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bootleggers- a person who takes part of the illegal business of transporting, (smuggling) alcoholic beverages where that type of transportation is forbidden by law. bootlegging is also known as rum running.
Speakeasies- a place that you can go to consume alcohol. You could only get in if you knew the password.
Prohibition- a nationwide constitutional ban on the production, importation, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages.
The 18th amendment called for the banning of the manufacture, sale, or transportation of alcoholic beverages. This also known as (prohibition)
By the time the united states was founded, female citizens did not have all the same equal rights as men. The 19th amendment granted women the right to vote. This was a right of woman suffrage.
The 21st amendment called for the prohibition repeal causing the sale, manufacturing, or transportation of alcoholic beverages to no longer be prohibited
Ku Klux Klan is the oldest, most infamous and violent American hate group who scorned its own country. Was founded in 1866.
There are still dozens of Klans competing today!
What did John scope teach about?
What did movies lack before 1927?
movies can change society. They educated people during that time.
John scope taught about the bible.
the first movies were very silent. Before 1927 movies lacked lots of
comparing the 18th and 21st amendment
The Eighteenth Amendment fulfilled a national ban on alcoholic or "intoxicating" substances, which was also referred to as Prohibition. The 21st Amendment would call for the prohibition repeal, which would no longer prohibit the sale, manufacture, or transportation of alcoholic beverages.
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