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by: Jaylynn Leyva
Run. I kept telling my self, over and over again. Run, run, run.It was hard to keep from slipping, because it was raining. I could see the human figure with a black cloak keeping up with me. It almost seemed as if she was floating, hovering above the ground by 3 inches. I panicked, putting on a boast of speed. Suddenly, I tripped over a large twig, hitting my head on the tree in front of me. I rubbed my head, feeling something wet. Blood. I turned over part of my body, and looked for the person. A crack of thunder struck, and i saw the women with a staff, right before she struck me with it.

I woke with a sudden gasp. I sat on my bed, trying to catch my breath, and breathing in heavily. I looked at my bed side clock, 6:17. I slowly took all the sheets and blankets of of me, because I felt sweaty. I knew i wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep again, so got up, pulled out clothes for the day, and got dressed. I pulled out a pair of jeans, a t-shirt with a paw on it, and a hoodie to go with the outfit. I quietly sneaked past my moms room, the my brothers room, to not wake them up too. I decided to head to basement, to get Luna. Luna was a sweet cat, but she doesn't take play time lightly, and often is put in her cage down in the basement. +++She had bit my little sister on her hand, and skittered away when my sister let out a deafening squeal. +++Never the less, she was punished. I picked up the flashlight near the door because it was still dark out. I poked around, searching for her cage. I finally found her from a mixture of the dim light and following her meows. I opened her cage, and she walked out, wrapping her self around my legs while purring. She was different from other cats, special. I found her in a deserted house, all alone and desperate for love. Ever since, she never left my side... unless need be. She followed me out of the basement, and outside. My next goal was to find Midnight. She was my first pet, second being Luna. Aside from the ¨All cats hate dogs¨ statement, Luna and Midnight actually got along. In fact, sometimes they are inseparable. Midnight was allowed in my room, and so was Luna, but when she acts out of the ordinary, she is sent outside. Usually, every time she acted weird something bad happened.+++ Like when she wouldn't stop whining, something she didn't do often, right before my brother had a asthma attack. Ever since, my brother has called her a ¨Watching Angel¨, and she is. She also saved my sister from a creep trying to take her away. She was playing in the yard, while Midnight was steadily watching her. Suddenly I could hear screaming, as a man picked her up. I ran to the door, to witness Midnight attack him, right before he let go of her and ran, Midnight following for a bit till he was out of sight. +++ I saw her laying down next to a tree, the one she was tied up to, whimpering, only stopping and becoming excited when she saw me and Luna. I untied her, and she jumped with joy, and Luna joined her. I was smiling, when it quickly faded when I hear my step dad call out my name. ¨Hey Natalia¨ He yelled from inside the house, from the kitchen window.¨Get your butt inside, your mom needs to speak with you!!" he yelled with slight anger. He didn't live here, but that doesn't mean he doesn't come and act so. I rolled my eyes to his disgust, and walked back inside. He made a fake growl and midnight, and she growled back. ¨Train your dog to act formal¨ he said staring at her while she was baring teeth. ¨I wish you could formal manners¨I mumbled, glad that he didn't hear me. He didn't like me or my pets, or my brother, or my sister, or her hamster. He didn't like any of us, just my mom. Ever since my dad died, about a year ago from cancer, being at my house during the week was a living nightmare. Speaking of nightmare, I thought about the one I had last night. Who was that women and what did she want from me? I wondered as i slowly marched up the stairs to my moms room.

She was busy packing clothes and other items. I could hear her mumbling different days, clothing pieces, and items. I knocked right before her head popped up from behind the luggage. ¨Honey I have good news!!!¨ she said excitedly as she pulled me to her bed.¨I am going away for about a month for a business trip!!!¨ she squealed as my heart dropped. Did I have to stay with My step dad for an entire month?!?!¨You and your brother are going to your aunt Crystals house and your sister is coming with me!¨ she said going back to packing. I sighed with relief, and then squealed with joy. My aunt crystal was the best! I was lucky to see her once every 5 years, much less for an entire month. And since your Summer break has barely started, it will be fine¨ she said, still excited. ¨Go, go start packing, I am dropping you of tomorrow.¨ she said as she walked out of the room. I leaped out with joy, and ran to mine. I looked at the clock. 7:30, man I was outside in the cold and dark for a long time.
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