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“Johnny died,” he thought, “I don’t want to live anymore.” Dally ran outside and sat down in the car to think about what happened. “I can’t die like this”, he thought, “I must go down in history”. Dally drove down 1600 Province East Street and ran down to Sam’s Fireworks Shop with his heater out and his jacket as a bag. Dally barges in shouting “GET DOWN OR I’LL SHOOT Y’ALL!” He runs up to one of the cashiers saying “GIMME ALL YOUR ‘EXPLOSIVES!” The cashier frantically pushes all the fireworks on the counter. Dally runs down the streets to Riverview BankHe runs out and goes down to Buck’s house and knocks on the door. “Hurry up Buck!” he thinks. Buck opens the door tired saying “What! Oh, it’s you, Dally.” Dally had a frantic expression on his face, Buck says “Woah pardner what’s the rush?” Dally says “No time just take this money and do some good with it.” “what do you mean…” Dally stops him from running away. Dally runs up the street hearing the police sirens wailing in the distance. He runs with tears filling up his eyes. He wipes them off with an angry expression. He flashes back to the time he first saw Johnny. It was a bright day they were standing on the sidewalk and a kid starts walking by and they look at him thinking what's he doing out on the street by himself. They walk over to him and johnny gets starts walking away and Dally says “Hey its ok we won’t hurt you.” Dally looks at him. He has bruises everywhere. Dally asks “what happened,” Johnny says half crying “My dad hits me whenever he’s angry” the group looks astonished. Dally pipes in and says “We’ll take care of you kid” Johnny looks happy quivering saying “you will?” of course kid we’re a family and family sticks together. Johnny comes in for a hug and dally gets surprised and wraps his arms around him. Dally stops daydreaming because he ran by a telephone box. He goes back and he searches frantically for some extra change in his pocket he manages to find a dime in his pocket and shoves it into the box. He calls Ponyboy's house and says “I just robbed the bank and I’m being chased by the fuzz” and tells them to meet him in the parking lot. Dally shoves the phone back into the box and sprints down the street. The fuzz where gaining on him when he ran into the lot in the moonlight. Dally saw the Curtis's running up. He turns around and pulls out his heater. He points his gun at the fuzz. The cops shoot their guns at that split second. He can see his life flash before his eyes. He saw his family and the times he killed people. He saw Johnny getting killed and leaving ponyboy behind. He saw Johnny jumping into the fire and Coming out but getting crushed by the rubble of the church and dally screaming. As dally’s life flashed before his eyes he realized something. He didn’t see any loved ones except Johnny. He then came to realize that he never liked his family the only thing close to a family he say was the gang. He returned back into his eyes and the bullet was in front of him. He closes his eyes and it goes black. He could still hear for a brief second and everyone was shouting… - 5 days later - Dally’s funeral the only people that were there where the gang and all of Dally's friends. Even cherry showed up Ponyboy wasn't expecting such a turn up but they mainly didn’t cry because they don't like to show their emotions. They ended the funeral by lowering him into his grave that said R.I.P Dally Winston loved by friends.
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