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Re: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017

There’s a reason people feel angry with Congress. One reason is that (over the objection of Democrats) Republicans passed the tax bill by ramming it through Congress without committee hearings, without public hearings, with last minute handwritten mark-up drafted by lobbyists and with little time for bipartisan review of the 500-page document.

There’s a reason people say “Shame on Congress.” One reason is that the after ramming through a tax bill that will enrich the privileged and the powerful at the expense of ordinary Americans, Republicans now declare we don’t have enough money to fund the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Another reason is that the tax bill will allow drilling in pristine Arctic habitats. Another reason is that the bill will leave 13 million Americans without health insurance.

There’s a reason people do not feel represented in Congress. One reason is that Republicans ignored reputable polls that showed the tax bill was widely unpopular but voted for the tax bill anyway to appease wealthy donors.

There’s a reason people feel betrayed by Congress. One reason is that Republicans ignored impartial analysis by Congressional and other agencies that despite all the imagined “economic growth,” the tax bill would still cost the U.S. Treasury over $1 trillion over ten years.

There are many reasons why you may find it difficult to get re-elected. See above.
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Regards; Team

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