly the guy with black beard)

>watson heard someone crying, a woman cry. The only woman is mr barrymore

>stapleton who lives in a danger area bc he is a naturalist, lives wt sis

>when watson and stapleton were going to stapleton house, watson heard a deep howling, but stapleton said that is just the wind passing by the rocks.

>miss stapleton is pretty, black hair, slim an tall

>staplenton showed his collection of butterflies and natural things, then, when watson was going to go to the baskerville hall, miss went with him to the door and started talking about the strange noise, she said to watson go back to london

>selden, the prisioner havent been caught

>Mr Frankland, the guy who have not met Watson, loves astronomy and watch with his telescope the star and moon, but now he is watching the moor bc the soldier is not there to protect

>At the night, barrymore was walking with a cadle, he stopped in front of a window and he moved it backwards and forwards. someone did the same in the moor. It was signal

>Sir henry loves miss ste. and asked to marry her. He and she were going to tell mr ste. but when he heard that he became very angry and pushed his sister into the house and said to him to never talk again wt his sis.

>henry and watson catched barrymore doing the signal thing. But it was to give cloths and foos do selden, the prisioner was the brother of mrs barrymore.

>henry wanted to catch the prisioner, watson had to go wt him to protect him.

>when they were really close at selden, they heard a howling.

> selden started to run away, but not frim them, from someone or something else.

> there was a body near the tor

> was selden's body

> he have fall of the tor, watson saw someone at there, but he couldnt see who was

>mr frankland saw 2 peps in the moor

> one in a high tor farm

>watson went to check it

>when he came to the farm, sherlock homes was there

>they made a plan and sherlock call his friend to come and help them

>they found out that mr ste. was a cousin of sir henry, he wanted the money

>so he bought a huge dog and left it in the moor to make the curse of the baskervilles

> miss ste. was his wife

>he wanted to make mr charles or mr henry to fall in love with her to catch the money

>but she dont wanted to help him, she was going to tell everything to mr charles but mr ste. found it.

> so he killed mr charles and he was going to kill henry

>but the gang killed the huge dog

>henry was going to look after his love and saw she tied up

> mr ste was running and then he fell down the mire

> boots were stolen to the huge dog smell it and catch henry

> as henry had gave some clothes to barrymore, who gaves them to selden, and them was killed
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