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Civilized Native Americans before 1492?
Were Native Americans “civilized” Native Americans before 1492? To answer that question you would need to know the definition of “civilized.” The Merriam-Webster dictionary’s definition of “civilized” is “a society that has thought out laws or rules.” A civilized society needs more than that; an educational system, a form of government, up to date technology, survive efficiently, a society that knows how to manage resources wisely. Native Americans were usually looked upon as uncivilized people, but no one ever proved that to be true. Native Americans were civilized before 1492, because they had an educational system, complex languages, and types of government that were successful in their societies.
The Native Americans did have an educational system; the boys were taught by their fathers, uncles, and grandfathers and girls were taught by their mothers, aunts and grandmothers. The boys and girls were taught what was essential to the Native Americans before 1492; so they learned everything that they needed to. Some people believe that this system of education was inefficient because the people that were teaching the children did not know everything that the kids needed to learn. The Europeans thought that the Native Americans didn’t have an education because of the way they looked and acted.
The Native Americans also did have languages. They ended up developing over 1,200 spoken languages. “The three main languages that were spoken were: Aleut, Na-Dené, and Amerid.” Roark, J., Johnson, M., Cohen, P., Stage, S., Lawson, A., and Hartman, S., (2010), The American Promise: A compact history, Combined Volume, 4th Ed., Boston, MA.: Bedford/St. Martin’s. Each tribe lived in a different area and shared the same language, sometimes different languages were spoken in the same areas. Most of these languages were lost after the arrival of

the Europeans in 1492. Some people’s opinion is that their languages were not a good way of communicating because tribes had different languages so different tribes couldn’t communicate. They also didn’t have written languages so the Native Americans recorded nothing.
Native Americans had a type of government, Tribal Government. The leader of a tribe was called a chief. Chief’s were chosen because of their honesty, and because everyone had respect of them. Decisions were made the meeting of the tribal council. A tribal is when members of a tribe get together to make important decisions. The members of the tribal council were mostly important people that came from different families who were part of that tribe. Other people think that the Native Americans needed more of a structure in their government, because each tribe had their own form of Tribal Council, but the rules were different. Government is important because it shapes the society and gets decisions made.
Native Americans did not have just one religion, but they believed in mysterious forces in nature and spirits that were higher in power and life than humans and it played a big influence in their lives. Tribes believed in one or many gods; different tribes had different religions and gods. Many ceremonies were held to help the Native Americans with crops and food. Some tribes did harvest festivals and danced the rain dance and prayed for rain to come so that they were able to harvest. “During these festivals the Native Americans would sing to the rhythm of rattles and drums and others to flutes and whistles.” Romantiz, K., (2011) Native Americans retrieved from Shamans were the religious people, who had close contact with spirits. Shamans were often he medicine men and treated sick and weak people. Shamans repaired broken bones and healed different diseases with plants and praying to the gods. Whenever they helped the ill they would often sway or move about and sing songs.
Native Americans lived in comfortable, political and social conditions before the arrival of the Europeans in 1492. Europeans believed that the Native Americans were uncivilized and barbaric. People who have not learned about the Native Americans may see them as uncivilized. The Native Americans were civilized before 1492.
Rosmantiz, K., (2011) Native Americans retrieved from
Yeboah, A. (2005) Achieved Information: Education among Native Americans in periods before and after contact with Europeans: An overview

Roark, J., Johnson, M., Cohen, P., Stage, S., Lawson, A., and Hartman, S., (2010), The American Promise: A compact history, Combined Volume, 4th Ed., Boston, MA.: Bedford/St. Martin’s.

Beavan, C., (Producer). A&E Television Networks (Network). (April 25, 2010) America The Story of us, Season 1., Ep. 1., “Rebels.”

Bowes, M.,(Producer). PBS (Network). (April 13, 2009) American Experience: We shall remain, Season 1., Ep. 1., “After the Mayflower”
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