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!the narrator had a reason to kill the old man his eye, the eye is an excuse for the insanity plea. CONTRADICTS OBJECT!
!Although he does seem to have some of the symptoms, he does have all of them and he could be trying to do an ill informed act of schizophrenia. Trying to call him schizophrenic with only some of the symptoms is like saying someone has pneumonia because they have a cough. Objection not clearly stated
!He does not have enough symptoms of schizophrenia or other mental illness to prove he has them. !Schizophrenia is the only mental disease this man could reasonably have. I would like to see evidence
!The narrator has sharpened senses, if he was insane he would have dulled senses not reliable need evidence
!This quote means that if he is insane, ! (when was this stated)he must be insane from when he was born or really soon in his life. He also couldn’t do anything that would remove evidence from the police, because that would be sanity, because he’d be well aware that he would be caught. “Who but a crazy person could do such a thing? When a killer acts crazy after his arrest, we also might wonder whether he’s preparing for his trial. That’s the speculation around Colorado shooter James Holmes, whose psychiatric treatment and bizarre behavior in court and prison make people wonder whether he’s truly insane or building a case for an insanity defense. It `leads to the question: Can a criminal get away with faking insanity?”
!The narrator controls his range of emotions throughout the story OBJECTION evidence plz
!“I made up my mind to take the life of the old man” this shows that the crime was planned (Crime being planed doesnt mean anything)

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