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Sidecar: okay now you're oviously
Sidecar: Trolling me
Sidecar: It's clear
Sidecar: LOL
Calo: jkjk
Calo: okay
Calo: imma be serious
Calo: from now
Calo: So
Calo: sig
Calo: you're nice
Calo: and i respect you
Calo: to the point where i wanna be more than friends
Sidecar: You want to be fwb so you can get my nudes
Sidecar: aha
Calo: whats fwb?
Sidecar: friends
Sidecar: With
Calo: fuck nudes
Sidecar: Benefeits
Calo: who cares
Sidecar: OOO
Sidecar: that's better
Sidecar: But
Calo: ?
Sidecar: I still
Sidecar: Won't get back on kik
Sidecar: I do sc only
Calo: you will
Sidecar: Never again am I going to use kik for imvu
Sidecar: Nor anything really lol
Calo: for me you will
Sidecar: But yeah I don't like kik
Sidecar: No
Sidecar: I hate kik
Calo: get kik please
Calo: please
Sidecar: No
Sidecar: Use your sc
Calo: i don't give people from imvu my sc unless i trust them
Calo: i need to build that trust
Sidecar: Good
Sidecar: Then give it time
Calo: so
Sidecar: I'm not getting kik back
Calo: WOW
Calo: you are
Sidecar: It's already been
Calo: sig!
Sidecar: Bad enough
Sidecar: NO
Calo: omg!
Sidecar: you don't understand
Calo: whats so bad about kik
Sidecar: Catfishers
Sidecar: Exposing
Sidecar: Drama
Sidecar: Shit
Calo: explain then
Sidecar: Lies
Calo: ?
Sidecar: I really don't want to go back to all that
Sidecar: Nor remember
Calo: Okay, whatever makes you happy
Calo: did you like send someone nudes from kik
Sidecar: No
Calo: and they exposed or something
Calo: idk
Sidecar: I never send nudes
Calo: oh
Sidecar: I'm just
Calo: okay
Sidecar: Too trusting and naive
Sidecar: That's all
Calo: same here
Calo: i guess we can relate
Sidecar: Probably not
Sidecar: You haven't been
Sidecar: Catfished
Sidecar: Like I have
Calo: im sorry to hear that
Sidecar: it's not even about looks
Sidecar: Like
Calo: i get what you mean
Sidecar: Sigh why do people think looks matter so much
Calo: idk
Sidecar: Z
Sidecar: I attach jerks
Sidecar: And that always ends up badly
Calo: are you saying im a jerk
Sidecar: I honestly still am processing the fact that you're being serious
Calo: WOW
Sidecar: But I'll tell you soon enough
Calo: yeah
Sidecar: LMFAO kyle you're a weirdo
Calo: Im normal
Calo: like everyone
Sidecar: Ha
Sidecar: I meant
Sidecar: Bc of your interests
Sidecar: MHM
Calo: OMG
Calo: LOL
Calo: Sig
Calo: not everyone
Calo: is gonna hurt you
Sidecar: Yes I am
Calo: if you keep that up you'll end up alone
Calo: js
Sidecar: I will probably
Sidecar: I'm too compliacted
Sidecar: complicated*
Calo: you're not
Sidecar: Ok maybe im not
Calo: Yeah i totally understand
Sidecar: Let's say I've had bad luck at love
Sidecar: That's all
Calo: Okay
Sidecar: WHAT ABOUT you
Calo: Never really looked for love
Calo: it usually came to me
Calo: so i fucked up all my relationship
Sidecar: Oh? How?
Calo: well, for one i lose interest if i don't get what i want
Calo: so i usually break up
Calo: but the last relationship
Calo: i had was irl
Calo: and
Calo: my ex gf best friend got my number from my friend and she thought i gave it to her
Calo: so
Calo: she gave her number to a guy at our school that i don't really like
Calo: so i broke up with her
Calo: not really my fault right?
Sidecar: i got lost at the she thought i gave it to her part
Calo: so
Sidecar: But yeah okay you took it as a treason kind of?
