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Psych review
- capacitation: process by which sperm lining becomes fragile and releases enzyme to egg
-cervical mucus is clear and thin when fertile
-when monitoring basal body temp: drops, then spikes at ovulation. stays relatively constant until menstruation
-reasons related to infertility: aging, smoking, STI, body weight, alcohol, thyroid, hostile mucus, cysts, etc.
-effects of children born prematurely: low iq, cognitive and motor impairment, psych disorders
-target BMI for pregnancy: 19-25
-egg shell=zona pellucida ; sperm enzyme=hyaluronidase
-myths about concieving a boy: orgasms during sex, eat meat/fish, drink caffeine before
-endoderm becomes- lungs and digestive system; mesoderm becomes- muscle; ectoderm becomes neural tube
-early signs of pregnancy: morning sickness, frequent urination, missed period, etc.
-male sympathy during pregnancy: couvade syndrome
-drinking 4 or more artificially sweetened drinks is related to premature birth
-consequence to a child if mother used alcohol: fetal alcohol syndrome. cocaine: low birth weight.
-hormone to produce milk: prolactin. hormone to excrete milk: oxytocin
-when the mother's blood is tested to determine if there is a problem with the fetus: neural tube defect screening
-In-vitro: EMBRYO is made in a test tube and implanted in mother.
-mini pill releases: progestin
-mini pill thickens mucus and makes uterus lining less receptive- does NOT prevent ovulation
-morning after pill: estrogen and progestin
-How IUD's prevent pregnancy- irritate uterine lining; SOME release hormones
-contraceptive that should be used with spermicide: diaphragm
-Tenofovir: ring. Tenofovir protects agains HIV
-vas deferens is snipped during vasectomy
-Roe v wade legalized abortion
-method of abortion that can lead to infection: dilation and curettage. safest method of abortion: vacuum. method used after growth has progressed: induced labor
-Depo-Provera= progestin injections
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