Sidecar: I get the point
Calo: she was accusing me of giving my number to her best friend
Sidecar: Oh okay yeah
Sidecar: Being petty
Calo: yeah
Sidecar: Well guess it backfired
Sidecar: ha
Sidecar: I've never dated irl tbh
Sidecar: Went on many dates
Sidecar: But never dated
Sidecar: z
Calo: That sucks, why not tho
Sidecar: because of that^
Calo: yikes
Calo: maybe you need to stop looking
Calo: and just let them come to you
Sidecar: i did
Sidecar: and i got a catfisher
Sidecar: LOL
Sidecar: Thank god I never dated him
Calo: well thats fucked up
Calo: you're cursed
Sidecar: I adked for time
Sidecar: YES
Sidecar: asked*
Sidecar: People jump too soon into relationships
Calo: i guess i'll be the person to uncurse you
Sidecar: THEN regrets happen
Sidecar: Or
Sidecar: Hmm
Sidecar: YOU KNOW
Sidecar: idk how you plan on catching up with me
Sidecar: since
Sidecar: There's a huge
Sidecar: Time difference
Sidecar: hga
Sidecar: ha
Sidecar: *
Calo: huge?
Sidecar: isn't it
Sidecar: 6h
Calo: Oh yeah
Calo: you're from canada
Calo: welp
Sidecar: NO
Sidecar: z
Calo: i guess i should stop
Sidecar: I'M FROM
Calo: you're not from canada?
Sidecar: which is even more far away
Sidecar: !!!
Sidecar: IDIOT!
Sidecar: lmao
Calo: totally forgot
Sidecar: tbh idm long distance
Sidecar: BUT
Sidecar: it's really hard
Calo: true and your nudes need to be a1
Sidecar: So it's better if you just find someone who's closer-
Sidecar: WHAT
Calo: huh
Sidecar: a1?
Sidecar: Oh at once?
Calo: like on point
Sidecar: Oh
Sidecar: PFT not reallyyyy
Calo: are they not?
Sidecar: Although I have no naked pics
Sidecar: ha
Sidecar: I don't think my body is that wow?
Sidecar: IDK
Calo: hmmm
Calo: maybe it is
Calo: most people that say
Calo: they don't know
Calo: most likely got a1 bodies
Sidecar: I think i'm just average
Calo: okay
Calo: what are you
Sidecar: Like nothing new
Calo: thicc
Calo: skinny
Calo: fat
Sidecar: Asian
Sidecar: LOL
Calo: not race
Sidecar: Skinny small asian
Calo: i meant
Calo: like
Calo: size
Calo: wiegh
Sidecar: SMALL
Sidecar: SKINNY
Calo: how much do you wiegh
Sidecar: um
Calo: give a number
Sidecar: i think it was 103
Sidecar: lbs?
Sidecar: I don't remember
Calo: im 105
Calo: so
Sidecar: LMAO
Sidecar: i weight
Calo: lol
Sidecar: 47kg
Calo: you'r skinny
Calo: you're*
Sidecar: I think the conversion is 103
Sidecar: lbs
Sidecar: but tbh now that im sick
Sidecar: I've been losing weight
Calo: yeah
Sidecar: z
Calo: dayum your booty is gonna get skinnier
Sidecar: ikr
Sidecar: it's ok i'll give it bacon afterwards
Calo: ew
Sidecar: ha
Calo: only bacons it need it mine
Calo: what time is it for you
Sidecar: 4.05am
Calo: wow
Calo: dayum
Sidecar: I've slept a lot
Calo: i suppose
Sidecar: And tomorrow I won't go to school
Calo: because 4am
Sidecar: What lol
Calo: nothing
Sidecar: When going out we can stay up till 6am
Sidecar: Or on sleepovers we don't sleep
Sidecar: HA
Sidecar: well, we sleep in the morning
Calo: rip
Calo: thats cool
Sidecar: Yes it is
Sidecar: Sleepovers are fun
Calo: yeah they are
Sidecar: What time is it for you?
Calo: 10:07pm
Sidecar: that's
Calo: time for you to dm the nudes
Sidecar: relatively early
Calo: yeah it is
Sidecar: Sigh do you really
Sidecar: Want them
Sidecar: That much?
Calo: yes
Calo: yeah
Calo: yeah
Sidecar: okay
Calo: you got me curious
Sidecar: Hold on
Calo: if you're gonna send the color
Calo: forget it
Calo: can't outplay me
Calo: or catfish!
Calo: im not dumb sig!
Sidecar: Oh I never said you were :^)
Calo: not gonna click
Calo: anyways
Sidecar: Okay
Sidecar: Your loss
Sidecar: It's not a colour
Sidecar: Nor makeup
Sidecar: Haha
Calo: stop
Sidecar: But okay :^)
Calo: is it legit you
Sidecar: Who
Calo: ?
Sidecar: knows
Sidecar: ha
Calo: you
Sidecar: right
Calo: right
Calo: not gonna click
Calo: lol
Sidecar: Okay
Calo: anyway
Sidecar: It's your choice anywayy
Calo: okay!
Sidecar: AHHHH im cold :(
Sidecar: And sick
Sidecar: And my cat doesn't wanna cuddle
Sidecar: so im gonna go cry
Calo: cry
Sidecar: CRY
Calo: good
Sidecar: what is
Calo: huh
Calo: no
Sidecar: cry
Calo: cry cry
Sidecar: wanna see something :^)
Calo: sure
Sidecar: okay are you looking
Calo: yeah
Sidecar: These panties
Sidecar: Are elastic
Sidecar: proof
Sidecar: LOTUS
Calo: im confused
Calo: LOL
Calo: lame
Sidecar: hehe
Sidecar: i am
Sidecar: BUT IDC
Sidecar: it's fun
Calo: you do care
Sidecar: about what
Calo: idk
Sidecar: what others think?
Sidecar: Not really
Calo: im confused
Calo: find me
Calo: i might get off
Calo: im bored now
Sidecar: Okay
Sidecar: Bedtime
Calo: no
Calo: im not a baby
Sidecar: ha
Sidecar: You are though
Calo: no
Calo: whats the picture
Sidecar: You in the map
Sidecar: LOL DON'T CLICK IT of you don't trust it
Sidecar: if*
Calo: me in your mouth
Sidecar: you wish
Calo: wishing is outdated
Sidecar: Dream on
Calo: lol
Sidecar: ha
Calo: lowkey
Calo: you like it
Sidecar: .
Calo: the insecure sig
Calo: likes it
Calo: hmmm
Sidecar: shut up
Calo: :)
Sidecar: :^)
Calo: i do!
Sidecar: no
Calo: Okay
Sidecar: you know
Calo: i'll tell you
Calo: i know
Calo: so
Sidecar: tell me what
Calo: listen
Calo: you lowkey like the freaky talk
Calo: its just that you're insecure
Sidecar: Honey, I've always been insecure about myself. I just pretend I'm not until I believe it
Calo: :)
Calo: genius
Sidecar: Or plainly stupid
Sidecar: lol
Calo: or
Calo: plainly smart
Sidecar: freaky talk
Sidecar: ha
Sidecar: so you're a freak
Calo: in the streets
Calo: i meant to say steets
Calo: sheets*
Sidecar: HA good one
Sidecar: Steets
Sidecar: Streets
Sidecar: Mhm
Sidecar: You should
Sidecar: Go to sleep
Sidecar: You have school tomorro
Sidecar: w
Calo: i dont
Calo: i'm on christmas break
Sidecar: oh
Sidecar: Oh true
Sidecar: You americans
Sidecar: OH yeah btw
Calo: what about us
Sidecar: What is this neutrality thing
Calo: its why we rule
Sidecar: net neutrality
Sidecar: BUT
Sidecar: you want to make everyone pay
Calo: Do you hate americans?
Sidecar: Everyone in america
Sidecar: No
Sidecar: I hate donals
Sidecar: donald*
Calo: o
Sidecar: Trump
Sidecar: But not americans
Calo: he's cool tho
Sidecar: YES U ARE!
Calo: yeah
Calo: LMAO
Calo: are you high?
Sidecar: no
Sidecar: but sleep effects are kicking in slowly
Sidecar: so maybe i'm just a little bit out of my mind
Calo: same
Calo: im going to be
Calo: bed
Sidecar: i didn't know u liked donald tho
Sidecar: z
Sidecar: Okay goodnight Kyle
Calo: who said i liked him
Calo: goodnight sig
Sidecar: U DID
Calo: oh?
Calo: wow
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